Duchy of Erthon

The duchy of Erthon is a small, pseudo-independent state on the northern edge of the Bay of Andrasius which is under the de facto control of the Kingdom of Pillaran. It is centered around the city of Erthon, and ancient former magocracy, and includes a few other smaller settlements along the coast. Pillarian ships engaged in raids, privateering, or other involvement in Pillaran's undeclared war with the Kingdom of Thelegon are often based out off the duchies ports, protected by it's official neutrality.   Erthon had been part of the Aurean Empire since 3247 AY, along with other areas around the Bay of Andrasius, and was part of the province of Lycanthum. After the seccesion of Thelegon in 4839 AY it would be the only area of the province of Lycanthum not to fall under the kingdoms control during the bloody civil war that followed. It would eventually seek the protection of the kingdom of Pillaran, and remains under it's control to this day.
Founding Date
4839 AY
Geopolitical, Duchy
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Erthon does not posses its own mint. Pillarian, Thelegonian, and old Aurean coins are commonly in use.