Ethan Steiner

Ethan Conrad Steiner

Ethan is a born Werewolf and twin brother of Aiden Steiner.

He was formerly a pack-Omega, who killed his abusive former pack to become an Alpha and join Deucalion's Alpha Pack.

After the dissolution of the Alpha Pack, they spent some time as packless omegas, before joining Martin Pride.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

He as a scar on his right side, from the surgery which sepperated him from his conjoined twin, shortly after his birth.

Special abilities

As a werewolf, Ethan possesses enhanced senses, speed, strength, and stamina, and a regenerative healing factor.

He previously possessed the ability to fuse with his twin into a single gestalt being.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The twins were born into The Ten Sleep Pack, a small Werewolf Pack based in rural Wyoming.

They were born conjoined at the chest, sharing one lung and some blood flow. Doctors were sceptical that surgery to sepperate them would succeed, but their father insist, trusting to their werewolf healing abilities to help them survive.

Their parents split up when they were three, their mother leaving the pack, and the twins were raised by their father, Wyatt Steiner, and his packmates.

In 2006, when the twins were 10, their pack was attacked by The Johnson Pack, who had been driven out of Colorado by hunters. The Johnsons, notorious for their violence and cruelty, killed all the adult male members of the pack, including the twins father.

One of the pack's two female members was also murdered, by the other, Shirley Young, who had helped Wyatt to raise the twins, entered a relationship with with one of the members of the Johnson Pack, in order to stay close to the twins, who the Johnson's Alpha had decided to keep around due to their unusual abilities.

The twins became Omegas in the pack, subjected to violent abuse. When Shirley was murdered by her partner three years later, there was no one to protect them, and the abuse worsened.

The Johnson pack were nomadic, due to the need to keep ahead of police and hunters, and in 2009, they encountered The Alpha Pack. Deucalion, believing the twins would be assets to his pack, helped the twins to slaughter the Johnson pack, making them Alphas, after which they joined the Alpha pack.

Although Deucalion could be cruel, and had only recruited the twins due to their physical strength, the Alpha pack treated the twins better than anyone had since Shirley's death. In particular Ennis became a mentor to them. Deucalion also insisted on enrolling them in school, and helped them to catch up on the education they had missed when the Johnson pack withdrew them from school.

In 2011, the Alpha Pack moved to Beacon Hills to try to recruit Scott McCall and Derek Hale. The twins were enrolled in Beacon Hills High School, in order to better keep an eye on the McCall Pack and Hale Pack.

Despite Aiden's concerns, Ethan developed a growing attraction to Danny Māhealani, and they began a casual relationship.

They took plart in a number of battles, including the ambush during Scott McCall's attempted parlay, and helped Kali in her unsuccessful attempt to force Derek to murder Vernon Boyd.

During the battle between the McCall pack and Jennifer Blake at Beacon Hills Memorial, their combined form's neck was snapped. They have not been able to use the ability since.

They remained in Beacon Hills after the dissolution of the Alpha pack, as Deucalion left them Apartment, and they had nowhere else to live.

Initially, Aiden tried to persuade Scott McCall to accept them into the Hale-McCall Pack, but Ethan eventually persuaded him that they should instead join the Martin Pride.


Ethan is gay, but due to his strict mormon upbringing with the Ten Sleep Pack, and the violent homophobia of the Johnson pack, he kept it hidden from everyone except Aiden.

He finally came out to the Alpha pack after learning of Kali's previous marriage to Jennifer Blake. Danny Māhealani was his first boyfriend.


Attends Beacon Hills High (C to B+ student)

Mental Trauma

Aiden suffered years of serious physical and emotional abuse, and watched his brother and foster-mother also be abused, which has left him with very serious mental health problems. He also suffered due to being gay growing up in an extremely homophobic environment.

He has had very few examples of how to form healthy relationships, and struggles to express his emotions after years of being punished for speaking up.


Family Ties

His relationship with his brother is loving, but extremely dysfunctional. Having had no one they could rely on except one another for most of their lives, they have become extremely co-dependant, and struggle to form connections with other people.


Aiden Steiner


Towards Ethan Steiner


Ethan Steiner


Towards Aiden Steiner


Ethan Steiner


Towards Danny Māhealani


Danny Māhealani


Towards Ethan Steiner


Aiden Steiner 
Wolf Moon
Currently Held Titles
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
1st January 1996
Year of Birth
1996 CE 16 Years old
Ten Sleep, Wyoming
Parents (Adopting)
Danny Māhealani (ex-boyfriend)
Aiden Steiner (twin)
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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