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"I offer my body, heart, and soul to the divine cause I serve. No cry for aid shall go unanswered. No foe will stand unchallenged. No corruption shall defile the lands entrusted to me. When the holy call resounds, I will ride forth in the name of my liege and my God. That which is sacred, I will defend. That which is pure, I will protect. That which is evil, I will annihilate, for my righteous fury shall know no bounds. Honor is my creed. Chivalry is my law. Rejoice, for we, the Knights of Outremer, are your shield and your sword." -Vows of the Knight of Outremer

  Outremer, formally known as the Holy Order of Outremer, also called "Land of Saints," "Land of Heroes," "Land of Chivalry," and "Solomon Country," is one of Rodinia's most ancient and storied nations. Rooted deeply in the ideals of nobility, honor, and religious devotion, Outremer is a nation where faith, valor, and the remnants of its aristocratic past define its culture and identity. Though now a holy order, it once stood as a mighty kingdom and empire, retaining the vestiges of its bygone power through a rigid social hierarchy that upholds aristocratic birthright, chivalry, and religious doctrine.

  The nation is ruled by a monarch bearing the title of Grandmaster, a divine leader charged with upholding the will of Solomon - God of Life. Outremer is renowned for its legendary knights and paladins, considered the finest in the world, often surpassing even the mightiest empires' armies in martial prowess. These holy warriors, trained from childhood to fight the forces of evil, ride into battle on horseback, armed with lance and sword, seeking to root out corruption and darkness in the name of Solomon. Their code of chivalry demands not just physical strength but also moral fortitude, and they are seen as the ultimate paragons of honor.

  Despite their present status as a holy order, Outremer maintains a powerful military, largely composed of knights and nobles who lead divine crusades and holy campaigns across Rodinia. Their naval might, though diminished from their prime, remains one of the strongest in Oros, boasting skilled sailors and formidable fleets capable of great feats. The Outremian military's reputation for strength and valor is unmatched, and their crusades have left an indelible mark on the history of Oros.

  The nation's religious devotion is centered around Solomon, the Primordial God of life and creation. Before Outremer’s rise, faith in Solomon was largely nonexistent, but this changed with the divine vision bestowed upon Norman "The Lionheart" de Normandie, Outremer's founder and hero of the Great War of Undeath. Following the vision, Norman embarked on a holy mission to spread Solomon’s faith and purge the world of unholy corruption. Solomon is venerated not only as the creator of humanity but also of elves, dwarves, Giants, and all life on Oros. However, corrupted versions of his pure creations, such as Orcs, dark elves, and Goblins, are viewed with hatred and revulsion by Outremer, and the nation considers it their divine duty to eliminate such evils. Outremians also specialize in combating the undead, Demons, and other supernatural threats, earning global recognition for their skills.

  Outremer’s landscape is as revered as its knights, often hailed as the most beautiful land in Rodinia. Fertile farms, rolling hills, majestic mountains, and serene forests make up the realm, and its culinary traditions, particularly its fine wines, are famed throughout Oros. Outremer projects an image of a virtuous land where noble knights defend the weak and chivalrous heroes uphold honor, reflecting the ideals of a true paradise. However, the reality of life for its vast peasant population is much harsher. Generations of inbreeding have left the peasants downtrodden and malnourished, far removed from the grandeur enjoyed by the nobility. Meanwhile, the aristocracy—strong in physique and skill—remains largely blind to the peasants' suffering.

  Racial tensions also persist in Outremer. While races created by Solomon or Holactie - The Creator of Light are accepted, other races, especially those deemed corrupted or evil, are despised. Outremer holds tightly to its faith, leaving little room for tolerance or adaptation to changing times, making it a bastion of tradition in an evolving world. The nation allows for the worship of other good-aligned deities, but it ruthlessly persecutes followers of evil gods, seeing them as infidels to be eradicated.

  Despite its rigid structure, the reputation of the Knights of Outremer as unparalleled warriors is still unquestioned. Their devotion to Solomon and their pursuit of martial excellence form a bulwark against the growing threats posed by orcs, goblins, demons, and other monstrosities. While the world may change, Outremer’s knights, bolstered by their unwavering faith and chivalric code, stand resolute in their divine mission to protect mankind from destruction.


The structure of Outremer is a rigid and hierarchical system where power, both civil and religious, is tightly bound to tradition, nobility, and devotion to Solomon - God of Life. At the pinnacle of this system stands the Grandmaster, the absolute ruler who holds authority over all aspects of life in Outremer—civil, military, and religious. The Grandmaster is viewed as the chosen vessel of Solomon, charged with executing the god's will on earth. Though the position is officially elected by the saints and the Cardinal (the head of the clergy), in practice, the Grandmaster title is largely hereditary, with only members of the Three Great Houses—House de Normandie, House Ginemiéres, and House Robertine—eligible to hold the title.


The Dual Structure: Knights and Clergy

Below the Grandmaster, Outremer is governed by two primary orders: the Knights and the Clergy, each with its own hierarchy but closely intertwined in their roles and responsibilities.

The Knights' Hierarchy

The highest knightly ranks beneath the Grandmaster include:
  Master: A highly trusted position, the Master is often a close friend, ally, or aide to the Grandmaster. In the event of the Grandmaster’s death, the Master is seen as the heir, though this position is not always filled. Masters can take on various tasks, from diplomacy to military command, depending on their relationship with the Grandmaster.

  Grand Inquisitor: The head of the Inquisition, this knight is responsible for ensuring the purity of the faith and the realm. The Grand Inquisitor oversees all inquisitors, whose task is to root out heresy and corruption within the kingdom, both spiritually and physically.

  Maréchal: The chief military officer, responsible for all military affairs in Outremer. The Maréchal commands the armies, ensures the defense of the realm, and leads the holy campaigns of Outremer.


Elite Orders

Saint Commanders: Also known as Saint Lords, these are the mightiest warriors and the highest-ranking lords in Outremer, commanding armies and overseeing state affairs. They are also leaders in religious matters, embodying the ideal of both knightly and divine duty. They are also granted the right to decide the affairs of Outremer, as they are members of the Council of High Lords.

Inquisitors: Elite warriors with special training in both combat and religious doctrine, inquisitors serve as the purifiers of Outremer, rooting out corruption and evil wherever it may hide.

Saint Paladins: These warriors have drunk from the Sacred Pool, a pool of life imbued with Solomon’s divine power. The pool grants them enhanced strength, speed, endless stamina, regeneration, and resistance to poison and evil. Saint Paladins are not merely warriors but divine instruments of Solomon's will.

Saint Knights: Newly inducted into the sacred order after drinking from the Sacred Pool, Saint Knights are empowered beyond regular knights, though they have yet to fully master the divine gifts they have received.

The Knightly Progression

All warriors of Outremer ascend a strict hierarchy:   Paladins: Honorable warriors trained to uphold Solomon's will and fight evil.

Knights: Lesser nobles who have proven themselves in battle and are sworn to serve their lords.

