The Windwood

The Windwood is a forest to the south of the Bay of Andrasius, named for the sound the wind makes as it blows through the forest. Sandwiched between the South Barrier and the hills at the border of The Teeth, its geography is defined by uneven terrain carved by numerous small streams. The trees there are unusually short and far apart, but the brush between them is high and extremely dense. Combined with the rough and uneven terrain, this makes progress through its hinterlands slow and incredibly difficult.   Most human settlements are on the coast or along the Windroad, an old Aurean road that is carefully maintained by the locals to prevent them from being cut off. These areas are sparsely populated and most of the population survives off subsistence agriculture. The forest is also home to many gnomes, goblins, and kobolds, who can move through the narrow gaps within the scrub, as well as an unusual number of fey creatures.   Though part of the Kingdom of Thelegon, the area is largely ignored by the king due it's low economic output, giving local lords almost complete autonomy, which they've mostly used well. The area has remained a largely peaceful backwater for some time. But though the settlements tend to be safe, it is not unusual for travelers to go missing along the quieter stretches of the Windroad.