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Kingdoms of Zolot

The Kingdoms of Zolot control the sub-continent Zolot, whose vast landscape encompasses grassland, desert, mountains, lakes, and rivers.


Each Kingdom is independent and is controlled by a warlord who has taken sovereignty over a territory. The warlord Kings often appoint officers to be treasurers or other roles, but the government is solely controlled by the King.

Public Agenda

Each King wants to attain more power. This is most evident throughout Zolot history: a warlord unifies Zolot, which then fractures as warlords claim sovereignty of their own territories. The ultimate goal is to take over the world. Most Kings see the first step as conquering Raul Gul and re-establishing control of the Green Sea.


Because of its history of unrelenting war, Zolot has mastered the art of war. Lizardfolk have scales which provide natural protection, and their weapons are extremely developed and advanced. Zolot also has a very large quantity of gold, a larger quantity of silver, and a very small amount of Runestone. Mud castles and walls scatter the land. The territory also has giant wolves, lizards, and dinosaur-like creatures.


According to Zolotian belief, the first being in Zolot were ancient salamanders named Fua and Nushi, who created the lizard-folk from clay in the river banks. The people were ruled by five chosen rulers, who were peaceful and benevolent. Tragedy struck when the river flooded, devastating the land. Usk the engineer spent 13 long years building canals and locks to control the waters, earning his place as the land's king. He founded the Achuak dynasty, Zolot's first ruling family, and a structure of government which would remain unchanged for millennia.   Without outside influences people of Zolot developed writing systems early on. The first Zolotian state is thought to be Aryte. The story goes that the Aryte were one of the member states of the Achuak dynasty, and rose up to overthrow the last Achuak leader. Aryte defeated the Achauk forces during a storm, which was seen as a sign that the spirits were blessing his overthrowing of the dynasty. In 1046 PC, the Aryte were overthrown by the Darastrix, Zolot's longest reigning dynasty. Darastrix was ruled under a feudal system, meaning that power was given to regional warlords all of whom pledged fealty to the king. This means that the king's power depended on keeping the lords happy, which the king did not. He exiled his wife whom he invited for political reasons, and the state she came from was up in revolt. The deposed the king and installed his son, but merely as a figurehead with no real authority.   As regional warlords began crowning themselves kings over their own states, a rivalry emerged among them for control of all Zolot. Warring became so fierce that local kings began building compacted earth fortifications on their mutual borders to deter invasions from rival states. Fighting ended in 221 PC when the Garurt finally defeated the rest and unified Zolot once more. The Garurt dynasty did not last very long, but they did have absolute authority. Agriculture and herding were regulated and everyone paid their taxes. They burned books by the hundreds too. When the king died, his succession caused a crisis when the nobles attempted to crown his son and control him as a puppet, causing the country to erupt into a civil war between rival states.   The Kethend state was victorious, which began the rule of the Kethend dynasty, famous for inventing paper. During the unification war, the rulers of the losing state fled to the South in exile, where they set up their own kingdoms. The Kethend began a period of aggressive foreign policy and conquered the new kingdoms, which have confederated. This extremely rapid expansion gave Zolot its first contact with the numerous nomadic tribes of Raul Gul, attracting many merchants. Zolot eventually split to three rival kingdoms in 221, and reunited in 589 under the Vargach dynasty, while leaders in Raul Gul rose to power.   The Vargach subjecated the Raul Guls in the South, and solidified their iron hold on the Green Sea. In 906 Zolot collapsed again due to the power of regional warlords. Meanwhile, Temugan Bogan, considered the father of Raul Gul, would grow rapidly a large organized empire, taking over the entirety of Raul Gul. The land flourished, and they financed their state through large scale raids. Zolot was no match to the wolfriders of the Raul Gul, whose entire strategy was based on speed and power. By 1271, the now leader Kubi would be crowned the king of Raul Gul, and emperor of Zolot. Raul Gul brought with them their lore, costums, and traditions which blended with those of Zolot.   Commerce and technology increased in the multi-ethnic empire, but it did not last. After a series of earthquakes, Zolotians started to question whether the gods thought Raul Gul deserves to rule, and soon a revolt ensued, driving Raul Gul out of Zolot and beginning the Othokent dynasty. The dynasty's policies were centered on isolationism. Unwilling to trade with foreign powers led to an increased self reliance. In 1424, Othokent collapsed into numerous pieces of independent states, who call themselves the Kingdoms of Zolot, or just Zolot.

Demography and Population

As Zolot is generally unattractive to immigrants, the land is mostly inhabited by native Lizardfolk, but also a large amount of Orcs left over from the occupation by Raul Gul.


Zolot military is a mix. It includes dinosaur-like creatures, giant lizard, giant wolf cavalry, melee infantry, and ranged units. Zolot is a master of all in land warfare.   Zolotian culture does not emphasize individuality, but rather being a part of a whole unit that works together. At the same time it is a culture of power, where the weaker are consumed by the stronger, so Kings are often afraid that their own soldiers will rise against them if they think they are weak. This makes Zolotian training reckless, where obedience is drilled into soldiers just as much as being fearless. Zolotian soldiers are groomed and trained from birth to be soldiers and nothing more. Zolotian armies are some of the most battle tested and renowned in the world.

Technological Level

Though in its golden age Zolot made numerous breakthroughs in technology and philosophy, including the invention of paper, it later specialized in studying and innovating in war. It has advanced siege engines, weapons, mounts, tactics, and it is said they have mastered their own technique of Runestone Magic.


Since almost all Kings are warlords and don't pay attention to religion, Zolot has a striking diversity in faith. Before the invasion of Raul Gul, one religion dominated Zolot, which relates back to the Zolot myth of creation. The pantheons Raul Gul then made their way to Zolot. In the pantheon, the gods are lords mounted of giant wolves in the sky, and each star is a burning city. This appealed to the culture of war in Zolot, and the pantheons became popular. Connection to Raul Gul also connected Zolot to Kingsland, which is connected to Midland. Therefore, there is a minority believing in the religion of Godsway. At the same time, religions of peace from Zealiya have made their way to Zolot, but like the religion of Godsway, they did not resonate with the populous as much.

Foreign Relations

Lately in Zolot history, the Kingdoms have become increasingly isolationist. Diplomacy of Zolot is undeveloped. If they can conquer a territory, they would, but they do not sign trade agreements, non-aggression agreements, etc...

Peace is the corpse of power

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Neighboring Nations

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