Sergeants: Non-noble soldiers of skill and repute, often commanding small units.

Squires: The lowest rank, young warriors in training who must serve as squires before they can ascend the knightly ranks.

All aspiring Grandmasters must have served as Squires, regardless of their noble birth, ensuring that even the highest-born must start from the bottom of the knightly order.


The Clergy's Hierarchy

  Parallel to the knights, the clergy of Outremer serves as the religious backbone of the nation. The Cardinal leads the church under the Grandmaster’s authority, ensuring that Solomon’s divine will is fulfilled across the realm.
  Cardinal: The highest religious authority under the Grandmaster, the Cardinal oversees the faith, doctrine, and spiritual well-being of the nation. They are a key advisor to the Grandmaster and the electing authority in times of succession.
Below the Cardinal, the ranks are as follows:
Grand Bishop
High Bishop
Grand Priest
High Priest
High Monk
Senior Monk
Junior Monk

Just as in the knightly order, one must start at the lowest rank—Junior Monk—before ascending through the hierarchy. Ambitious individuals may pursue both knightly and religious ranks, though this dual path is extremely challenging and rare. Those who do so and rise high in both orders are held in the highest esteem in Outremer.


Noble and Commoner Divide

While anyone with devotion and skill may attempt to ascend the knightly or clerical hierarchies, the system is heavily skewed in favor of nobles, heroes, renowned adventurers, and mighty warriors. Commoners find it exceedingly difficult to break through, though it is not impossible. Those who do manage to ascend the ranks find themselves elevated to the status of nobility, gaining wealth and privilege as they rise.


Wealth and Reward

Outremer's rigid hierarchy ensures that those who excel in their duties, be they knights or clergy, are well-compensated. Knights are well-paid for their service, with success on the battlefield or in religious missions often leading to lands, titles, and great wealth.

Council of High Lords

The Council of High Lords is one of the most pivotal institutions within Outremer, serving as its primary decision-making body. Though the Grandmaster holds ultimate authority, the council plays a crucial role in shaping the policies, military strategies, and spiritual directives that guide the Holy Order.

Composition and Leadership

Grandmaster: The supreme ruler of Outremer and the head of the council. Although they have the final word on all matters, the Grandmaster often delegates discussions and minor decisions to the council, focusing on more significant duties like leading military campaigns or guiding religious affairs.

Master: As the second in command, the Master often leads the council in the Grandmaster's absence. The Master is typically a trusted friend or aide to the Grandmaster and is seen as the heir in the event of the Grandmaster's death.

Maréchal: The Maréchal oversees all military matters and stands third in line to lead the council. His responsibilities revolve around military strategy, the logistics of war, and the defense of Outremer.

Grand Inquisitor: The Grand Inquisitor is responsible for maintaining the purity of the faith and rooting out heresy. His influence in the council ensures that all decisions are made in accordance with Solomon’s divine will. He stands fourth in line for leadership of the council in the absence of the Grandmaster, Master, and Maréchal.

Saint Commanders/Saint Lords: The Saint Lords are the high-ranking lords of Outremer, charged with managing vast estates, leading armies, and defending territories. These commanders are not only military leaders but also influential nobles who manage the daily operations of the nation and its holy missions. Each Saint Lord governs specific regions and armies, making them vital members of the council. Historically, at Outremer's peak, the council boasted over 1,600 Saint Lords, but modern times have reduced their numbers to just a few dozen.

Council’s Function

The Council of High Lords is tasked with discussing and debating critical issues affecting the Holy Order. These issues can range from deciding on military campaigns and distributing resources to managing internal affairs, diplomacy, and religious matters. Though not every member of the council can attend every meeting, decisions are often made through a combination of in-person deliberations and messages sent from the various battlefronts or estates.

  Meetings of the council are essential for discussing:   Military Affairs: Where to mobilize forces, which enemies to target, and the strategy for defending holy lands or reclaiming lost ones.

Faith and Doctrine: Ensuring that Outremer’s mission stays true to Solomon’s teachings, enforcing the faith among the populace, and deciding on matters of heresy.

Territorial Governance: Managing estates and ensuring the flow of resources and wealth to maintain Outremer’s armies and religious institutions.

Diplomatic Relations: Engaging in negotiations with neighboring countries and alliances, especially in times of need or when dealing with supernatural threats.

Expansion of Holy Sites: Outremer’s agenda often includes the establishment of sacred places, churches, and fortresses in newly claimed or purified lands.

The Role of the Master and Others in Leadership

While the Grandmaster holds overall authority, there are often times when he or she is too busy to oversee council meetings, especially when away on holy missions or in battle. During such times, the Master assumes leadership, ensuring that discussions proceed and decisions are made. Should both the Grandmaster and Master be unavailable, the Maréchal steps in, guiding discussions on military campaigns and strategies. If all three are absent, the Grand Inquisitor or the most senior Saint Lord may lead, maintaining order within the council.

  In the absence of these primary leaders, a prominent Saint Lord—usually one with the most significant military or political influence—takes charge. Although rare, such moments tend to occur during major wars when most leaders are on campaign.


Council at its Peak vs. Now

During Outremer’s height, the council had thousands of members, with Saint Lords governing large regions of Outremer’s once-vast empire. Now, following centuries of decline, internal conflicts, and the loss of territories after the Hispanian-Outremer War, the council has only a few dozen members left. However, the smaller size has made decision-making more agile, with fewer voices to manage in comparison to its former unwieldy size.

  Despite its diminished numbers, the council retains immense power, and its decisions shape the future of Outremer. Even now, the council's influence stretches beyond the borders of Outremer, with its members often sought after as military advisors and religious figures throughout Oros.


The culture of Outremer is deeply rooted in its faith, martial traditions, and rigid hierarchy, creating a society that blends religious devotion with a warrior ethos. It is a land where the virtues of piety, honor, and strength are held in the highest esteem, and where every individual is expected to serve Solomon’s divine will, either through the sword or through spiritual dedication. This distinct culture is shaped by several key aspects:

Religious Zeal and Devotion

At the heart of Outremer culture is an unwavering faith in Solomon, the god of life and purity, whose presence influences every aspect of daily life. The people of Outremer believe that their nation is divinely chosen, and their leaders, especially the Grandmaster, are seen as direct instruments of Solomon’s will. Religious ceremonies and prayers are integral to everyday routines, and faith is not merely a private matter but a public duty.

  Divine Chosen: The belief that their rulers are chosen by Solomon gives rise to a strong sense of destiny and purpose. It is common for the citizens of Outremer to see themselves as holy warriors or devout followers, defending the divine order from evil and corruption.

Sacred Rituals: Pilgrimages to sacred sites, fasting, and public displays of piety are common. The Sacred Pool—imbued with Solomon’s power—is a focal point of Outremer spirituality, and drinking from it is both a physical and spiritual transformation.

Religious Festivals: The culture is rich with religious festivals, where the virtues of Solomon are celebrated. These festivals often coincide with martial displays, reinforcing the idea that faith and warfare are intertwined.

