Infernia Geographic Location in Oros | World Anvil
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Infernia, the Realm of Demons, is a fiery and tormented expanse where malevolent entities known as Demons find their dwelling. This realm embodies chaos, evil, and sinister power, drawing demons to its fiery depths, where they harness destructive energies and sow corruption throughout the realms. Asophiel- Lord of Hell, the demon creator god, forged Infernia as the birthplace and home of all things demonic.

Within this desolate domain, an unending war rages, accompanied by suffering, chaos, and unrelenting torment. Infernia stretches far and wide, its vastness split into dominions ruled by the 8 Daemon Kings. Daily, these demonic monarchs engage in brutal conflicts for control, perpetuating the ceaseless turmoil that defines the realm.

  At the heart of Infernia stands the bastion of Asophiel, the absolute authority reigning over all. None can oppose him, and none can withstand his omnipotent power. In this abyss of eternal war and malevolence, Asophiel is the law, the life, and the unchallenged force that governs every facet of Infernia's existence.
Alternative Name(s)
Hell, Muspellheim,Nether,Purgatory,Land of Demons,Pandemonium, Demongyre
Ruling/Owning Rank
Related Myths

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