
The Squirrel is a small rodent distinguished by its grayish-brown fur with hints of red and a white underbelly. It possesses a compact body and a bushy tail, which it uses for balance and communication. Known for its energetic behavior and vocalizations, the Douglas squirrel is often heard chattering as it moves through the trees searching for food. Its diet primarily consists of seeds, nuts, and occasional fruits.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

The Squirrel typically inhabits coniferous forests, where it can find suitable trees for nesting and foraging. It is also found in mixed forests and woodland areas with dense vegetation, providing ample cover and access to food sources.

Additional Information


These creatures are primarily wild animals and have not been bred or trained for domestic purposes by the inhabitants of this world.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Squirrel holds little direct utility for the people of Terra. While some may enjoy observing these agile creatures in their natural habitats, humans do not typically utilize them for any specific purposes.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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