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Baal- God/Goddess of Lightning

Thunder's Roar

"Whoever said that lightning never strikes the same place twice, has clearly never seen the terrifying Lighning Sage on the battlefield" -Gregor Pellar, warrior of the Great God War

Baal, also known as the "Lightning Sage", "Thunder's Roar", the, "Unbound Flash", the "Dancing Duelist" and Baalzaac in the Old Rodinia Pantheon is a New God of lightning, storms, power, eccentricity, nature's fury and fluidity.

Baal, the captivating deity of lightning, is a Solomid- Spawn god that defies conventional gender norms, manifesting as a fluid entity that transitions between the forms of a man, a woman, and a harmonious blend of both genders and sometimes spliting into two. This shape-shifting nature adds to the mystery surrounding Baal, whose might remains undeterred by the ever-changing visage they adopt.   Upon each appearance, Baal emanates an aura of raw power and authority. Lightning dances around them, illuminating the world with brilliant flashes and electrifying energy. Baal's eyes mirror the vivid intensity of a thunderstorm, revealing an otherworldly gaze that hints at the depths of their divine knowledge and power.

  Baal operates beyond strict moral boundaries, existing neither as wholly good nor inherently evil. Their actions are guided solely by their own desires and inclinations, making them both fascinating and fearsome. This unpredictability is a defining aspect of Baal, who holds dominion over lightning with unparalleled power. Baal during the Great God War would often switch between The Three Goddesses side and Babel- God of War side or sometimes independently. There have been several cases where in the midst of battle on the whim, Baal would begin to attack their former allies.

  The god/goddess wields lightning with capricious yet potent authority. With a mere gesture, bolts streak across the sky, illuminating the darkest corners of the world. This display of might invokes both awe and terror, a reminder of Baal's dominion over one of nature's most formidable forces.

  Followers of Baal seek their favor to harness the divine power of lightning. Sailors beseech Baal's mercy during storms, while warriors pray for aid to strike down enemies with the ferocity of lightning bolts. Baal's blessings are both a boon and a challenge, granted on the deity's terms, regardless of mortal expectations.

But what Baal believes the most in, is power. Baal only has eyes for the truly powerful and those that exceel, will be bestowed with the gifts of Baal.

Divine Domains

Baal holds sway over a realm of divine influence that mirrors the tempestuous essence of storms and the raw power of nature. Baal's divine domains encapsulate the very forces that make lightning dance across the heavens and storms unleash their fury upon the world. Here are the divine domains over which Baal holds dominion:
Lightning: Baal's authority over lightning is unrivaled. Bolts of electricity, like celestial spears, obey the whims of this capricious deity, illuminating the skies and striking down with electrifying force.   Storms: As the harbinger of tempests, Baal governs over storms in their entirety. From the thunderous roars to the torrential downpours, Baal's influence shapes the chaos and power inherent in nature's most formidable weather phenomena.   Power: Baal is the embodiment of celestial might and divine authority. The concept of power, both physical and metaphysical, bows to the whims of this deity. Baal's presence signifies the overwhelming force that can reshape the course of events.   Eccentricity: Unpredictable and ever-changing, Baal's nature is characterized by eccentricity. This domain reflects the deity's capricious tendencies, as they revel in the unexpected and defy conventional expectations.    Nature's Fury: Beyond the conventional forces of storms and lightning, Baal's influence extends to the broader canvas of nature's fury. Hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes are all expressions of Baal's divine influence over the untamed aspects of the natural world.   Fluidity: Baal's ever-shifting forms and gender-fluid manifestations speak to the domain of fluidity. This encompasses not just physical fluidity but also the malleability of circumstances and events that bow to the deity's whims.   Where war and conflict weave the fabric of reality, Baal's divine domains are both a reflection of the tumultuous landscape and a guiding force for those who seek to harness the power of storms, lightning, and the indomitable spirit of nature's fury. Baal's dominion over these domains shape the destiny of the world.


Titan's Bane

Tenets of Faith

The tenets of faith for followers of Baal are encapsulated in a singular, unwavering principle: POWER. Within the enigmatic realm of Baal's worship, power becomes the supreme currency, the one and only measure of worthiness in the eyes of this capricious deity.

1. The Sole Imperative - Power: For followers of Baal, the ultimate and singular rule is the possession and pursuit of power. It is an uncompromising doctrine that transcends mortal constraints, dictating that one's worth is solely measured by the magnitude of their power. Baal remains indifferent to pleas and prayers from the feeble, emphasizing that true favor is reserved exclusively for those who wield formidable might.

  2. Admiration for the Powerful: In the eyes of Baal, admiration is an offering bestowed upon the powerful. The deity values strength, whether physical, magical, or metaphysical, above all else. Those who demonstrate exceptional prowess, whether in the battlefield or in the pursuit of their personal ambitions, receive the undying admiration and love of Baal.

  3. No Concession for the Weak: Baal's doctrine harbors no sympathy for the weak. Prayers unbacked by power are like fleeting whispers in the tumult of a storm — inconsequential. Baal's attention is reserved for those who carve their destiny with the blade of strength, for it is the powerful who are destined to bask in the deity's favor.

  4. Extravagant Boons for the Powerful: In a departure from the conventional, Baal's generosity knows no bounds for the powerful. Unlike deities who mete out blessings sparingly, Baal showers the mighty with extravagant boons and gifts. Even audacious demands, considered outrageous or impossible by other standards, are met with benevolence if made by the powerful.

  5. Insatiable Appetite for Power: Followers of Baal are encouraged to pursue power relentlessly, for in the ever-shifting currents of strength lies the key to unlocking Baal's enduring favor. Whether through martial prowess, arcane mastery, or the strength of one's convictions, the path to divine admiration is marked by an insatiable appetite for power.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Baal, the capricious deity of lightning, emerges as an enigmatic force in the tumultuous age of Nakamudo. Cloaked in the ever-shifting garb of storms, Baal is a manifestation of power and overwhelming might, a living symbol of celestial authority. In this era of war, Nakamudo finds itself under the watchful gaze of the divine, and none personifies the spirit of battle more than Baal.

Adorned in clothing that mirrors the essence of Nakamudo itself, Baal's attire resonates with the war-torn landscapes and the relentless clash of armies. The deity, ever fond of Nakamudo's tumultuous nature, has adopted its aesthetics with a certain affinity. Lightning dances across Nakamudo's skies, a reflection of the divine authority that Baal brings to this realm of strife.

  In the hearts of Nakamudo's warriors, Baal is more than a deity; she is their war god, an embodiment of the fierce determination to triumph in the face of adversity. The symbol of Nakamudo's unyielding spirit, Baal's presence fuels the flames of combat, infusing warriors with the strength to face the challenges of this new age.

  Amidst the chaos of battle, Baal stands as a beacon of divine might, revered by Nakamudo's denizens as the ultimate arbiter of power. In this age of war, Nakamudo looks to Baal for guidance and strength, acknowledging her as a patron deity who revels in the symphony of conflict. As Nakamudo's chosen war god, Baal's favor is sought by those who crave victory and dominance, marking her as a central figure in the narrative of this war-torn land.
Divine Classification
New God
Neutral Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Thunderous Lord of the Skies
Dynamo of Power
Weaver of Storms
Master of the shifting storms
Dancing Duelist
The Unpredictable Catalyst
Thunder's Roar
Lightning Sage
the Unbound Flash
Bane of Titans
Bestower of the Powerful
Baalzaac(Old Rodinia Pantheon)
Currently Held Titles
He/him or She/Her (Baal doesn't care)
Masculine, Feminine, Androgynous
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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