
The kingdom of Bularia is a small kingdom in the The Bularian Plain stretched closely along the Aegion River. It is upstream of Thelegon and downstream of Shakara, and is just south of the Kingdom of Eutoria. The kingdom controls almost no land away from the river, and as there are no bridges within the kingdom over the wide but slow flowing Aegion boat travel is vital for both transport and communication. Some of the wealthiest and most powerful residents own hippogriffs for these purposes, and the queen controls her own breeding facility in the capital Rivermeet, one of the few in Obseron away from any mountains.   The kingdoms economy is powered mostly by agriculture and trade. Trade is conducted both along the river and with the Bularian Riders, the groups of nomadic herders living in the areas away from the river. The river trade is heavily taxed, but the Riders are exempt, as the kingdom tries to keep good relations with them in an effort to keep raids on the kingdom to a minimum.


In the time of the areas oldest records what is now Bularia was ruled by a kingdom that was also called Bularia, but is today called Old Bularia to distinguish the two. Old Bularia was much larger, also controlling the area that is now the kingdom of Shakara. Old Bularia collapsed in 2459 AY, when a half-orc Rider chieftain named Hasinar united many rider clans into a large army, attempting to take the kingdom for himself. He managed to take most of the kingdom within a few months, leaving a rump state in the far east and razing most off the old capital Kuthlar.   Hasinar was assassinated within a year and war ensued between a number of rival warlords. The rump state in the east briefly managed to expand into some of it's former territory, but soon crumbled into a similar condition during a succesion struggle. A few leaders were able to reunite the area, but never for long. Lasting peace eventually came in 3802 AY, when the last two claiments, what would become the kingdoms of Bularia and Shakara, signed a treaty between them. The date is now celebrated as a founding in both kingdoms, who largely enjoy good relations. Despite a few wars, the largest in 4458-4461 AY and the most recent ending a little over a hundred years ago, their borders have changed little since. In 4700 AY, another Rider chieftain attempted to form an army similar to Hasinar's and invade Bularia, but was stopped by an alliance between Bularia, Shakara, the Aurean Empire, and a group of allied Rider's.   The Aurean Empire attempted to annex the region during the civil war, but was unable to establish firm supply lines and settled for collecting tribute from the warlords. By the time Aurea had annexed the Rift, providing easier transport along the river, the area was firmly enough established as a tributary that direct annexation was never again considered useful or neccesary. Bularia continued to pay tribute to the Aurean Empire until the collapse, when it could no longer be enforced.

Foreign Relations

Bularia has friendly relations with Thelegon and Eutoria. There are occasional disputes with Shakara, with Shakara complaining about Bularia's tarrifs and Bularia complaining about Shakara's protection of runaway slaves, but the tensions rarely rise beyond official complaints. Skirmishes near the border are not uncommon, though both sides tend to brush them off as minor scuffles. Bularia was formerly a tributary of the Aurean Empire, and though it stopped tribute payments over 200 years ago relations are still usually positive.
Founding Date
3802 AY
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
New Bularia
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute