Oros The Celestial War
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The Celestial War

Military: War


The Great War between light and darkness

In the wake of the Lizard-Drow War, the lizardfolk emerged victorious and ruled over Primoria, encompassing various races within their borders. While the dwarves and elves were granted limited freedoms to rebuild their societies, the dark elves and orcs endured brutal oppression, being treated as slaves, labor forces, sacrifices for rituals, and bait. The world experienced a period of relative peace, but this tranquility would soon be shattered as Grapha - God of Death and Darkness , a dormant god, decided to take a more direct approach in plunging the planet into eternal darkness.   Grapha, the embodiment of darkness, sought to reclaim the world from the encroaching light. To achieve this, Grapha created a vessel of immense power known as Bellerophon, also referred to as the Prince of Darkness or the Endless Night. Bellerophon's primary objective was to bring back total darkness to the planet. However, Bellerophon realized that the inhabitants of Elysium, including Dragons, celestials, and Aasimars, would hinder his plan. Thus, he set out to eliminate them.   Using his shadowy abilities to cloak himself, Bellerophon infiltrated the sky island of Elysium and assassinated Selephiel , one of the powerful Archons who served under Archlord Kristya. Taking on Selephiel's identity, Bellerophon slowly corrupted the beings of Elysium, exploiting his high status for years. However, his true nature was eventually discovered by Zaphkiel , a radical Archon.   Rather than exposing Bellerophon, Zaphkiel saw an opportunity for great change and formed a secret alliance with him, becoming his spy. This alliance allowed Bellerophon to further his corruptive influence with Zaphkiel's assistance. Despite Archlord Kristya eventually uncovering Bellerophon's presence, the dark entity had already set his plan into motion.   Bellerophon unleashed his corruption upon Elysium, leading to a fierce battle known as the Veil on Elysium. With his followers aiding him, Bellerophon inflicted significant damage and casualties among the celestials, dragons, Aasimars, and archons. After the battle, Bellerophon and his corrupted forces retreated to the shadow realm to prepare for the upcoming war.   Out of the original 30 Archons, only 13 survived the conflict. Zaphkiel, who had feigned betrayal, was among the surviving Archons. The other surviving archons were Zefra, Zefraath, Gameciel, Asophiel, Kaspitell, Dian, Asmodeus, Voltanis, Zerato, Vala, Onerios, and Zeradias. Bellerophon's corruption of Elysium led to the emergence of new species, races, and creatures, including the Evolzar (Fallen Aasimar), Black Dragons from corrupted dragon eggs, and various aberrations, abominations, and monstrosities.

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