Oros The Dawn of Hell
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The Dawn of Hell



Asophiel and other Archons rebel to create Infernia

Asophiel, driven by his desire for change and growing resentment, finally succumbed to his darker impulses and rebelled against the light forces. His position as the highest-ranking Archon and second-in-command to Archlord Kristya garnered him a loyal following among his fellow Archons, including Zeradias, Voltanis, Zerato, Asmodeus, Vala, and Oneiros, who all joined him in his rebellion.   To fuel their newfound power, Asophiel and his followers conducted a grand ritual sacrifice known as the Ritual of the 100. Over the course of 100 days, they sacrificed 100 million lives from various races, using the immense power derived from these sacrifices to fuel their dark ambitions. Asophiel, in particular, used this power to create a new realm known as Infernia, the Realm of Torment, where eternal suffering and torment would be the norm.   As the ritual unfolded, Asophiel and his loyal Archons underwent a transformation, becoming darker, more evil, and corrupted versions of themselves. They embraced their demonic nature, while the Aasimar and other celestial beings who had sided with Asophiel also succumbed to corruption, transforming into demons themselves. The majority of Asophiel's followers, the humans, were transformed into a new race known as tieflings. This betrayal dealt a significant blow to the light forces, shattering their chain of command and causing upheaval within the celestial authority. The unity and perfect image of the Archons were tarnished, revealing that even they were susceptible to corruption and betrayal.   The creation of Torment Inferina marked a turning point in the war, as Asophiel and his demonic forces became a formidable enemy for the light. The realm became a source of nightmares and dread, a place where souls were condemned to eternal agony. The light forces, once unified, now faced a new threat from within their own ranks, as Asophiel and his demonic legions sought to extinguish the light and claim dominion over all realms.

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