Honor and Chivalry

Outremer is a land of knights and warriors, and the ideals of chivalry and honor are deeply embedded in the social fabric. Knights are expected to adhere to a strict code of conduct that governs their behavior both on and off the battlefield. This code emphasizes loyalty, bravery, respect for superiors, and protection of the weak.

  Martial Prowess: Being a skilled warrior is one of the highest honors in Outremer. Young men are trained from an early age in combat, horsemanship, and strategy, and tournaments are held regularly to display their prowess. However, it is not enough to be a warrior; one must also embody the virtues of piety and moral strength.

Chivalric Orders: Outremer has numerous knightly orders, each dedicated to protecting the faith and the realm. These orders are both religious and military, and their members are expected to live ascetic lives of service, sacrifice, and combat.

Squire to Knight: Social mobility through the knightly ranks is a hallmark of the culture. Every knight was once a Squire, and every Grandmaster was once a knight, symbolizing that honor and dedication are the true measures of success, regardless of noble birth.

Strict Hierarchical Society

The society of Outremer is highly structured, with a clear and rigid hierarchy that governs every level of life. Social ranks are strictly observed, and one's place in the hierarchy is determined by a combination of birth, skill, and devotion. While there is room for advancement, it is a path that requires both exceptional martial or religious prowess and unwavering loyalty to the faith.

  Nobles and Commoners: While any devout follower of Solomon may attempt to ascend the ranks of knight or clergy, the system favors nobles, heroes, and skilled warriors. Commoners, while not excluded, face significant barriers to rising through the hierarchy.

Respect for Rank: Outremer culture places a heavy emphasis on deference to one's superiors. Knights and clergy are expected to show humility before those of higher rank, even if they themselves are powerful figures.

Meritocratic Elements: Despite the importance of birth, Outremer’s culture values personal achievement. If a commoner or lower-born noble proves their worth in battle, scholarship, or religious dedication, they can rise through the ranks and be treated with the same respect as those born into nobility.

Martial and Spiritual Unity

Outremer’s culture sees no division between the spiritual and the martial; both are viewed as essential aspects of serving Solomon. Every aspect of life is infused with a sense of divine mission, whether that is defending the realm from external threats, rooting out heresy, or leading a righteous life in the eyes of the faith.

  Saint Warriors: The elite knights who drink from the Sacred Pool, such as the Saint Paladins, are seen as living embodiments of the divine. They are revered not just for their strength, but for their holy nature, symbolizing that true power comes from divine favor.

Militarized Faith: Outremer’s society is militarized, with nearly all aspects of life geared towards readiness for war. Whether it is against physical enemies or spiritual ones, the people of Outremer believe they are constantly under threat from forces that seek to undermine Solomon’s will.

Inquisition: The Inquisition plays a vital role in maintaining the purity of the faith. Inquisitors are feared and respected, as they have the authority to investigate and purge heresy, corruption, and any threat to the religious order. Their presence ensures that faith and martial discipline are upheld throughout society.

Noble Houses and Family Legacy

Family legacy is paramount in Outremer, particularly within the Three Great Houses—House de Normandie, House Ginemiéres, and House Robertine. These houses wield immense influence and are the only families from which a Grandmaster can be chosen. The legacy of a noble house is often tied to its martial exploits and its contributions to the defense and expansion of Outremer.

  Hereditary Power: Though there is room for elections within the structure, the Grandmaster’s position is typically passed down through the family, maintaining a sense of continuity and tradition. Bloodlines are closely guarded, and marriages are often strategic to ensure the purity and strength of a noble house.

Family Honor: Every member of a noble house is expected to uphold the family’s honor, which often means excelling in both military and religious pursuits. Dishonor to the family can lead to disgrace, while great achievements elevate the entire house in the eyes of society.

Rituals and Symbolism

Outremer culture is rich in symbols, rituals, and sacred relics that reinforce its connection to Solomon’s divine will.

  Relics of Solomon: Sacred artifacts believed to be blessed by Solomon or his saints are revered and often carried into battle or used in religious ceremonies. These relics are said to grant divine favor to those who wield them.

Symbolism of the Sword: The sword is not only a weapon in Outremer but also a symbol of divine justice. It represents the cutting away of corruption, the defense of the faith, and the righteousness of Solomon’s warriors.

Tension and Discipline

Outremer’s culture is one of constant vigilance and discipline, as the belief in the ever-present threat of evil leads to an almost paranoid focus on purity, both of body and spirit. Citizens are trained to be on guard against heresy, and the Inquisition’s reach ensures that any deviation from the faith is swiftly corrected.

  Purity and Corruption: The struggle between purity and corruption is central to Outremer’s worldview. The people believe that any impurity, whether in thought, action, or faith, must be eradicated to prevent the kingdom from falling into ruin.

Vigilant Society: Everyone is expected to uphold the faith and report any signs of heresy. This has created a society where loyalty is prized, but fear of being accused of disloyalty or corruption also lingers.

Public Agenda

Outremer's public agenda has evolved significantly over its long history, transitioning from a typical expansionist kingdom into a focused and disciplined holy order. Following their defeat in the Spanish-Outremer War (14940-14946 AC) and the subsequent Treaty of Ferrara, Outremer was reshaped from a militaristic state into a nation with a singular divine purpose. The treaty severely limited their ability to wage war against human kingdoms, stripping them of much of their territory and forbidding them from invading mortal nations like Hispania, The Kingdom of Vermilla, and the Republic of Rivia, unless those nations posed a threat to their faith.

  With the kingdom abolished and their ambitions restricted, Outremer became dedicated purely to serving their god Solomon, shifting their focus to fighting unholy and supernatural threats. They ceased competing as a traditional kingdom and instead embraced the role of holy guardians, protectors of the divine order. Outremer's knights and clergy were bound to this purpose, acting as defenders of the faith rather than conquerors of lands.

  Despite the limitations imposed by the Treaty of Ferrara, Outremer has slowly reclaimed much of the territory it lost, yet their agenda remains bound by their god’s will. They cannot pursue expansionist goals through warfare against mortal nations but are allowed to fight for divine causes. Outremer's current agenda revolves around fulfilling their divine mission: cleansing the land of evil and purifying the world in the name of Solomon.

  A major development in Outremer’s public strategy is the Crusade for Narnen, the first crusade in over 600 years. This crusade is framed as a righteous endeavor to reclaim holy lands once lost to darkness and evil, rather than an aggressive war of conquest. Outremer has called upon neighboring kingdoms to join them in this holy campaign, emphasizing that their purpose is to eliminate the evils threatening the region, not to compete for territory or political power. By positioning themselves as defenders of the light and divine order, Outremer aims to rally support and assert their influence under the guise of spiritual duty.


