
The Muskrat is a medium-sized semiaquatic rodent known for its streamlined body and waterproof fur. It possesses a stout build with a rounded head and small ears. Its fur is typically dark brown in color, with lighter underparts. The Muskrat has webbed hind feet and a flattened tail, which it uses for efficient swimming and diving. These rodents are primarily herbivorous, feeding on aquatic plants, roots, and occasionally small aquatic animals.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

The Muskrat typically inhabits various aquatic habitats, including marshes, swamps, ponds, lakes, rivers, and streams. It seeks out sheltered locations along the water's edge, where it constructs burrows or lodges for nesting and resting. These rodents are well-adapted to aquatic environments and can thrive in areas with abundant aquatic vegetation and suitable water depth for swimming and diving.

Additional Information


The domestication of Muskrats is not practiced in Terra. These semiaquatic rodents have limited direct utility for humans due to their primarily wild nature and specific habitat requirements. Additionally, their large size and aquatic lifestyle make them unsuitable candidates for domestication or use as pets. While muskrats are sometimes hunted for their fur, attempts to domesticate them for this purpose would likely be impractical, given their natural behaviors and habitat preferences.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Muskrat holds some utility for the people of Terra. While not a significant food source or fur, muskrats are sometimes hunted for their pelts, which are used in the fur trade. Their fur is valued for its warmth and water-repellent properties, making it useful for clothing and accessories.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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