Jumping Mouse

The Jumping Mouse is a small rodent known for its remarkable agility and distinctive jumping abilities. It has a slender body adorned with soft fur, typically shades of brown or gray. Its long tail aids in balance and propulsion during jumps, while its hind legs are well-developed for powerful leaps. Though nocturnal by nature, the Jumping Mouse is occasionally active during the day, foraging for seeds, insects, and other small food sources.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

The Jumping Mouse typically inhabits various grassland and meadow habitats, favoring areas with dense vegetation and ample ground cover. It is often found in regions with access to water sources, such as streams, rivers, or marshes, where food and shelter can be found.

Additional Information


Domestication of the Jumping Mouse is not common in Terra. Due to its small size and nocturnal behavior, the practicality and feasibility of domesticating this species are limited. Additionally, the Jumping Mouse has specific habitat and dietary requirements that may be challenging to replicate in captivity. While some individuals may attempt to keep Jumping Mice as pets, successful domestication on a large scale is unlikely.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Jumping Mouse holds little utility for the people of Terra. Its small size and nocturnal habits make it unsuitable for domestication or use as a working animal.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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