Rainrock Settlement in Od | World Anvil
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Rainrock is a little town just south of Allsfield with a huge gambling problem. The town started when The Black Spade set up shop on a cheap plot of land south of Allsfield and was able to

Notable Casinos

The Black Spade

The Black Spade, mockingly named after the nearby Black Arm Dominion, is the first casino to setup in Rainrock. Their history and reputation grants them powerful influence and lets host some of the most high stakes poker games in the city with little fussing from the competition. While other casinos might let anyone come and gamble, The Black Spade caters to those with more money to lose than sense.

Golden Goblin

The Golden Goblin is one of the most popular casinos in Rainrock. They entertain guests from all over, if they have enough money that is. Their leading attraction is their daily lottery, the Putswoggle Pot.
  • Poker tables
  • Dice tables
  • Daily Lotto
  • Weekly Lotto
  • Luxury Buffet
  • Accommodating Luxury Suites
  • Top Notch Entertainment (none of that peasant bottom notch crap)

Goblin Gold

When you gamble at the Golden Goblin you are awarded tokens with a six digit number on them, called Goblin Gold, along with your winnings! These tokens can be exchanged for some services or gambled away themselves, but you are encouraged to put them towards the daily lottery, the Putswoggle Pot!  

The Putswoggle Pot

When the time comes, the lights in the casino dim except around the giant golden goblin statue in the middle of the casino. A voice fills the room, and excitedly exclaims "Ladies and Gentlemen, it's time to see if anyone can steal from the Potswoggle Pot! Who will be in Lady Luck's favor today?!" A random number is drawn, and if it matches any of your tokens that were put in the pot since the last drawing, you win! Goblin Gold explodes out of Putswoggle's Pot showing the casino floor, and you should make your way to the counter to collect your winnings!   If no token matches the number drawn, Putswoggle laughs at you and keeps his gold, but don't fret! You can always come back and try again tomorrow!   Winnings are based off of the total amount of Goblin Gold deposited since the last winner. The exact amount is a closely guarded house secret.  

Putsoggle The Greedy

"And though I hope we don't meet such a tragic end, I hope we all at least die as happily as old Putswoggle."
  At the center of the casino floor stands a giant gold statue of a fat smiling goblin holding a pot. It's dressed in a nice suit and top hat.   Putswoggle was a greedy goblin who used to love nothing more or less than gold. He would do anything to get his hands on it, steal, cheat, even kill. He was so paranoid that other's would steal his gold, that he would eat it so no-one else could have it! Because of this he became very large, you might even mistake him for a giant!   Wanting to possess more gold than anyone else, he came to a brilliant idea. "I'll just steal it before it even gets made!" So he made his way to the largest gold smithery, in Oasis, where many of the nation's coins are minted by the prestigious hill dwarves. He managed to sneak in when no-one was around, and started filling a large pot with gold. After filling the pot with as much as he could, he unwitting found himself under a large pour of molten gold. All the gold he had eaten and stuffed in his pot made it impossible for him to move out of the way, and before he knew it, we became encased in solid gold, turned into an idyllic statue representative of his own greed.   Now, that statue on the casino floor is no statue indeed, but is in fact that same Putswoggle who immortalized himself in gold.   At least, that's what they tell the guests.

Notable Places


Taverns and Inns



  • General Store
  • Melllvar's Marvelous Magical Items
  • Tailors
  • Pawn Shops
  • Imported Goods
  • Bakery


The gardens in the middle of town are a perfect place to relax, unwind, and refocus after losing that 1000 gold bet on a sure thing. Again. Trees, dirt paths, rocks, and a nice little duck pond can be found here.
Location under

Popular Casino Games

Dragon's Horde
‌ Twenty-One (Black jack but with d10s. Payout 3:2 (1.5))

Shops and Businesses

Taverns And Inns

Gambler's Den (Premium)

Braised Pork
Braised cubes of pork in a thick gravy served over bread and green peppers.
1 gp, 3 sp
Silk Mule Sauvignon Blanc
A locally produced white wine that is described as flat, lean, and green.
Bottle price: 4 gp, 3 sp
Glass price: 1 gp, 4 sp

Price per night: 2gp

The Bum Deal (Average)

Price per night: 5 silver.

Geoffrey's Lost Bet (Poor)

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While most establishments are named for their current owner, this one is named for it's previous owner, Geoffrey, who was sucker enough to bet his entire bar that he could spit further than Malwar, the now owner. He lost when Malwar, a dragonborn, spit a fireball 30ft into the side of the bar, almost burning it down.

Price per night: 1 silver  


Doug and Doug's

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Owned by Doug, and his brother Doug, these two skilled dwarves make short work of any project you hand them. For a fee of course.

Rita's Repairs

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Named after her mother (both the shop and daughter), Rita now runs Rita's repairs by herself. While the shop has 'Repair' in the name, it is not an exclusive activity here, as Rita has taken up an interest in weapon and armor smithing as well.


General Store

Melllvar's Marvelous Magical Items

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Melllvar, yes with three l's, is probably the strangest person you'll meet in town. On account of his strange mannerisms, obsession with collecting odd magical items, and poor dress sense sure, but mostly because he's a beholder. He's a bit green, floats about 5 feet tall, is about 3 feet round, and has somehow managed to put on a polka-dot bow-tie, along with several mismatched monocles.


Pawn Shops

Imported Goods


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Located just off the main road of town, you can get artisan breads and a few sweet treats here, all made fresh on site.


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