Parsians Organization in Oros | World Anvil
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The parsians are the people of Pars and they were present even before the time of Sieghardt- God Emperor. it is one of the twelve tribes that united under Sieghardt to form The Confederation of Man.

The Parsians of today are similar to their ancient counterparts, they boast a strong warrior culture, importantance on honor and as much war as possible. Of the twelve tribes, they and the Kalsaces were the largest and most fearsome, they worshipped Khaine- God of Murder and Morr- God of Blood whereas the former has since been banned in modern times.

Like the Kalsaces, the Parsians under their King, king Pretor conquered several other tribes such as the Mordvin, Menians and Tanians before Sieghardt came to unite them. King Pretor refused to join Sieghardt and would only join him if he could best them in war, their mastery. After a brutal war between Sieghardt and King Pretor, they would join Sieghardt, a strong union was formed between the two men which lead to the current privileges Pars has today.

The capital of Nicopagra has remained as the parsian captial to this day.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Successor Organization

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