Time of Silence in Oros | World Anvil
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Time of Silence

The Time of Silence is a period of time following the Battle of the Spire.

In the Time of Silence, the absence of strong leadership led to the splintering of forces of both light and darkness, giving rise to various factions and conflicts. Orcs, under Ratbag the Exalted, established a new empire, while the Dark Fairy claimed the Fairy Realm. The Dark Dwarf race delved underground for their pursuits, and Black Dragons claimed territories rich in death and suffering.

  The Primordial Dark Elf, facing internal strife, struggled to reclaim lost lands. The Evolzar remained loyal to Bellerophon- Harbinger of Aaglafa in the Shadow Realm. Among the forces of light, divisions arose without Archlord Kristya, leading to struggles among Lizardfolk, Humans, Giants, and the Fairy race. Dragons and Aasimar followed diverse paths, and Primordial Elf attempted to rebuild Aneria, resulting in separate nations.

  Dwarves, both light and dark, established underground nations, leading to conflicts. Elemental beings retreated to regions aligned with their elements, forming their own domains. Asophiel- Lord of Hell took advantage of the chaos, launching attacks against all factions, destabilizing the delicate balance of power and ushering in a new era of chaos and strife.

During the time of silence Asophiel would spread Infernia's influence, his Daemon Kings would conduct their own campagins leading to great change. Them being Zeradias the Subjugator, Zerato the Killer, Vala, Asmodeus , Voltanis, and Oneiros the Destroyer.

On the light side Zaphkiel - God of Greatness and Zefraath - the Betrayed and Zefra- the Desired would go into conflict with each other. 

The ancient kingdom Hytikix would fall.

New races were born during this time such as the Genasi and the Succubi.

The Time of Silence would end with the return of Bellerophon.
Length of the Time of Silence
5480 BC - 5045 BC

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