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In the dismal and treacherous swamps of Lemotion, an ominous presence reigns supreme—the Rodron, a colossal, worm-like behemoth. This immense creature is an ecological menace, draining the land of its vitality and leaving behind desolation and despair in its wake. Especially the swamps of Sidak are destroyed in recent years.   In the grim annals of Lemotion 's history, the Rodron stands as a symbol of unchecked destruction and the relentless pursuit of sustenance. To confront this Leviathan is to challenge an embodiment of devastation, one that relentlessly feeds on life energy and leaves in its wake a land forever scarred by its presence.  

Formidable Appearance

The Rodron is a monstrous entity, its immense body taking on the form of a gargantuan worm. Its skin, tough and leathery, serves as formidable armor against the harsh environments it calls home. With its massive bulk and writhing form, it is a sight that strikes terror into the hearts of even the bravest adventurers. The mere knowledge of its presence is enough to make them quail in fear.  

Life-Energy Leech

What truly sets the Rodron apart is its insatiable appetite for destruction. This leviathan is a voracious predator of life energy itself. It has the unnerving ability to siphon the very life force from the surrounding flora, fauna, and even the land itself. The aftermath of its passage is a bleak, barren wasteland where once-lush swamps thrived, and a haunting stillness prevails.  

Survivor of Desolation

Rodrons are masters of adaptation, capable of surviving for extended periods without the need for sustenance. They can endure prolonged periods of scarcity, making them formidable adversaries even when resources are scarce. Their resilience, combined with their life-draining abilities, makes them nigh-invincible forces of devastation in their habitat.  

Special Abilities


Absorb Life Energy

The Rodron's primary ability is its capacity to absorb life energy from its surroundings. This parasitic skill allows it to feed upon the vitality of living beings, draining them of their life force and leaving behind only desolation. The more it consumes, the more powerful and resilient it becomes.  

Dug Tunnel

Rodrons are exceptional burrowers, equipped with powerful jaws and an innate ability to dig vast, labyrinthine tunnels beneath the swamp's surface. These tunnels serve as their lairs, allowing them to move stealthily and launch ambushes on unsuspecting prey or threats.  

Acid Splash

As a defense mechanism, Rodrons can unleash a corrosive acid splash from specialized glands within their bodies. This acidic attack serves as both a weapon and a deterrent, dissuading potential predators from approaching too closely and further damaging the already decimated landscape.

Basic Information


Rodron can reach a size of about 5-10km and a diameter of 300m. The most vicious thing about them are their tongs. They can suck the life out of the ground to what ever place the tongue can reach. The tongues can have about a size of 200km while the beast has up to 500 of these.   Moreover the beast emit a slime that is toxic to most plants and life forms.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Rodron love the smell of the Yellow Flower. The smells reminds humanoids of citrus. Rodron love to stay in regions of these flowers. The lucky coincidence is that this flowers grow only in the surrounding of Rodron due to the slime they emit. The Yellow Flower is one of the few plants that can still grow in these regions.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
The Swamp-Devouring Leviathan


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