Bog Lemming

The Bog Lemming is a small rodent characterized by its compact size and rounded body shape. It possesses short legs and a relatively short tail compared to its body length. Its fur is typically brown or gray in color, providing camouflage in its habitat. The Bog Lemming is known for its burrowing behavior, creating intricate tunnel systems in its environment. These rodents are herbivores, feeding primarily on grasses, sedges, and other vegetation in their habitat.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

The Bog Lemming typically inhabits wetland habitats such as marshes, bogs, and damp meadows. It prefers dense vegetation and ample ground cover, where it can burrow and forage for food. These rodents are adapted to moist environments and are often found near water sources such as streams, ponds, or wetlands.

Additional Information


The domestication of the Bog Lemming is not practiced in Terra. These rodents have limited direct utility for humans due to their small size, specific habitat requirements, and largely herbivorous diet. Additionally, their secretive nature and burrowing behavior make them unsuitable candidates for domestication or use as pets.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Bog Lemming holds little direct utility for the people of Terra. Unlike other animals that may provide food, materials, or labor, Bog Lemmings are not typically utilized by humans. They do not serve as agricultural pests or prey for hunting, and their small size and secretive nature make them unsuitable for domestication or use as pets.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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