Telwyth-Teg Character in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The Solstice Man, The Goblin King)

Telwyth-Teg is an archfey of the Summer Court often reviled as a trickster and a traitor. He is known as the Goblin King for his role in offering souls to goblinkind after acquiring Jezibaba's Cauldron.   He is also known as the Solstice Man, for his unique ability to travel between courts of the Feywild. His exceptional intelligence and ability to manipulate the circumstances around him have given him power nearly equivalent to the Archfeys Regnant.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Telwyth-Teg's usual appearance is something between fey and goblinoid in nature. He has yellow-green skin and the piercing green eyes of any fey creature. He stands taller than the average goblin—slightly over five feet, wtih a slight hunch—and has sharp Eladrin-like facial features, but with the signature goblinoid facial markings across his cheeks, forehead, and relatively slender nose. His hair is short, messy, and a brilliant red-orange, and his dextrous, claw-like hands are webbed like a salamander's toes. The sound of his voice, even from across a room, smells of cinnamon.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Telwyth-Teg was born a Goblin spirit, and thus a member of the Courtless fey. Early in his life, he was ensnared by Jezibaba and forced to act as a spy for her against Queen Mab. The story of the events that led to his escape from Jezibaba and eventual enshrinement as an archfey of the Summer Court is told in the Legend of the Caorthannach.


Telwyth-Teg is traditionally the patron of a Wargrave of the Cuarto Perso district of Cantonova. This wargraviancy was passed through the House of Murgatroyd for thirteen generations, though tragedy and scandal seemed to follow its bearers for most of this tenancy. He offered the position to Rusalka after the events of the Triple Defense of Cantonova, in which Ruthven Murgatroyd (the previous holder of the position) fled Cantonova in disgrace. Rusalka agreed to serve a seven-year tenure under his sponsorship, after which it will become an elected wargraviancy for the first time.


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