Outremer's assets include its enduring Solomonid faith, elite Holy Knights, heavily fortified fortress cities like Vermandois, a deep-rooted military tradition, sacred religious relics attracting pilgrims, strategic alliances like the Holy Coalition, widespread cultural influence, it's revered Cathedrals, loyal martial orders, its strategic geographic position, a legacy of crusader veterans, and vital silver mines and agricultural lands sustaining its economy.


Holy Founding

  The founding of Outremer is a tale of faith, valor, and divine purpose set against the backdrop of one of the most perilous times in history. It was born from the turmoil and desperation of the Great War of Undeath, where the undead legions of Nebuchadnezzar- Vampire God threatened to wipe out the nations of Rodinia. In the year 9119 AC, amid this looming destruction, a young man by the name of Norman de Normandie, later known as the Lionheart, stepped forward to forge a new path for humanity.

  Norman, originally from a poor baronial family in the Kingdom of Eustria, had already proven himself a hero by spreading the faith of Solomon - God of Life. His conversion to the faith, inspired by a divine vision, granted him remarkable powers that allowed him to combat the undead menace. Together with his companion, Gaelem, and the support of the Eustrian people, Norman became the champion that the broken kingdom needed.

  However, the ruling monarch of Eustria, King Willmunger, had lost the trust and faith of the people. While the undead encroached upon their lands, the king’s reluctance to embrace the Solomonid faith and his failure to lead left the people desperate for new leadership. The masses rallied behind Norman, believing him to be chosen by Solomon himself. Despite Norman's reluctance to assume political power, his close ally Gaelem and the people pushed him to act. In a historic meeting with King Willmunger, Norman promised the king safety and a peaceful retirement, offering him refuge in the distant Kingdom of Breton. King Willmunger abdicated the throne, and Norman was crowned the first ruler of a new nation: the Holy Kingdom of Outremer.

  This newly-formed kingdom had one divine purpose: to purge the undead from the continent of Rodinia. Under Norman’s leadership, Outremer quickly rallied its forces, embracing a militaristic and religious doctrine that revolved around the teachings of Solomon. The kingdom became a beacon of hope and resilience, dedicated to the eradication of evil in all its forms.

  As the kingdom grew, Norman’s vision expanded beyond the borders of Outremer. Recognizing the scale of the threat posed by Nebuchadnezzar’s undead armies, Norman proposed the Holy Alliance, a pact uniting the nations of Rodinia and beyond in their common cause. Outremer became the heart of this alliance, standing at the forefront of every battle against the undead and emerging as one of the most powerful and influential nations in Oros.

  From this crucible of faith and warfare, the Kingdom of Outremer was forged. It not only represented the pinnacle of knightly chivalry and divine purpose but also laid the foundations for a long-lasting empire that would shape the future of Rodinia for centuries. Even after Norman’s passing, the kingdom stood strong, guided by the faith in Solomon and the indomitable spirit of its people.

The Empire of Outremer(9228-14253AC)

The Golden Age(9228-10013AC)

Vampire Wars(9192-9327AC)

The Holy Alliance’s triumph over Nebuchadnezzar and his undead legions stands as one of the most remarkable moments in the history of Oros. It was a victory that not only saved the world from extinction but also demonstrated the power of unity among the living. The alliance, with Outremer at its helm, became the first and only global coalition in recorded history to defeat a single, existential threat. This unity against a common enemy created a unique bond among the nations of Oros, uniting kingdoms, empires, and city-states across the globe under the banner of life and faith.

After years of grueling warfare, Nebuchadnezzar was finally defeated, his legions of undead shattered. However, the end of the Great War of Undeath was not the end of the undead threat. With the fall of their master, the Vampires—created by Nebuchadnezzar as his commanders and lieutenants—began to carve out territories for themselves, forming their own vampire kingdoms throughout Rodinia. What followed was the Vampire Wars (9193-9327 AC), an equally harrowing conflict that lasted more than a century.

  The vampires were no ordinary adversary; unlike the mindless hordes of zombies and skeletons Nebuchadnezzar commanded, these creatures were intelligent, cunning, and organized. They ruled over vast swaths of land, commanding armies of thralls and other dark creatures. The newly liberated lands of Rodinia, already weakened by the war against Nebuchadnezzar, found themselves embroiled in a new war for survival.

  Once again, Outremer, now the undisputed leader of the Holy Alliance, took up the mantle of leadership. With its knights, inquisitors, and saintly warriors, the nation spearheaded the crusade against the vampire kingdoms, calling upon the united forces of the alliance to purge the undead taint from the land. Outremer's fervor was fueled by the divine mission to rid the world of all traces of undeath, a mission that had begun with Norman "The Lionheart" de Normandie and would continue long after his death.

  Despite the alliance's best efforts, the war against the vampire kingdoms was long and bloody. The vampires were formidable enemies, capable of turning the tide of battle with their supernatural abilities and sheer ruthlessness. For over a century, the forces of the Holy Alliance clashed with the vampire kingdoms in brutal campaigns, slowly but surely reclaiming land and driving the vampires into the shadows.

  The tide of the war began to turn, when Empress Eufemia Vampire Slayer of The Empire of Man rose to prominence. A figure of legend in her own right, Eufemia was a warrior of unparalleled skill, renowned for her prowess in battle and her unyielding resolve. Under her leadership, the Empire of Man became the strongest and most effective force in the Holy Alliance’s campaign against the vampires. Eufemia's personal vendetta against the undead, coupled with her tactical brilliance, led to a series of decisive victories that ultimately broke the power of the vampire kingdoms.

  The Vampire Wars finally came to an end in 9327 AC, when Eufemia and the forces of the Holy Alliance eradicated the last of the vampire strongholds. The final blow came when Eufemia personally led a campaign to wipe out the vampire population on the continent of Rodinia, earning her the title of Vampire Slayer. The vampires, like their master Nebuchadnezzar, were hunted down and destroyed, their kingdoms razed, and their legacy erased from history.

  Though Norman the Lionheart did not live to see the end of the vampire threat, his vision and leadership had laid the groundwork for the Holy Alliance’s ultimate victory. In 9228 AC, five years before his death, Norman was crowned Saint Emperor of Outremer in recognition of his unparalleled service to humanity and his unshakable dedication to Solomon’s divine mission. Though his reign as Saint Emperor was brief, his legacy endured through the generations, shaping the future of Outremer and Rodinia alike.

The 6th Outremer-Gaelic War(9620-9631AC)

The year 9620 AC marked the dawn of the 6th Outremer-Gaelic War, a continuation of a long-standing and bitter rivalry between the two mighty nations of Outremer and the Kingdom of Gaelem. The origins of this bloody feud had been obscured by centuries of conflict, but the hatred and animosity between the two nations only intensified with each successive war. The war began with the young Saint Emperor André ascending to the throne of Outremer. Full of ambition and driven by his nation's divine mission, André sought to press Outremer’s advantage against the seasoned warrior King Gaelem XXIII, a man renowned for his tactical brilliance and deadly prowess on the battlefield.

