Demon Species in Oros | World Anvil
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Demons, born from the shadowed depths of corruption and fueled by an insatiable appetite for chaos, stand as a stark contrast to the celestial beings they were once part of. Their origin, steeped in rebellion and malevolence, traces back to Asophiel's treacherous uprising against the forces of light. What was once a realm of harmony and unity shattered, birthing these abominable entities.   The transformation of Asophiel and his loyal Archons into demons marked the beginning of a nightmarish descent into darkness. Corrupted by their own desires for power, these Celestial beings were twisted and contorted, shedding their noble forms for malevolent ones. Their very essence became tainted, and the celestial light that once illuminated their hearts was extinguished, replaced by an abyssal hunger for destruction.   The Ritual of the 100, a vile act of sacrilege and cruelty, unleashed a cataclysmic wave of corruption upon the cosmos. As lives were ruthlessly extinguished and their energies siphoned for demonic purposes, the Tieflings emerged as a testament to the wickedness that now coursed through the veins of formerly innocent races. These new beings, bearing both the traits of their previous selves and the dark influence of the demons, became the harbingers of chaos, spreading torment and suffering in their wake.   The birth of Infernia, the Realm of Torment, stands as a testament to the depth of depravity that demons embody. Within this nightmarish realm, eternal suffering reigns supreme, souls condemned to an existence of unending agony. Demons revel in this suffering, finding pleasure in the torment they inflict upon the damned. Infernia serves as a stark reminder of the lengths to which demons will go to assert their dominion over all that is good and just.   The corruption that taints demons is not confined to their physical forms alone; it extends to their very nature. They crave destruction, thriving on chaos and despair, and seek to plunge all realms into darkness. Their malevolent desires know no bounds, as they scheme and plot to undermine the celestial forces that oppose them, and sow discord and turmoil wherever they tread.
Scientific Name
Divina Imperfecta
Corrupted Celestial
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