The Bularian Plain

The Bularian Plain is a large, dry plain found south of The Dragonpeaks between The Rift to the west and the Hornpeaks and Great Swamp to the east. In the south the terrain gradually becomes more rugged and forms into a series of low hills that fade into The Endless Sands. These hills are known as the Last Hills, as the grass ceases to grow before their southern edge.   The Aegion River flows through the plain, and much of the population lives along it's shores, within the kingdom of Bularia. To the north of Bularia, along the southern edge of the Dragonpeaks, is the Kingdom of Eutoria, a former province of the Aurean Empire that was severed by the fall of the Southern Passes in 4835 AY. The easternmost portion is notably wetter and is controlled by the kingdom of Shakara, a nominal monarchy run by a group of oligarchs and known as a refuge for emigres, criminals, and runaway slaves.   The rest of the plain is populated primarily by nomadic herders who travel the plains on horseback. Called Bularian Riders, or simply Riders, to distinguish them from the sedentary river dwellers, they primarily heard sheep, cattle, and horses. They often trade with settled people living nearby, and great numbers of their tents are often seen outside the regions towns. Many also are known to attack travelers and raid villages, though they rarely gather in large enough numbers to attack larger settlements.


The Aurean Empire started expanding south out of the Dragonpeaks to the area of modern Eutoria in 1536 AY, but was unable to bring the Riders under their control even with the help of dragons, stoping expansion of their direct control. At the time the upper reaches of the Aegion, including whats now the kingdoms of Bularia and Shakara, were controlled by an ancient kingdom today known as Old Bularia. After it's breakup in 2459 AY the empire attempted to annex the area, but without a safe and reliable way of transport through Rider controlled territory direct control was nearly impossible, and the area was simply turned into a tributary.   Conflict in the region continued, with the Aurean Empire happy to take tribute any from the many warlords that sprung up, no longer interfering. Eventually region settled into a fairly stable status quo, with the kingdoms of Bularia and Shakara controlling roughly the same area they do today. Both kingdoms continued to pay tribute until the collapse, when it became clear that it was no longer necessary for them to do so.


  • The Bularian Plain
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