  At the outset, the war tilted in Outremer’s favor. Their military forces, bolstered by their long history of campaigns against both unholy forces and mortal enemies, pushed deep into Gaelem’s territories. Outremer's armies were disciplined and fueled by religious fervor, making them a nearly unstoppable force. However, the tide would soon turn.

  In 9623 AC, at the Battle of Evoh, a decisive moment in the war occurred. During the chaotic melee, Emperor André and King Gaelem found themselves face to face. What followed was a duel that would shift the course of the war—and the history of Outremer. Despite his youth and valor, André was no match for the seasoned king, who swiftly cut him down in combat. Gaelem presented the severed head of the emperor to his troops, breaking the morale of Outremer's forces and leading to a major victory for Gaelem.

  The death of Emperor André plunged Outremer into uncertainty. With no heir to the throne, the crown passed to André’s younger brother, Laurent, who, though brave, lacked the battle-hardened experience necessary to turn the tide of the war. Under his rule, Outremer fought valiantly but was unable to regain the advantage. King Gaelem, emboldened by his victory over André, continued to strike at Outremer’s armies, slowly gaining the upper hand.

  For years, the war dragged on, with both nations locked in a bitter stalemate. Battles were fought with unimaginable ferocity, but neither side could deliver a decisive blow. However, in 9629 AC, another pivotal moment came during a battle on the riverbanks. King Gaelem once again faced the emperor of Outremer in single combat. Laurent, like his brother before him, fell to the blade of the Gaelic king, marking Gaelem’s second slaying of an Outremer emperor in the same war.

  Laurent’s death left Outremer in a precarious position. His only heir was his nine-year-old son, Enzo, a boy far too young to lead his nation through such a brutal war. Nevertheless, Enzo was crowned emperor, and Outremer, despite its losses, continued to resist the might of Gaelem.

  The war raged on for two more years, with the two nations trading blows but neither side gaining a clear advantage. By 9631 AC, both Outremer and Gaelem were exhausted, and it seemed as though the war would continue indefinitely. However, in that year, the fate of the conflict was finally decided in one final, climactic battle. The forces of Outremer, bolstered by reinforcements and divine fervor, managed to outmaneuver and overwhelm Gaelem’s army, delivering a crushing defeat and capturing much of the Gaelic forces.

  Yet, even in this moment of triumph, Outremer’s victory was bittersweet. Once again, King Gaelem found his way to the heart of the battlefield and engaged Emperor Enzo, now only eleven years old, in combat. The boy fought bravely, showing remarkable courage for one so young. But despite his best efforts, Enzo was no match for the legendary king. Gaelem delivered a grievous wound to the young emperor, nearly killing him before Outremer’s soldiers intervened to save their ruler.

  Though Gaelem was ultimately defeated in the battle and the war, the wound he inflicted on Enzo would change the course of Outremer’s history forever. The injury left the boy emperor in constant pain for the remainder of his life, and more devastatingly, it rendered him unable to father children. With Enzo’s inability to produce an heir, the future of Outremer’s imperial line was thrown into jeopardy.

  Despite Gaelem’s defeat, Outremer’s celebrations were hollow. The nation had won the war, but at an unimaginable cost. Two emperors had fallen, and the third, though still alive, was grievously wounded and unable to secure the future of his dynasty. The war had not only drained Outremer’s resources and manpower, but it had also inflicted a deep emotional and spiritual wound upon the kingdom. The divine mission, which had once been a source of unity and strength, now seemed to weigh heavily on the nation’s collective soul.

Normandie Crisis(9663-9666AC)

After Saint Emperor Enzo's death in 9663 AC, Outremer plunged into a chaotic period known as the Normandie Crisis. Enzo, the last emperor of the prestigious House of Normandie, had left no heir due to the grievous wound inflicted upon him by King Gaelem years earlier. His death marked the end of the bloodline that had been synonymous with the founding of Outremer and its divine mission. This left the realm in a state of crisis, with no clear successor to the throne. For three decades before Enzo's death, scholars, lords, and clergy alike scoured the kingdom and beyond in search of a legitimate heir, someone who could claim descent from the house of the revered Norman the Lionheart, the founder of Outremer. However, their efforts were in vain. With no verifiable bloodline to continue the Normandie dynasty, the nation faced a perilous future.

  Upon Enzo's passing, the situation rapidly spiraled out of control. With the emperor dead and no heir, dozens of nobles, adventurers, and opportunists emerged, each claiming to be a lost scion of the Normandie bloodline. None were able—or perhaps willing—to provide verifiable proof, but in a time of desperation, many factions supported various claimants, hoping to secure power for themselves through the throne.

  What followed was a brutal internal conflict. The Normandie Crisis, a vicious civil war, engulfed Outremer from 9663 to 9666 AC. The pretenders to the throne raised their armies, calling upon their banners to fight for what they claimed was their divine right. The war was not just a battle of noble families but of entire regions of Outremer, each backing their own favored candidate. Bloodshed ran rampant as the once-unified kingdom tore itself apart in the struggle for legitimacy.

  The Saint Lords, who had served as pillars of Outremer's strength, were divided among the claimants. Some remained loyal to the ideal of a pure Normandie bloodline, while others supported ambitious nobles who sought to exploit the chaos for personal gain. The Council of High Lords, the decision-making body of the kingdom, was paralyzed, as many of its members were absent on the battlefield or embroiled in political intrigues, unable to broker peace.

  Despite the internal strife, Outremer's external enemies began to stir. The kingdom, weakened by civil war, became vulnerable to attack from both mortal and supernatural foes. Neighboring nations, long wary of Outremer's strength, saw an opportunity to strike at their weakened neighbor. However, it was not the mortal kingdoms that brought an end to the Normandie Crisis but a greater, darker threat.

Then, in 9666 AC, when the flames of the civil war were at their highest, a new threat emerged—a threat far more dangerous than the pretenders vying for the throne. From the northern reaches of the kingdom, the demons of Hell began to invade. Crawling out from the depths of the underworld, the demons poured into the land, their fiery wrath threatening to consume all of Outremer. These infernal creatures, driven by malevolent intent, saw in Outremer’s weakness an opportunity to strike. What had been a kingdom known for its stalwart defense against supernatural threats was now on the verge of collapse.

The Normandie Crisis, which had torn the nation apart, was suddenly interrupted by this demonic invasion. The pretenders to the throne, along with their armies, found themselves facing not just rival claimants but legions of demonic forces. This invasion from Hell brought about a grim realization—if Outremer continued its internal struggle, it would not survive the demonic onslaught. The pretenders, once blinded by ambition, now faced the reality that Outremer’s very existence was at stake.

  With demons ravaging the northern territories and advancing southward, many of the pretenders were forced to abandon their claims and unite against the common enemy. The Normandie Crisis came to a sudden and abrupt halt, not through peace or resolution, but through necessity. The lords and knights of Outremer, once locked in civil war, now found themselves rallying to the defense of their homeland.

