Phlegethon (Fle-geh-ton)


The base of High Lord Typhos, deep within the swamp of Lerna. Guarded by all manner of monsters and warriors treated with hydra blood.   Typhos is an enigmatic man who views himself as Ogygia’s one true High Lord. He welcomes all with a lust for battle, offering union and power to mercenaries, gladiators, and the unproven. Flying black banners emblazoned with a crimson hydra, his forces march on nearby settlements to crush their rulers. Those that fall have their crowns taken, ground to dust, and scattered across the glimmering helmet of the High Lord.   It is known to all in Ogygia that Typhos plans to conquer the now-neutral colosseums, thereby claiming that he decides who rises to power in Ogygia. It is unlikely that he will decide the rise of anyone but himself.


Mercenaries, warriors, and combatants who have not proven themselves yet in the colosseums or the battlefield.


While fierce in his conquest, Typhos governs his kingdom carefully. He knows that a revolt from within is a greater threat than an external attack, so he promises those in his kingdom safety from one another. Reports of crime are taken seriously and punished swiftly by Typhos's knights, at least for the lower class. Those in higher positions of power, however, are more carefully monitored and doubted; the closer one comes to the High Lord, the more swiftly they are judged.


The surrounding swamp of Lerna is already dangerous to delve too deeply into, thanks to the populations of hydras, chimeras, and other monsters. Nearly everyone in Phlegethon is a trained soldier as well, and a large number of their ranks have been treated with hydra blood to enhance their regeneration and strength. A few have even begun to take on the appearance of hydras.



Military, Base
Location under

Cover image: by huadong lan