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Sacred Pool

The Sacred Pool, often referred to by various revered names such as the Holy Grail, God Pool, Pool of Life, or the White Grail, holds immense significance for the followers of Solomon - God of Life. It is an enchanted body of holy water that bestows sainthood and divine power upon those deemed worthy by Solomon himself. However, this sacred blessing is not accessible to all; only the most devout and proven followers of the Solomonid faith can partake of its power. For anyone unworthy, the pool becomes a deadly poison, burning them from within. Bathing in it would result in a gruesome death, as its holy power overwhelms any unworthy mortal.

Access to the Pool: The Path to Sainthood

For the people of Outremer, the Sacred Pool is not only a symbol of divine power but also a path to sainthood. The hierarchy of knights and clerics in Outremer determines how and when a person may approach the Sacred Pool. Paladins of Outremer, who have proven themselves through great feats such as slaying great foes, are granted the honor of drinking from the pool, which elevates them to sainthood. Drinking from a chalice filled with the holy water of the pool transforms them into Saint Knights.

  The path to greater sainthood continues through additional rituals:   Saint Paladin: To ascend from Saint Knight to Saint Paladin, one must undergo even greater trials and quests, once worthy they will go beyond drinking from the pool. A Saint Paladin must bathe in the Sacred Pool, allowing its divine essence to imbue their entire being with greater power.

Saint Lord: The final and most exalted rank, Saint Lord, requires undergoing the Rite of Empyrean. During this rite, the Saint Paladin must remain near the Sacred Pool for 1000 days, praying, meditating, and basking in its presence. For 1000 days, they must live in seclusion, never leaving the pool’s sight, drinking and bathing in its waters. After completing the rite, they are transformed into a Saint Lord, the embodiment of Solomon’s divine will, with power far beyond that of any mortal or saint.

The Clerical Hierarchy and the Sacred Pool

In the clerical hierarchy, the Cardinal is the only one permitted to partake in the Sacred Pool. As the highest-ranking cleric and a spiritual leader of Outremer, the Cardinal alone can drink and bathe in the pool, drawing upon its power to guide and protect the faithful. Other clerics may approach the pool, but they are forbidden from ever touching or interacting with it directly.

The Connection to World Trees

The Sacred Pools are intimately tied to the World Trees, which are seen as the purest manifestations of Solomon’s power. These trees represent the vitality and life that the Solomonid faith holds sacred, and the pools can only appear near these trees in areas that reflect the divine sanctity of nature. The land around Outremer, known for its reverence for nature, is seen as a prime location for these pools to form. However, only one Sacred Pool can appear near a World Tree at any given time, and they remain for several centuries before disappearing or drying up.

The Fragility of the Sacred Pools

Sacred Pools are not permanent fixtures. In the past, pools have dried up, causing great upheaval and spiritual crises among the faithful. When a pool vanishes, it can take years, decades, or even centuries for a new one to be discovered. Prophecies, visions, or dreams may guide followers to the location of a new pool, often hidden deep within forests, caves, or fields—anywhere that meets the sacred criteria. Given their random and rare nature, the discovery of a new pool is a momentous event in the Solomonid faith.

  Despite their holy nature, Sacred Pools are not invulnerable. There have been instances where pools were deliberately destroyed, leading to profound loss for the Solomonid faith. The destruction of a pool can devastate the faith, as these pools are not just sources of divine power but also symbols of their lord’s enduring grace.

Outside Outremer

The Sacred Pool outside of Outremer holds profound religious significance for Solomites, particularly in connection with the world trees that stand outside of Rodinia. These world trees are revered as holy sites by the Solomites, and each one is safeguarded by a dedicated Solomonid community, led by a single Arch-Bishop. The spiritual influence of these sites is immense, as they are vital to the Solomite faith and are deeply integrated into their worship practices.

  The Cardinal of the Solomite faith holds ultimate authority over the Sacred Pool, as traditionally, only the Cardinal is allowed to drink from or bathe in its waters. The Sacred Pool symbolizes divine favor and purification, and partaking in it elevates one's spiritual standing. This practice extended to all clergymen, even those serving abroad at distant world trees. However, the Cardinal’s influence weakens over long distances, complicating the management of these holy sites.

  To maintain the sanctity and authority of these positions, a special rule was created: the Arch-Bishops stationed at the world trees outside of Rodinia are granted a unique privilege. While only the Cardinal is allowed to be recognized as a saint, an exception is made for these Arch-Bishops. Known as Saint Arch-Bishops, they must travel to Outremer to partake in the Sacred Pool, with the cup being personally handed to them by the Cardinal. This ceremonial act reinforces the Cardinal’s supreme authority while also empowering the Arch-Bishops to act as near equals in their distant regions.

  These Saint Arch-Bishops are thus seen as the Cardinals of their respective territories, overseeing the religious and spiritual well-being of the Solomite communities at each world tree. Their sainthood marks them as the highest-ranking clergymen in their regions, and they are held in great reverence, second only to the Cardinal. In rare cases, the Cardinal may venture to the world trees himself to administer the sacred rites, but such an event has only occurred twice in history, further emphasizing the rarity and prestige of the Saint Arch-Bishop title.

The Holy Grail

The Holy Grail in the mythology of Outremer is deeply tied to the legendary figure of Gilles de Crusader, one of the greatest heroes in the kingdom's history. Gilles, a common-born squire who rose to prominence during the Great Crusade, fought with unmatched valor, defeating hordes of Demons alongside noble lords and saintly knights. Despite his incredible achievements, he was denied access to the Sacred Pool, due to his lowly birth.

Even after his request for sainthood was declined, Gilles continued to prove his worth. For years, he traveled the world as an adventurer, and during this period, he is said to have been guided by Solomon - God of Life, to a mystical artifact: the Holy Grail. This grail, filled with sacred water, granted him the power and grace of sainthood, finally fulfilling his long quest for divine recognition. Gilles' discovery became legendary, and his story spread across Outremer, inspiring generations of knights and crusaders to seek the Holy Grail as an alternative to the Sacred Pool.

  The belief in the Holy Grail thus became a symbol of hope and redemption, offering those who could not access the Sacred Pool a path to sainthood. Over time, the Grail and the Sacred Pool became intertwined in the faith of Outremer, with both representing the ultimate source of divine favor. However, the Grail remains shrouded in mystery, as none who have found it since have revealed its location, maintaining its legendary status. Knights embarking on quests for the Grail aim not just for personal glory but for a sacred connection with Solomon himself, hoping to attain the highest spiritual honor.


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