The War of Hell(9666-9686AC)

The War of Hell began with a cataclysmic event that shook the entire continent of Rodinia. The once-mighty Arkhan Mountains, a vast range that had stood for several millennia, crumbled overnight as fiery gates to the underworld erupted from the earth. These Gates of Hell, vast and unnatural, became the source from which demonic hordes poured out, unleashing chaos and destruction on an unimaginable scale.

The Saizaland Kingdom was the first to face the fury of this infernal invasion. Unprepared for the sheer magnitude of the demonic forces, their armies were overwhelmed, their cities scorched, and their people enslaved or slaughtered. Next, the demons turned their attention to the Dark Elves, but even their knowledge of dark magic and hidden realms was no match for the sheer power of the demonic legions.

  With the Dark Elves driven to the brink of extinction, the demons surged toward their next target: Outremer. At this crucial moment, the kingdom was already weakened, embroiled in the destructive Normandie Crisis, as pretenders to the throne battled for control following the extinction of the royal bloodline. Outremer’s political and military might had been fractured by the internal war, and its defenses were spread thin.

  The demonic forces, led by infernal generals and demonic lords, were relentless as they swept into northern Outremer. Entire cities were razed, and the once-sacred lands were consumed by fire and corruption. The Gates of Hell unleashed more than just demons—hellfire rained from the skies, and unnatural storms turned the skies red, plunging the kingdom into an almost apocalyptic nightmare.

  For the people of Outremer, the war was not just one of territory or survival but of faith. Outremer had long been dedicated to the holy mission of Solomon, their divine protector, and they saw this invasion as both a test of their resolve and a punishment for their internal strife. Yet despite their faith, they were unprepared for the sheer ferocity of the attack. The holy knights, paladins, and templars of Outremer, once the kingdom's greatest defenders, were scattered and exhausted from years of civil war.

  Kingdoms and fiefdoms that had once stood united under Outremer’s banner now faced annihilation. Villages and castles fell one by one as the demonic hordes advanced southward, engulfing everything in flames and corruption. The kingdom’s defenses crumbled, its armies struggled to regroup, and the once-mighty Saint Lords were either dead or locked in a futile defense of their own lands.

  But amidst this devastation, the crisis within Outremer became an even greater burden. The pretenders to the throne, still vying for power, continued to bicker and fight as the demons threatened to obliterate everything. The Normandie Crisis had stripped the kingdom of unity when it was most needed, and the lack of a clear ruler only hastened the collapse of defenses. Many lords and knights fought not to save the kingdom, but to secure their claims to the throne even as hellish forces ravaged the land.

  In the face of overwhelming destruction, however, Outremer’s faith was not entirely extinguished. Small bands of holy warriors rallied, fortified by their belief in Solomon and driven by a desperate will to defend their homeland. Even without a unified command, these scattered forces mounted last stands in the name of their god, turning monasteries, churches, and strongholds into bastions of resistance. The Council of High Lords, though fractured, issued calls for aid to the neighboring kingdoms, pleading for assistance against the demonic threat.

  The war raged on for years, with Outremer teetering on the edge of complete annihilation. Entire regions were reduced to ash, and the fires of Hell spread deeper into the heart of the kingdom. The northern cities were lost, their populations either slaughtered or enslaved by demonic overlords, while the remaining lords struggled to defend what little land they had left. The holy order of Outremer was in disarray, and the survival of the entire kingdom seemed in doubt.

The Rise of the Strong

  The Rise of the Strong began during Outremer's darkest hour, as the demonic invasion threatened to tear the kingdom apart. After nine brutal years of fighting, with the Saint Lords and knights holding the demons at bay, the heart of the kingdom had become a battleground for pretenders vying for the throne. It was in the county of Tours that a new legend was born, a hero who would rise to save Outremer from both the internal strife and the infernal onslaught. In 9671 AC, the Count of Tours died in one of the many skirmishes between the pretenders. His son, Robert, already a figure of awe among his people, took up the mantle as the new Count. Known across the land as "Robert the Strong," he had earned his title after a feat of unmatched strength, having torn a horse in half with his bare hands. Robert was not just a warrior of immense physical prowess, but also a brilliant military strategist and a gifted statesman. Under his rule, the realm of Tours thrived, even as the rest of Outremer was ravaged by war. Tours became a symbol of stability and strength in a time of despair.

  By 9675 AC, the demon horde had broken through the Saint Lords' defenses, and the infernal forces began pouring into the heartlands of Outremer. Robert, undeterred by the overwhelming odds, mustered his forces to defend his homeland. With only 900 men, he marched to meet an army of 90,000 demons at the Battle of Tours. The city, small and isolated, faced almost certain doom. Yet Robert, imbued with both divine strength and unshakable will, stood resolute. For 12 days, Robert and his soldiers held their ground, fighting with unmatched bravery. Robert himself tore through the demon ranks, ripping apart their hardened bodies with his bare hands, an impossible feat for any mortal man. His ferocity and strength turned the tide of the battle, and when the dust settled, the demonic commander lay crushed in Robert’s hands, and the once-insurmountable horde lay defeated.

  This victory reverberated across the continent, as the impossible had been achieved—a mortal man had single-handedly broken the demon ranks. Tales of Robert’s victory spread beyond the borders of Outremer, inspiring hope in a kingdom that had nearly lost it all. The Normandie Crisis came to an abrupt halt, as the pretenders, recognizing Robert's divine-like power and the threat of total annihilation, laid down their arms. Outremer, once divided, was united behind this newfound hero. Robert was hailed as a savior, a figure whose legendary strength and leadership revived the kingdom's faith in its survival.

  Over the next several years, Robert continued to lead the fight against the demonic forces. Though no one had officially declared him Saint Emperor, he became the de facto leader of the kingdom. He commanded the armies of Outremer, holding the line against the demons and reclaiming lost lands. His legendary status only grew with each victory, but it was the Battle of Twin Sisters in 9682 AC that cemented his place in history. The demons, in their final push, crossed the Kor River and attempted to force their way through the Twin Sister Mountains, a natural fortress. Robert, however, was prepared. His strategy and the natural defenses of the mountains allowed the Outremer forces to rain down death upon the demon hordes.

  The battle lasted for 19 grueling hours, with Robert once again at the center of the fighting, cutting through the demonic ranks and slaying their leaders. His mastery of warfare and his unparalleled strength shattered the morale of the demon army. As the demons fled toward the Kor River, they found no escape. Surrounded and with nowhere to run, the demon horde was obliterated. Hundreds of thousands of demons were destroyed in that final confrontation, and the threat to Outremer was finally vanquished.

  Following the War of Hell, which ended in 9686 AC, the demons were pushed back to the Gates of Hell, never to threaten Outremer in such numbers again. Robert, hailed as a living legend, continued to fight in the name of his kingdom. His exploits were elevated even further when he drank from the Sacred Pool, bestowing upon him even greater strength and abilities. His new powers were seen as a divine gift, a sign that the gods had chosen him to lead Outremer into a new age.

