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A small dwarfen warrior who lived his small life in Amera. During the last day of Queen Ismira Oakear he met the Adventurers and worked with them. After the death of Narlis Puck offered Rili the life of a paid soldier in his services. He greatly accepted for the payment of 50 gold and 15% of all treasures Puck finds.


After Puck 's seclusion the the druid sleep. He was again free to set out in the world. He is still mourning for his lost brother. He joined the Shadowchildren and lifes now a life of blood and steel. He has become a brutal soldier who just wants learn more about Anubas Ritual. He hopes that he can join him and his brother weapon together to honor the memory of his lost brother.


Family Ties

He has a sibling Fili. This brother killed himself during one of the ceremonies held by the Church of purity. Rili believes that the chruch influenced Fili to kill himself.


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