Battle of the Spire Military Conflict in Oros | World Anvil
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Battle of the Spire

A battle during the The Celestial War that saw the fall of it's great war leaders.

In the Battle of the Spire, Archlord Kristya and Bellerophon- Harbinger of Aaglafa engaged in a fierce duel alongside their forces. However, the unexpected return of Yubel altered the course of the battle. Yubel joined the conflict, attacking both Archlord Kristya and Bellerophon, leading to widespread devastation and innocent casualties. Yubel, with its dragon-like arms, simultaneously struck and killed Archlord Kristya and Bellerophon. In a final effort, the weakened lords managed to retaliate, causing Yubel to disintegrate into dust. With their deaths, the reign of the lords of light and darkness came to an end.   Witnessing the fall of Yubel and the demise of the leaders, Asophiel- Lord of Hell would arrive and collect the remnants of Yubel. The aftermath left the world in recovery, and the absence of the lords of light and darkness created a void in the power dynamics of the war-torn continent. And leading to the Time of Silence.
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