The Western Forest

The Western Forest is a massive forest that covers much of the northwestern portion of the continent. It stretches from The Windwood in the south to the northern coast around Velathia, taking up the space between The Dragonpeaks and the coast. Most of the forest is dense enough to obscure most sunlight, making the forest very dark most of the year. It lightens somewhat in the winter, as many of the trees lose their leaves in an event locals call "the brightening".   Much of the coast of the forest is part of the Kingdom of Pillaran, which during it's short existence has rapidly expanded to include most coastal settlements between Thelegon and Velathia. With the exception of the east shore of Lake Thar, the rest is populated mostly by small migratory bands of wild elves and lizardfolk. There are also a few permanent elven towns and a larger state called Yililath.


In the south, the Western Forest is considered to start on the north bank of the Aegion River. To the south of the river is the Windwood, and though they are both very similar near the river both forest diverge wildly further away. The southern portion is all fairly close to the coast, but beyond the North Barrier it spreads deeper inland. A wide valley at the southeastern end, between the North Barrier and the Dragonpeaks is the elven state of Yililath.   To the north, the Akellah Range runs close to the coast, with the areas to the east of there forming a large flat area until the foothills of the Dragonpeaks. Much of the central portion is filled with Lake Thar, the forests largest lake, and the Darkswamp to its immediate west, along with many smaller areas of marshy ground. Further north, the Dragonpeaks curve towards the coast before retreating east again as the forest nears Velathia.


The Western Forrest is largely humid and temperate. Snow is not uncommon is the winter as far south as the city of Pillaran on the coast and into Yililath in the interior, an winters in some areas, especially the foothills of the northern Dragonpeaks, can get very cold. Percipitation is high in all regions but is highest on the coast around Dalama's Archepeligo, a large set of islands along the forests central coast, as they are pressed closely against the Akellah Range on the mainland. Due to wind patterns major storms are rare in this region.


The Aurean Empire first started expanding into the Western Forest in 2824 AY when settlers were sent to the shores of Lake Thar. Up to this point there were no human settlements away from the coast, and the interior forest was populated almost entirely by elves and lizardfolk. Human settlement never became common elsewhere in the forest, as resistance from the indigenous elves and lizardfolk increased after the settlements at Lake Thar were firmly established.   Despite the forest's relatively light undergrowth, marching large army and all their necessary supplies through it was difficult. A great road was gradually cleared through it, at first simply an open area that supply carts could easily role through it would eventually become like other Aurean roads, built of large flat stones to make travel as easy as possible. Small forts with associated settlements were built along what would become known as the western forest road, though most have been abandoned by the present day.   After the road was completed it was initially used only as a trade route while the empire finished fighting a war further to the east. In 2891 AY, however, the empire marched a large army down the road and attacked the coastal city of Pillaran. The lengthy siege was eventually finished the next year after the imperial army built a fleet further along the coast to cut off the cities supply routes, gaining the empire their first foothold on the western coast. Most of the cities around Dalama's Archipelago fell within a few years.   In 4828 AY, in the midst of the purge, the Aurean army razed the elven town of Aru Fennar near Lake Thar, burning a giant city-tree sacred to Arthara. This sparked conflict with nearby elven tribes, culminating with the elves completely cutting off travel along the road and in 4833 AY the expulsion of the garrisons of Lake Thar by the local townsfolk, who feared attacks by the elves if they were still seen as Aurean subjects.   The coastal regions around Dalama's Archipelago soon found themselves cut off from the empire. The towns in the region ultimately ended up overthrowing their local Aurean governor's, and as the bulk of the Aurean army was distracted in the east and The Mountain War would begin only a few years later there was no attempt at the time to retake the area. The region was eventually consolidated into the Kingdom of Pillaran.   In 4941 AY an attempt was made by the Aurean Empire to retake what was now the Kingdom of Pillaran. They quickly reoccupied Lake Thar and took the city of Pillaran. However, as they now lacked a navy in the area, and the Kingdom of Pillaran had a very large and advanced one, they were unable to expand further in the region. With guerilla fighters cutting off their supply lines, the army was eventually forced to retreat all the way back to the Dragonpeaks.
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
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