Silverspire Settlement in Od | World Anvil
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Silverspire is a small settlement in the Allsfield area located just east of the Silver Cliffs. It is built in an old abandoned tower outpost used in the wars many years ago. It has since been reclaimed, and the people live happily in their small community, hunting, trading,  

Order of The Dark Side of The Moon

Built in the inner chambers of the tower is a secret altar dedicated to Lunaria, specifically her revival. While worship of Lunara is quite normal, this sect seeks to revive the original Lunara, rather than worship the current one. This act is seen as taboo so they keep their worship and rituals a secret.   The town itself is welcome to outsiders, they are a very open group, but they keep their worship a secret as much as possible.   Silverspire is ruled over by Chief Worrel, a female firbolg twilight cleric.  

Interesting People


Worrel is the Chief of Silverspire. She is a white firbolg standing a bit over 6ft tall. She is caring and open, but only to those who haven't shown they don't deserve it. She carries herself with an air of dignity and respect. Her people linger on her every word and are oft to refute them.  


Is an old grizzled veteran who has settled down for the last years of his life in Silverspire. He acts mainly as their protector, and would rather be dead than unable to fight. Pepperjack is a nickname from the people that he endearingly goes by.   A collection of Faceless have taken up residence, seeking a new home.  

Dr. Lobe

A certain Dr. Lobe appears in town occasionally, helping the sick and wounded. He is tall, thin, and wrapped in cloth, his face always covered by a mask. He does not seem fully altruistic, he surely has alternative motives he hides behind his mask, but he helps and we will not deny him that.
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