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History of Old Heaven

Caublin Age

2586 1654

  • 470 CA

    820 CA

    Unveiling of the Elfish Realms
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Unveiling of the Elfish Realms was an period lasting several centuries in the Caublin Age during which a number of elfish courts emerged as political players in Elleswere. Prior to this event, elfish peoples had been present on Valan, but remained largely hidden from the mostly mannish and goblin people of the continent. In its aftermath, the Elfish Realms came to dominate much of south-central Elleswere.

  • 767 CA

    Vonalïtra Monument

    The Vonalïtra Monument was the first direct contact between mannish and elfish peoples in the Verïavodosï basin since the Fate of Islos. In late 767, the monument was erected overnight on the island of Vonalïtra, very near the eponymous fishing village. The only mannish source of knowlege from the events come from letters sent by a local cleric, Medos of Ghantem, to his clerical chapter master in Feros through his temple's sending pool. The letters describe the initial curiosity and axiety the monument stirred in the polulace, and a month of inexplicable disappearances among the population. While Medos wrote frequently about preparation he was making with the village headman to evacuate the island, an unusually persistant and thick fog and poor weather dissuaded them from the attempt. Eventually, the letters stopped. Months later, an expedition from Feros organized by the chapter master and his local baron visited the island. They reported magical storms that attempted to ward them off the island. The small party that did actually set foot on land reported that no evidence of the village of Vonalïtra—no structures, artefacts, or people—at its reported location. The partied explored further, and reported mysterious figures just beyond view, and repeated encounters with hostile "spirits". Only three of ten-man landing party made it back to the ship.   In following years, a Naldi elfish settlement appeared on the island. Although the Fate of Islos was likely the first major incident of this kind, Vonalïtra became known as the first of the Vanisher Colonies to the mannish inhabitants in and around Verïavodosi, and a similar process occurred on many islands in the sea, and later the Sunlands.

Mannish Age

1653 1

  • 672 MA

    Knucklehead Riots

    The Knucklehead Riots were a series of protests launched in response to the knucklehead tax, formally the Levy Decree for Fishermen, was a poll tax on fishermen using the lakes of Icewind Dale during the late Kingdom of Icewind under King Vaegir II. The tax charged a fixed sum for the fishing of knucklehead trout and other fish, formally the property of the King of Icewind. It was instituted in response to rising military expenses as King Vaegir attempted to respond to escalating frost giant incursions that would eventually become Vassavicken's War. The tax eventually resulted in the Knucklehead Riots which began in Easthaven and rapidly spread to the other communities around Lac Dinneshere. Although the riots were put down by Duke Valoram I of Easthaven, created an exception for the "certified poor" who had a letter of certification from a cleric.

  • 685 MA

    688 MA

    Vassavicken's War
    Military: War

    Vassavicken's War (685-688 MA) was an invasion of the Kingdom of Icewind by the Frost Giant jarldoms of Icewind Dale, united under Queen Vassavicken. The war began after Vassavicken called a Jarlmoot, bringing together the leaders of each of her people's great clans, and proposed the Frost Giants had a duty to reclaim their ancestral home from Northmannish settlers. The initial invasion was highly successful, resulting in the destruction of Caer-Konig and Lokine Hill, as well as a rout of the kingdom's banners during the Battle of the Eastway. The war was eventually ended when Alagondar the Great secured the allegiance of a White Dragon and turned back Vassavicken's host and slew the invading Queen.

  • 692 MA

    The Dragon's Coup
    Military: War

    The Dragon's Coup (692 MA) was a conflict between the Kingdom of Icewind and the forces of Alagondar the Great. Following Vassavicken's War, Alagondar and his dragon became symbols of Icewinder resilience and adaptability; a demonstration of Northmannish people using the tools of their environment to attain new levels of power. Their celebrity became a threat to King Vaegir II, who feared that Alagondar's celebrity would lead his vassals to swear fealty to the lords of Easthaven, rather than himself. King Vaegir had Alagondar's father, Duke Valoram I of Easthaven assassinated and forced the future Emperor into exile. Alagondar joined again with his dragon ally and assembled an army from exile, meeting covertly with Icewinder lords and forging alliances with Reghed tribes. Eventually, he launched an attack on Targos, killing King Vaegir and claiming the throne of Icewind for himself.

  • 964 MA

    Coronation of Alagondar the Great

    The Coronation of Alagondar the Great was the formal founding of the Alagonid Empire. After nearly two years ruling as the King of Icewind since the ascending the throne, Alagondar the Great began to espouse views that the Northmannish peoples of Elleswere should unite in the face of the monstrous danger that faced them in the Northlands. He began to look south, particularly the wealthy city of Norvissen, as the best place to start his mission. To that end, he used his new title to formally adopt the Cultus Draconis of Taldromos Monastery as the Royal Cult, and use his connection with dragons to crown himself Emperor of All Northmen, thus establishing his Empire.

  • 1652 MA - 2 NE
    Siege of Tsonkaveïm
    Military: Battle

    The Siege of Tsonkaveïm was a failed attempt by the Alagonid Empire to end its border clashes with the Elfish Realms and secure control of the Sïvasavo river basin by conquering the elfish library-city of Tsonkaveïm. The siege lasted three years, before it was broken by relief forces from the nascent Nalemonic Empire. In exchange for saving the city, the Court of Tsonkaveïm became the first great elfish court to pledge themselves to the Nalemon.

Nalemonic Era

0 and beyond

  • 2 NE

    141 NE

    War of Sun and Dragon
    Military: War

    The War of Sun and Dragon, also called the Alagonid-Nalemonic War or the Manfall War (1652 MA - 141 NE), was a series of conflicts between the Alagonid and Nalemonic empires. It originated from territorial clashes over control of the Sïvasavo river between the Alagonids and the Elfish Realms, particularly the city-state of Tsonkaveïm. It grew into an broader continent-spanning conflict, resulting in the destruction of the Alagonid Empire and the rise of the Nalemonic Empire as Elleswere's dominant power.

  • 33 NE

    Nalemonic Union
    Diplomatic action

    The Nalemonic Union was an agreement by many disparate and varied courts of the Elfish Realms to swear fealty to the Court of Nalemon Valïs and join the Nalemonic Empire. The courts gathered a delegation to travel to the court on Nalislos and, in respect of her breaking of the Siege of Tsonkaveïm and continued victories against the Northmannish Alagonid Empire, recognize Valïs' claim to the title of Nalemon.

  • 141 NE

    Occupation of Icewind Dale
    Military action

    The Occupation of Icewind Dale was the final military action of the Alagonid-Nalemonic War. While the Alagonid Empire had been formally dissolved after the fall of Alagondria, many members of the imperial family and other court notables fled to Ten-Towns in a bid to escape persecution. A Nalemonic Legion was dispatched to dismantle the last remnants of the Alagonid feudal system in Icewind Dale, resulting in a harsh crackdown lasting years that largely eliminated the Icewinder aristocracy and paved the way for the promulgation of the Speakership system in Ten-Towns.

  • 192 NE

    193 NE

    War of Redwaters
    Military: Skirmish

    The War of Redwaters (192-193 NE), was a conflict between the towns of Dougan's Hole and Good Mead in Ten-Towns. It originated when members of the Dougan Durmoot clan sank 12 fishing ships from Good Mead, and represented the culmination of years of bloody clashes over fishing rights that gave the lake Redwaters its name. It resulted in a formal mediation at the Council of Speakers that recognized the Dougan Speaker as a formal member of the Council and an agreement between Good Mead and Dougan's Hole that the latter was and would always be an independent town.