Ogygian Locations




A vast swampland in the northwest, said to be the final resting place of the Devourer. Wild and untamed, and home to the keep of High Lord Typhos.

The Burning Wood

Even among the dangers of Ogygia, the Burning Wood is regarded with the utmost fear and respect. This sprawling forest takes its name from the eternal red, orange, and yellow hues of its trees, as if it were locked in autumn. No settlements are established near the Burning Wood and no roads pass through it, for it is known to be the home of the twin nymphs Nomia and Agrea.
While nymphs have no true royalty, Nomia and Agrea are the longest-lived and most powerful of their kind and take personal responsibility for the state of nature throughout Ogygia. The Burning Wood, therefore, is akin to a stronghold: while allies of the wilds can find sanctuary within the forest, the trees become an impossible labyrinth to the unwelcome. Without a nymph’s guidance or counter-magic sufficient to pierce the wood’s illusions, trespassers become hopelessly lost and will find their end through madness, the wood’s hungry guardians, or the arrows of the Autumn Huntress herself.

The Acheron Swamp

A mixed expanse of swampland, marshland, and bogs consuming southern Ogygia. Home of the Notus Colosseum.


A large island near the Nausicaan Archipelago, and the final refuge of the Cyclopes. Also the home of the warrior-ruler Polemos, and the location where Kerameipolis was established.

The Nausicaan Archipelago

Also known as the Ship-Breaker Isles, an archipelago filled with small, unexplored islands, jagged rocks, and lush coral reefs. A few full-blooded Gorgons can be found in isolated islands, and Tritons live and work among the reefs.

The Trench of Lethe

A massive, deep trench off the Nausicaan Archipelago. Here is where Phorcys and Ceto were finally sealed away, and now it swarms with Cetea of all kinds. Largely avoided and unexplored, even by the nymphs, tritons, and sirens. It is said that the deeper one swims into the trench, the more of themselves and their history they forget, until, bit by bit, there is nothing left of the person who dove into Lethe.



The Colosseums

As old as Ogygia itself, the four great colosseums are at once a source of training, entertainment, and power. These massive arenas are neutral zones under no ruler’s jurisdiction, maintained through the ages by generations of bronze-skinned Colossi. Each is named for the colossus family that maintains them: Boreas in the north, near the swamps of Lerna; Zephyrus in the west, beyond the Burning Wood; Notus in the south, in the Acheron Swamp; and Eurus in the east, at the base of the Hekaton mountain range.
Anyone can participate in the colosseums, Ogygian or immigrant, voluntary or not. Battles are held as long as there are combatants to fight, with the circumstances determined by the colossi responsible for that colosseum. The victors of a fight gain power and rank and are allowed to choose the fate of the losers; most often, that fate is death. Whatever the outcome, combatants are given status and power in relation to their victories, and with time, a lowly commoner may become a king.
While Ogygia’s government can also be decided on the battlefield, the colosseums are incredibly important for the endurance of Ogygian meritocracy. Without them, any sufficiently powerful tyrant could claim all of Ogygia’s resources through sheer momentum. Any assault against them or their current wardens is a capital crime.


The base of High Lord Typhos, deep within Lerna. Guarded by all manner of monsters and warriors treated with hydra blood.


The citadel of the Hyrka, now ruled by King Algolon. Powerful and prosperous, but faltering thanks to its leader's weakness.


The outpost of the Wyrmriders and their leader, Echion. Built in the lower hills of the Hekaton and bristling with tamed Wyverns. Nearly inaccessible without flight.

The Iron Keep

The base of the Iron Hawk and his army, north of the Nausicaan Archipelago. Built largely out of metal rather than stone, hence the name. Starting to sink into the earth due to its incredible weight.


A metropolis established on Tyrins for craftsmen and those who wish to escape from the war-torn mainland. Led by the cyclops Polemos and furnished with schools and artisan guilds.


Articles under Ogygian Locations

Cover image: by huadong lan