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Glawim, a formidable and bone-chilling leviathan, is a creature wrought entirely from the frigid embrace of ice. This enigmatic behemoth is a living embodiment of winter's most savage fury. Its immense form is a spectral vision of crystalline splendor, its body adorned with razor-sharp icicle spikes that gleam like frosted daggers beneath the pale moonlight. Glawim is an entity that commands the elemental forces of ice and cold, wielding them with ruthless precision to create a realm of eternal frost and despair.

Everice: Frozen Eternity Incarnate

  Glawim's existence is a testament to the unyielding power of ice. It is perpetually encased in an ever-shifting shroud of ice, a living glacier that remains impervious to the passage of time. The term "Everice" has been coined to describe this enduring form, a manifestation of the inexorable grip of winter that refuses to relent. No mere fire or heat can smelt this ice as it is too cold to be exteinguished by such mudane means. To witness Glawim is to glimpse a world frozen in an eternal, icy embrace.   Live to Ice: Minions of Frost and Shadow   Glawim is a master of minions, often lurking in the shadows of its frozen domain. It employs its otherworldly abilities to craft minions made of ice and snow, animate sculptures that resemble frozen phantoms. These servants of frost and shadow serve as the leviathan's eyes and ears, capturing unsuspecting victims and guiding them into the heart of Glawim's icy lair.   Icy Prison:The Frostbitten Touch of Doom   The touch of Glawim is an inexorable doom. It can freeze anything it comes into contact with, turning living creatures, flora, and even the very earth itself into solid ice. Victims ensnared by its icy grasp become frozen statues, trapped in a state of eternal suspension, their essence imprisoned within the cold, unfeeling crystal of Glawim's form.  Once ensnared, these captives find themselves trapped in an inescapable, spectral prison, surrounded by the glacial walls of despair.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
The Frozen Terror of Winter


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