William Barrow

William Barrow

William Barrow was an electrical engineer, employed at the Power Plant.

In 2001, he saw two of the Hale children playing in the woods, and noticed their eyes glowing.

When the Power Plant closed in 2003, he was unable to find a new job in his field, and ended up taking a janitorial job at Eichen House. His deteriorating mental health and suspicions about the children with glowing eyes he had seen were preyed upon by PTR, who intended to employ him in the Eichen House Secure Unit. However, before the transfer could be made, he took matters into his own hands.

In 2004, he placed a bomb on a Beacon Hills High School bus, killing five students and injuring twenty more.

He was quickly caught by the Beacon Hills Sheriff's Department, but at trial, his lawyer entered an insanity plea, and he was admitted to Eichen House as a patient.

In 2011, the night before he was due to be transferred to Beacon Hills Memorial for surgery, he was visited by The Nogitsune, who Infected him.

During his surgery, he escaped from the hospital, and found a message left for him in Beacon Hills High School by the Nogitsune, telling him to kill Kira Yukimura.

He kidnapped Kira from the school, and took her to the abandonned Power Plant. However, when he tried to electrocute her to death, she used her Kinko abilities to absorb the electricity and electrocute him.
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
1960 CE 2011 CE 51 years old
Circumstances of Death
Electrocuted by Kira Yukimura
Place of Death
Current Residence


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