  In 9686 AC, after two decades of vacancy and chaos, Robert was crowned Saint Emperor of Outremer. His rise marked the beginning of a golden age for the kingdom. Under his rule, the nation was rebuilt, the borders strengthened, and prosperity returned. Emperor Robert the Strong was not just a hero, but a symbol of hope and resilience. His reign brought peace to a kingdom that had been on the brink of destruction, and his name would be remembered throughout history as the man who saved Outremer and ushered in its most prosperous era.

Great Crusade(11151-11238AC)

The Great Crusade, also known as the First Crusade or the Eighty-Year Crusade, marked a pivotal moment in the history of Rodinia and Continent of Empires/Paros. In 9666 AC, Demonic forces began to emerge not only in Rodinia but also in the far-off continent of Paros, particularly targeting the mighty Jiao Empire in the south. The scale of the demonic invasion in Paros dwarfed the one faced by Outremer; the Jiao Empire was overwhelmed by a force a hundred times larger than the one that had emerged from the Valley of Hell. After a brutal 13-year campaign, the demons successfully conquered Jiao, laying waste to one of the continent’s most powerful civilizations.

With the fall of Jiao, the demonic horde spread across Paros, toppling many nations in its wake. One nation, however, refused to yield: the Yang Empire. The Yang fought a desperate and relentless war against the demonic invaders, fighting for their very survival in a conflict known as the Yang-Demon War, which began in 9679 AC. The Yang were famed for their resilience, never retreating in the face of the demonic onslaught, and for over 1,400 years, they waged a fierce battle to preserve their empire.

  As the war raged on, the demons' influence expanded, and a grave threat emerged. The demons advanced toward the World Tree Baxia, one of the four sacred World Trees of Oros, which stood within the Yang Empire. These World Trees were seen as the purest manifestation of the power of Solomon - God of Life, whose followers in Outremer held the trees as sacred. The World Tree Mana, near Outremer, was among these divine sites. Protecting the World Trees was viewed as a divine duty by the Solomonids, and the imminent threat to Baxia compelled Outremer to act.

  In the year 11151 AC, the threat to Baxia and the sacred lands of the Yang prompted the Cardinal Urbanos II of Outremer to issue a call to arms. Outremer declared a crusade against the demons, rallying the faithful of Solomon and like-minded allies to march across the Crackle Sea and fight alongside the Yang. This monumental effort became known as the 80-Year Crusade, a struggle unlike any Outremer had ever known. Hundreds of thousands of ships carried farmers, squires, knights, lords, and even the Saint Emperor himself across the sea to aid the Yang.

  The sheer scale of the fighting was beyond anything Outremer had seen. Daily battles with hundreds of thousands of soldiers became the norm, and the crusaders found themselves in an alien world filled with the horrors of an endless demonic war. But despite the overwhelming challenges, the Outremer forces refused to back down. Their valor, faith, and determination to follow Solomon's divine will to purge evil drove them to fight with unmatched fervor. The Yang, initially skeptical of the Outremer knights, soon came to view them as brothers-in-arms, inspired by the Outremer’s unwavering courage and the belief that they were fighting for all life on Oros, not just their own survival.

  For decades, the crusaders fought alongside the Yang, defending Baxia and pushing back the demon hordes. Although the Yang had fought the demons for over a millennium, it was the arrival of the Outremer forces that finally began to turn the tide of the war. The Outremer knights proved to be a crucial force in the conflict, their tactics and unwavering resolve helping to push the demonic forces back.

  The Great Crusade officially ended in 11238 AC, with the demons finally defeated and the continent of Paros reclaimed for humanity. The World Tree Baxia was saved, and the bond forged between the Yang and Outremer during this long war would endure for generations. The Yang, having fought the demons for 1,559 years, had never seen such fierce and righteous allies as the Outremer. The deep friendship born from their shared sacrifices in the face of evil became a cornerstone of the two nations’ future relations.

  For Outremer, the First Crusade was not only a victory for their faith and their divine mission but also a reaffirmation of their commitment to the preservation of life and the purging of evil from Oros. The victory solidified Outremer's role as a beacon of hope and strength, spreading their influence and divine mission across the lands of Oros. This glorious victory marked the beginning of a new era for Outremer, one in which they would continue to act as defenders of the faith and life itself. The Great Crusade would go down in history as one of the most heroic and transformative events in the history of both continents.

Second Crusade(11320-11323AC)

In the year 11233AC, 5 years before the end of the First Crusade, a major event in Outremer happened. It's Sacred Pool dried up, the loss of the pool posed an existential threat to the kingdom's spiritual and military power. Without a Sacred Pool, no new Saints could be created, and the loss of these divine warriors weakened Outremer’s ability to maintain its strength during the conflict. Thankfully, the First Crusade ended shortly after, preventing the immediate consequences of this loss from affecting the war effort. However, the long-term consequences would reverberate for decades.

For more than 80 years, Outremer faced a spiritual drought. With no new Saints to bolster the ranks of its armies or lead the faithful, the nation gradually lost its edge. Faith in Solomon - God of Life began to crumble as hope in the restoration of the Sacred Pool faded with time. The aging Saints, who were the backbone of Outremer’s divine military might, slowly dwindled. Though their extended lifespans kept them alive longer than ordinary Mortals, they were not Immortal, and as each Saint passed, the nation was left more vulnerable.

This prolonged period of uncertainty led to a crisis of faith. Rumors of the pool's drying up spread despite the church’s best efforts to keep it secret, and as morale plummeted, so did the will to fight. Outremer, once a powerful bastion of faith and strength, saw a rapid decline in both its military capabilities and its population’s devotion.

Hope finally emerged late in the year 11319 AC when the East Dire Company, a trade organization from the far east, brought with it a rumor that would change everything. These merchants spoke of a mysterious body of water located in the distant lands of Aedorica, rumored to possess healing powers—able to regenerate limbs and cure fatal wounds. The rumor spread like wildfire across Outremer, and soon reached the highest echelons of power. The people, desperate for a new Sacred Pool and the restoration of their faith, seized on this tale.

At this point, Cardinal Eugene III stepped in to capitalize on the momentum. While the Saint Emperor wished to verify the truth of the rumor, the process of sending envoys and gaining solid information from such distant lands would take too long. The public's restlessness demanded immediate action. Seizing the opportunity to restore hope and faith, the Cardinal announced a new Crusade, aimed at reclaiming the rumored Sacred Pool in Aedorica and securing the World Tree Leviair that stood near it.

The Second Crusade was declared overnight, and it rekindled the fervor of the people. Thousands flocked to the banners of Outremer, eager for the chance to reclaim a Sacred Pool and once again ascend to sainthood. A once-declining military force became one of the largest crusader armies ever assembled, filled with knights, paladins, and hopefuls who sought divine favor. In the year 11320 AC, the Crusaders set sail for Aedorica, landing on the Leviair Peninsula after several months at sea. What awaited them was a fierce and protracted conflict. The region was ruled by several powerful kingdoms, none of whom were willing to yield their lands to the crusaders.

