Of Deities and Demi-gods

The religions of Oerth are as diverse as the creatures that inhabit the world. Each tribe or people interpreted their place within the supernatural world and these views evolved as each group migrated across the Flanaess. As each group clashed or mingled with another, their view would shift and so would their view of the supernatural. This many gods across the belief spectrum sometimes share or others compete for a responsibility. Still, we can largely attribute these deities and demigods to sub-pantheons based on the originating race or culture. Each is made of Greater deities, minor deities, and demigods (former mortals who've ascended into the realms of divinity).   Greater Deities: In general, the greater gods have long since removed themselves from the daily affairs of the Flanaess peoples, instead focusing their attention on the ebbs and flows of the divine realms. This means that unless there is a direct threat or an event of divine importance, these deities do not concern themselves with what they view to be the trivialities of mortals.

Name Worshippers Alignment Divine Domains People
Boccob Any Knowledge, Trickery Widely
Corellon Good Light, War Elves
Incabulos Evil Death, Nature Widely
Istus Any Knowledge, Order Flan
Moradin Lawful, Good Forge, Order, Light Dwarves
Nerull Evil Grave, Twilight Flan
Pelor Good Life, Peace Widely
Procan Neutral Tempest, Nature Oeridian
Tharizdun Evil Trickery, Darkness Unknown
Tiamat Evil Trickery, Chaos Widely
Ulaa Good Forge, War Unknown

Lesser Deities: The lesser deities, on the other hand, vie for prominence within the world of men, seeking to be more widely worshipped, and therefore are slightly more receptive to entreaties for divine action in addition to their focus upon the divine realms and their individual spheres of influence. Very rarely will even a lesser deity become directly involved within the lands of Oerth, although some of St. Cuthbert's followers believe that he may become directly involved in a war against Iuz.

Name Worshippers Alignment Divine Domain People
Abbathor Evil Death, Twilight Dwarves
Berronar Truesilver Good Life, Peace Dwarves
Celestian Neutral, Good Order, Tempest, Twilight Oeridian
Clangeddin Silverbeard Lawful War Dwarves
Demogorgon Chaotic, Evil Chaos, Tempest unknown
Dugmaren Brightmantle Neutral, Good Trickery, Knoweldge Dwarves
Ehlonna Good Life, Nature, Peace Widely
Erythnul Neutral, Evil Trickery, War Widely
Fharlanghn Neutral Knowledge, Trickery Oeridian
Heironeous Good War Oeridian
Hextor Evil War, Trickery Oeridian
Kurell Neutral Trickery Oeridian
Lolth Evil Chaos, Darkness Unknown
Obad-Hai Neutral Nature, Peace Flan
Orcus Evil Death Unknown
Osprem Lawful, Neutral Order, Tempest Suloise
Pholtus Good Light, Oeridian
St. Cuthbert Good Knowledge, Peace Widely
Xerbo Neutral Nature, Tempest Suloise

Demigods: These divine entities are more recently ascended from mortal life, and their prime concerns are typically with the affairs of mortals. Generally, their followers are localized to a region as they continue to earn space within the divine realms.

Name Worshippers Alignment Divine Domains People
Iuz Evil War. Trickery Flan
Wastri Lawful Neutral/Lawful Evil Order, Unknown
Zagyg Neutral Knowledge, Trickery Oeridian

Religious, Pantheon

Articles under Of Deities and Demi-gods