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Leviathans are truly ancient creatures, with a history that spans back to the very beginning of time itself. According to legend, they were created by Alpha , the godfather of all creation, in the earliest days of the universe, long before the emergence of any other living beings. As mighty beasts with incredible strength and endurance, the Leviathans were initially seen as powerful allies in the conflicts that raged between the emerging races of the universe. However, their lack of intelligence and capacity for independent thought made them easily manipulated and controlled by those who sought to use them for their own purposes.   As the conflicts between the races intensified and the stakes grew ever higher, the Leviathans were increasingly used as weapons of war. Their massive size and strength made them nearly unstoppable on the battlefield, and they were feared and revered by all who saw them in action. However, it soon became apparent that the Leviathans were too dangerous to be allowed to roam freely. In an effort to protect his creations from destruction, Alpha made the difficult decision to send the Leviathans into a deep slumber, hoping that they would remain dormant and peaceful for all eternity.   Despite the passage of countless eons, the Leviathans have remained in their slumber, hidden away from the rest of the universe. Some believe that they may one day be awakened again, either by accident or design, and that their fearsome power will once again be unleashed upon the universe.   Others, however, see the Leviathans as a symbol of the dangers of unchecked power and the need for restraint and caution in the pursuit of strength and dominance. Whether they remain in their slumber forever or awaken to wreak havoc once again, the Leviathans are sure to remain a source of fascination and awe for generations to come.  

Legends about reported Leviathans

  • Rodron, This Leviathan is a gigantic worm-like creature which inhabit the swamps of Lemotion which leach the land of its energy and leaves barren wasteland behind. Its skin is tough and leathery, and it can survive for long periods of time without food or water. The mere presence of Rodron is enough to make even the bravest adventurers quail in fear, for its appetite for destruction is seemingly insatiable.
  • Naganti: This Leviathan is a massive serpent that coils and winds its way through the depths of the earth. Its scales are a deep, iridescent green, and its eyes glitter with an eerie intelligence. Naganti is said to be a creature of great knowledge and wisdom, with the ability to speak with those who can understand its language.
  • Arcanum Behemoth This Leviathan is a manifestation of pure magical energy, taking the form of a swirling vortex of colors and light. Its power is both awe-inspiring and terrifying, as it can reshape reality itself to suit its whims. Those who seek to harness its power must be prepared to pay a heavy price, for Arcanum Behemoth is a capricious and unpredictable entity.
  • Squimar : This Leviathan is a massive kraken, with tentacles that stretch for miles beneath the surface of the sea. It has the ability to control the waters around it, summoning massive storms and creating massive whirlpools that can drag entire ships to their doom.
  • Himsa: This Leviathan is a giant lizard that can fly higher than any other creature in the universe. Its scales are a shimmering silver, and its wings are massive enough to create a gust of wind that can knock over buildings. Himsais rarely seen by mortals, as it spends most of its time soaring high above the clouds. Some rumor is where never send to a slumber and still flies above Ordrul.
  • Pesturus: This Leviathan is a monstrous creature that spreads disease and pestilence wherever it goes. Its body is a mass of twisted, writhing flesh, and it exudes a foul stench that can make even the strongest stomachs turn. Pesturus is a creature of chaos, mutating everything in its path.
  • Shadowstalker: This Leviathan is a creature of darkness, a being that lives in the shadows and strikes from the darkness. Its body is a mass of writhing tentacles, and it emits a low, menacing growl that can make even the bravest heroes tremble. Shadowstalker is a creature of nightmares, and those who dare to confront it rarely return to tell the tale.
  • Glawim : This Leviathan is a creature made entirely of ice, with razor-sharp icicle spikes jutting from its body. It can freeze anything it touches, and its breath can turn entire landscapes into frozen wastelands. Glawim often lies in the shadows and creates minions of ice and snow to bring his victims to him.
  • Fatamor : This Leviathan is a massive sinkhole that can swallow entire towns. It is said to be a living entity, with a voracious appetite for anything that falls into its maw. Fatamoris a creature that dwells in the desert, luring unsuspecting travelers to their doom with magical illusions. In the most extreme cases, travelers reported enchantments of complete cities before they were swallowed.
  • Geonetis: This Leviathan is a massive, living golem made of stone. It can shape itself into any form it desires, and its body is almost indestructible. Geonetis can be a hill, a stone, a mountain or a the ground beneath your feet.
  • Arachnus - A massive spider that can split into many smaller spiders, each with their own unique abilities. They weave webs throughout the forests they inhabit, and are fiercely territorial. Some even state that they can create entire forests with their webs. Creating wandering forest that come for their prey.
  • Hemalith - An ancient tree that seems to pulse with raw magical power. Its sap is a deep red color and is said to have healing properties, but the tree is fiercely protected by the creatures that live within its branches. Smaller less potent versions of this tree exist still today in Ordrul.
  • Moosemaw - A carnivorous swamp plant that resembles a moose in appearance. It grows slowly but if it infects creature even trough the smallest scratch in the skin. Overtime the creatures is overgrown and becomes part of Moosemaw.
  • Stalnor  - An elk-like creature that is fiercely protective of the forests it calls home. It can manipulate plant life to create barriers or weapons, and its antlers are as hard as steel and tall as trees.
  • Orlaithia - The Owl of Wisdom that is said to hold all the knowledge of the Leviathans. She has seen the rise and fall of civilizations and knows secrets that no mortal could ever fathom.
  • Schatebris - The Shadow Trickster is a master of illusions and trickery. It can manipulate shadows to create portals or weapons, and often uses its powers to play pranks on unsuspecting victims. The most devious way it killed its victims by calling on their own shadows and hold them in place while it tortures them.
  • Floppler - This deceptively cute Rabbit is a seemingly harmless creature but no living soul should touch it. Its fur is actually a powerful defense mechanism, capable of emitting a deadly toxin that can paralyze its prey within seconds. It can also use its long, razor-sharp teeth to deliver a lethal poison which can devour the body of its victim in minutes even before the paralyzing toxin left the victims body.
  • Mird  It is a feathered creature with a beak that can imitate any sound it hears. It uses this talent to lure unsuspecting prey into its grasp, mimicking the calls of other birds or even human voices to trick them.
  • Somler - It can enter the sleeping minds of mortals and manipulate their dreams, giving them visions of either great beauty or terrible nightmares. It is said that if you encounter Somler, you will never know whether you are truly awake or still dreaming.
  • Charmala - It is a monster whose adorable appearance and beauty hides its true power. It can entrance its victims with its cuteness, making them unable to resist its commands. Those who fall under its spell become its loyal servants, willing to do anything to protect it.

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