Gaeno Woods Geographic Location in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Gaeno Woods

The Gaeno Woods is the forest south of Cantonova that separates the Borderlands from Adamant. It is known for having an unusual amount of Fey activity.


The Gaeno Woods are a temperate deciduous forest. Some logging occurs along the northern and southern edges of the woods, but much of the middle portion is extremely old-growth. The Dreibach River cuts through the western portion of the woods before emptying into the Aegirrán Sea at their northeastern edge, near the border with Cantonova. Many small creeks and rivulets start deep in the woods and flow into the Dreibach River.

Localized Phenomena

Certain animals of the woods seem to grow to enormous sizes, for unknown and possibly arcane reasons. Direboar, direwolves, and owlbears are the most well-known of these, but even giant ants and giant spiders are common threats to travelers.   The woods have a deep connection with the Feywild, including a number of small, hidden "windows" that allow a glimpse into the Feywild or even a portal for Fey creatures to travel through. Most of these link to the Summer Court, though some link to other locations in the Feywild.
A creek running deep within the Gaeno Woods.
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