Allsfield Settlement in Od | World Anvil
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Nestled in the forest east of the Silver Cliffs, lies the city of Allsfield. A more academically inclined settlement, what with being close to the Alywix Academy but still home to plenty of farmers and fighters. The area surrounding the sturdy city walls is somewhat hilly, and very fertile. To the east and north, large farms of a variety of crop turn the otherwise lush green hillsides into tall amber grass, dancing in unison with every passing breeze. To the west is the Alywix Forest, host to the Alywix Academy, and to the south the area has been cleared of trees and plants, allowing for a long southward sight line from the top of the city walls. A large trench has been dug along the south wall, while many smaller ditches, towers, and defensive measure have been setup in the clearing. Military exercises can be regularly observed taking place here. Because of the close proximity to the Black Arm Dominion's territory directly to the south, Allsfield must make sure it can defend itself and its people, as it has many time before, and even though the Black Arm's forces have been dwindling, and have been fairly quite in recent years, they can't let their guard down.   Burdain  

Getting Around

Market Street

The sound of hard working townsfolk is easily drowned out by the hustle and bustle of the marketplace just inside the walls by the East Gate, the towns main entrance and exit. The eastern side of the city is home to many markets, shops, street stalls, and peddlers looking for an opportunity for easy coin. Here you'll find most offices for the various organizations around Allsfield, as they bleed their way to the center of the city. The buildings themselves are a variety of different ages and architectural styles, drastically varying from building to building. You'll also find a large number of guards, as this is easily the busiest part of town, and the main guardhouse borders the eastern, northern, and center part of town.  


A large castle in partial ruin stand in the middle of town, a remnant of an older time. Only one of its 5 towers still stands, with a few nearby sections still intact. Other parts are fully collapsed, leaving only an outline of where the walls once were. The Marquess does not live there, instead it has been converted to a multi-purpose city square. The open area of the ruins is used for hosting festivals and... while the refurbished and intact parts house most governmental buildings including the courthouse.  


To the north, the city quiets and the pace of life slows a bit while the more dignified and noble of the city take their time enjoying the leisures of life and managing their properties, businesses, and affairs. The buildings here are more uniform in their upkeep and appearances, and are of a timeless style that exudes excellence. The walls of the city stop in the north creating a gap, which centered within is House Gobana, home of the dignified ruler of Allsfield Marquess Delestrus.  

The Roots

In the west, the city walls continue with hints of the Alywix Forest popping out above them. This quiet part of town is home to most of the cities residents with a handful of small family owned businesses. There is a quaint, well kept park connecting the western and northern parts of town, where you might often find plays put on by the local theater group, performances by respectable musicians and poets, and picnics and potlucks on special occasions.  


In the southern part of the city you'll find those less fortunate, or less personable. Southside is home to slums and shanty houses built in streets and alleyways weaving their way through the various warehouses, barred office buildings, and workshops spattered about. Many consider Southside as a "second line of defense" or "worthy sacrifice" in the case of siege upon the city. The south wall would be the first to fall, and so the Southside would be the second. As such, many don't care much about what happens there. Some are of the mind that "It will all get burned eventually anyway, so why bother with it?" The guards do try to keep some semblance of order in the area, and while it's not a free-for-all unattended mess of thieves and murders, it's still best to keep a steady eye on your coin purse.   While more educated than most, the city's residences are only that of a bit above average intelligence, as most of the academy goers stay on campus or in the small village surrounding, spending their time learning and researching. The more well off residents of the city can be a bit gaudy, but you'll find most of the people here to be hard working and good of heart.   The city of Allsfield has a mixed group of fighters, from farmers, to fighters, to scholars and aristocrats, and while they may all differ in many aspects of life, they share one thing in common. Their love for their city, for their land. For it's rich history, culture, freedom and opportunity.  


Because of its nearness to the Black Arm Dominion, the city has instated some extra security measures. A wall as been built around the city, and most heavily fortified facing south. They conduct drills at regular intervals to prepare the citizens for an attack, although the Black Arm's reach has been diminishing in recent years. The areas surrounding the city are mainly unprotected farmland, growing a variety of crop and ranching animals, mainly goats and sheep. Farmers are too run into the city in case of attack, but many will likely not make it before the gate close. Many farms aren't too bothered buy this as there hasn't been an attack in many years, and they find the work fairly profitable. The exceptions to the farmland are to the west, which hosts the Alywix Forest, often referred to as the Academy Forest, and to the south, which has been cleared away and fortified in case of attack.   Life in Allfield is fairly normal, apart from the occasional raid drill. People continue on despite, or possible in spite of, the dangers. The Black Arm's have been loosing power of the years, so many figure the days of the raids are over, while others don't bother thinking of it at all.

Trade Goods

  • Silver +
  • Iron +
  • Goat +
  • Sheep +
  • Wheat +
  • Flour +
  • Salt -
  • Cloves -
  • Silk -
  • Saffron -
  • Local Theater Troupes/Companies

  • Allsfield All Actors
  • Dark Hearts Dominion
  • Southside Entertainers
  • Seasonal Activities




    Fall is the time for harvest, and harvest they do! There is lots of hard work to clear the fields, prepare and store the crops, and make ready for winter. Festivals pop up around the town, celebrating the harvests and the peoples dedication, providing a time for rest and relaxation. The end of  


    Fall has ended and the only thing to do now is wait until crops can be grown again in spring, but that doesn't mean  

    Merchant Guilds

    Allsfield houses two main merchant guilds, the Allsfield Trade Commission (ATC), and the Dragon Forged Trade Alliance (DFTA)  

    Allsfield Trade Commission

    The ATC handles all trade related issues in Allsfield and the surrounding area. They are mainly capitalistic, and promote free trade and competitive pricing. Their headquarters is located right off the Allsfield Market.  

    Dragon Forged Trade Alliance

    The DFTA has a presence in Allsfield, but allows the ATC to handle most trade related affairs within the city. More info can be found about the DFTA here.  

    Shops and Businesses

    Taverns And Inns

    Three Frogs Inn

    1 Nights Stay: 2 gold
    Braised Pork
    Braised cubes of pork in a thick gravy served over bread and green peppers.
    1 gp, 3 sp
    Silk Mule Sauvignon Blanc
    A locally produced white wine that is described as flat, lean, and green.
    Bottle price: 4 gp, 3 sp
    Glass price: 1 gp, 4 sp




    Info go here


    General Store

    Melllvar's Marvelous Magical Items

    Show Spoiler
    Melllvar, yes with three L's, is probably the strangest person you'll meet in town. On account of his strange mannerisms, obsession with collecting odd magical items, and poor dress sense sure, but mostly because he's a beholder. He's a bit green, floats about 5 feet tall, is about 3 feet round, and has somehow managed to put on a polka-dot bow-tie, along with several mismatched monocles.


    Pawn Shops

    Imported Goods



    Noteable Locations

    Heroes' Grave - A grave site and monument located on a hill overlooking the city. A number of ancient heroes lie buried there. The Inner Wall  

    This article has no secrets.


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