Kingdom of Pillaran

The Kingdom of Pillaran is a large kingdom that stretches along much of Obseron's western coast. It controls most of the settlements on the coast of the The Western Forest between the Kingdom of Thelegon and Velathia, concentrated most heavily around Dalama's Archipelago, a large set of fjord-like islands. The kingdom is very expansionistic and is often aggressive toward it's neighbors, being in an undeclared war with the Kingdom of Thelegon and having recently conquered the city of Skyros.   The king of Pillaran is mostly a figurehead for a group of powerful merchant families. While the king controls a small army based in around the eponymous capital of Pillaran, most of the kingdom's "military" is private mercenary armies controlled by merchant families. These families often fight amongst each other, often literally, but when their interests align there is no power within the kingdom that can challenge them.


The Kingdom of Pillaran grew from the city of Pillaran, an ancient city that first rose to prominence after the Aurean Empire built a road to the city through the Western Forest. The city became a provincial capital and one of the largest trading centers on the western coast, and in 4833 AY found itself independent when a group of western forest elves cut off the road through the Western Forest and the towns of Lake Thar expelled their Aurean garrisons. A group of wealthy merchants then overthrew and executed the unpopular Aurean governor and installed their own king.   The merchant families then began to build to build their own private armies and began expand the kingdom along the coast, sometimes working together to attack larger settlements but often with each family working independently toward their own interests. The growing kingdom has only held together so far because any merchant family that has tried to become too independent has been ruthlessly destroyed by the others. They managed to pull together enough power to fend off an Aurean invasion in 4941 AY.
Founding Date
4833 AY
Geopolitical, Kingdom