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Fatamor is an unfathomable and terrifying leviathan that haunts the arid expanses of the fantasy realm. This colossal behemoth is unlike any other, manifesting as a gargantuan sinkhole with a voracious appetite that defies comprehension. It moves underground without other people ever suspecting his presence until he comes up to the surface. Its gaping maw, resembling a swirling vortex of darkness, is capable of swallowing entire unsupspecting towns and settlements in the blink of an eye. Fatamor is not merely a geological phenomenon; it is a living entity, driven by insatiable hunger, and its presence is synonymous with dread in the deserts it calls home. Fatamor, with its nightmarish expanse and ravenous hunger, is a manifestation of the nature's inherent dangers and pitfalls. It serves as a chilling reminder of the perilous nature of the uncharted wilderness and the timeless struggle of humanity against the forces of the unknown. In the desolate sands where it mainly dwells, Fatamor stands as both a legend and a harbinger of doom, an entity that defines the very essence of dread Ordrul .  

Large as a Landscape: A Colossus of Dread

  Fatamor's sheer size is a testament to its overwhelming power. It stretches across the landscape like a gaping wound in the earth if he is on the surface, with a seemingly infinite expanse of darkness that defies measurement. Its sheer enormity is a stark reminder of the vulnerability of those who traverse the desert, as it can consume whole caravans, nomadic tribes, and even the hardiest of adventurers with chilling ease.  

Abysm of Hell: The Abyss Beckons

  The depths of Fatamor's abyss are rumored to be a gateway to another plain of existence, a hellish realm of eternal torment where the souls of those it consumes are condemned. Those who gaze into its abyss are said to witness nightmarish visions, their sanity unraveling as they peer into the yawning darkness and survived to tell of it. The name "Abysm of Hell" has been given to this ominous sinkhole, an appellation that evokes a sense of terror among all who hear it.  

All-Devouring: The Hunger That Knows No Bounds

  Fatamor's insatiable appetite is the stuff of legends. In the most extreme cases, entire cities have been reported to emerge to be sucked into the depths of its abyss, only to be devoured along with the hope and dreams of those who lived in them. It seems like that Fatamor can never have enough and consumes anything living and dead alike.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
The Living Abyss


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