For three grueling years, the Crusaders waged war against the kingdoms that held control over the Leviair Peninsula and the sacred lands surrounding the world tree. Battles were fierce, and the war was not without heavy losses on both sides. However, the Crusaders' determination and belief that they were fighting for the sacred water that could restore their faith gave them the upper hand. Gradually, they pushed the native kingdoms out of the region, securing both the world tree and the Sacred Pool that had been rumored to exist. The discovery of the Sacred Pool was a triumph for Outremer. Not only had they secured a new source of divine power, but they had also revitalized the faith of their people. The pool allowed the creation of new Saints once again, and Outremer’s military and spiritual strength were restored.

In the aftermath of the Second Crusade, Outremer established the first-ever Crusader States in the region to safeguard these newly won holy lands. These states were meant to ensure that the Sacred Pool and the world tree Leviair remained under the control of the Solomonid faithful, preventing any future loss of such a valuable resource. Now, to become a Saint, hopefuls had to journey to Leviair, where the new Sacred Pool resided.

The creation of these Crusader States expanded Outremer’s influence far beyond its borders, making it a significant power in the region. However, the establishment of this new domain so far from the homeland also posed new challenges. Outremer now had to defend these distant lands, manage their integration into the Solomonid faith, and ensure that the sacred connection to the pool was never severed.


Third Crusade(11383-11390AC)

  The Third Crusade of 11383 AC was a monumental campaign launched by Outremer and its crusader states to reclaim the sacred World Tree Taia from the clutches of an Orc Warchief named Zâthra the Battle-Hardened. This conflict unfolded during a period of chaos and instability in the mighty Jin Empire, a powerhouse in Ur. The Jin had long protected Taia, a sacred symbol for the Solomonites, but internal strife left the empire vulnerable and unprepared to defend the holy site.

The downfall of the Jin began with the death of their Emperor. His passing triggered a brutal succession crisis among his sons, each vying for the throne in a war that engulfed the empire. What was once a dominant force in Ur fell into disarray as rival factions fought for control. In the midst of this conflict, the World Tree Taia, once fiercely protected, was neglected. The holy site, revered by Solomonites and a symbol of divine life and fertility, became a secondary concern as the Jin focused on their civil war.

During the Jin's internal conflict, an Orc Warchief named Zâthra rose to power in the Subylands. Zâthra, a fierce and seasoned leader, united the orc tribes that had long been fractured. With the Jin distracted and weakened by civil war, Zâthra saw an opportunity to expand his power. He led his warbands into Jin territory, raiding and conquering, eventually seizing control of the World Tree Taia itself. The fall of Taia into orcish hands sent shockwaves throughout the Solomonite world. For the Jin, already crumbling from within, the loss of Taia was a devastating blow to their prestige. However, with the empire too weakened to reclaim the tree, it fell to Outremer and its expanding network of crusader states to act.

In 11383 AC, Cardinal Urbanos III called for a holy war to reclaim the World Tree Taia from the orcs. The Second Crusade had already led to the creation of several crusader states in Aedorica, and Outremer's influence had grown significantly across the region. This was no longer a solitary effort by Outremer; now, the call to arms drew forces from across the Solomonite world. The dream of sainthood and the sacred duty to protect the world trees inspired thousands to take up arms. The crusade was met with overwhelming support. Veterans from the Second Crusade, eager to continue their holy mission, rallied alongside new recruits driven by faith and ambition. Thousands of crusaders, led by Outremer's best commanders, sailed for Ur, determined to reclaim Taia and defeat the orcish invaders.

The Third Crusade was a grueling, bloody conflict that raged for seven long years. Upon landing in Ur, the crusaders faced a powerful orc warhost under the leadership of Zâthra. Unlike previous foes, Zâthra's forces were disciplined, well-coordinated, and bolstered by the orcish tribes he had united. The initial clashes were fierce, with both sides suffering heavy casualties. Throughout the seven years, both sides saw the rise and fall of many champions. Crusaders from Outremer and the crusader states earned their fame in battle, leading daring charges and fighting against overwhelming odds. However, Zâthra proved to be a cunning and resilient adversary, rallying his forces time and time again to repel the invaders.   Despite the ferocity of the orc warhost, the crusaders' determination and faith eventually led to a breakthrough. In the final year of the war, Zâthra's forces were decisively defeated in a climactic battle near the World Tree Taia. Zâthra himself fell in combat, the orcish host crumbling alongside him.

With Zâthra’s defeat, the crusaders claimed victory and retook the World Tree Taia. As with the Second Crusade, Outremer and its allies established new crusader states in Ur to safeguard the holy land and prevent it from falling into enemy hands again. These states served as fortresses of Solomonite faith, standing watch over Taia and acting as a bridge between the distant lands of Ur and the heartlands of the Solomonites.

War of Greed(11959-11998AC)

  In the year 11851AC, Outremer emerged from a brutal civil war, caused by the disastrous Fifth Crusade. Saint Emperor Reginald of House de Normandie rose victorious, securing control over Outremer. Shortly after this civil conflict, Reginald sought an unprecedented alliance with The Empire of Man by marrying his firstborn son, Hugh, to Princess Sybilla, the daughter of the Emperor of Man. While on the surface, the marriage appeared to be a strategic alliance, Reginald harbored grander ambitions: the unification of the two great empires under one throne.

Their child, Prince Henry, was born into both the Empire of Outremer and the Empire of Man, marking a unique union in the political history of the world. Henry, a natural-born genius, lived in Outremer until the age of 10 before moving to the Empire to study at the prestigious Imperial Academy. His brilliance quickly became evident, outshining his peers and even the most learned scholars of the empire.

At the age of 17, Henry's grandfather, Emperor Reginald would die. Henry left the Empire for the first time to attend his Grandfather's funeral and his father's coronation as emperor. Shortly later, Henry's maternal grandfather, the Emperor of Man, passed away thus passing the throne to his mother's brother. Sybilla along with her son Henry would go to the Empire to attend the late emperor's funeral and the new emperor's coronation, two funerals and coronations all in the same year. But as they finally arrived in the Empire, a civil war ignited by the Imperial Princes to dethrone the new emperor. Possibly with the support from Emperor Reginald and Sybilla's family, they wished to dethrone her brother in favor of her as empress. And it just so happened that she was home. The rebel princes forced Sybilla, Henry's mother, to become a figurehead of their rebellion, compelling her to depose her own brother. The young Prince Henry only 17 at the time, was forced into commanding men in this war. Though Henry had not completed his training, he was thrust into the role of commander during the civil war. His genius and strategic acumen were unmatched, blending both Imperial and Outremer tactics to swiftly defeat the rebel forces. After only a few months of conflict, Sybilla was crowned Empress of the Empire of Man, but her reign was cut short. Eight days after her coronation, she was poisoned and died. The Imperial Princes, still loyal to Sybilla's family, then elected Henry, now 18, as the new Emperor of Man. Despite being young and initially seen as a puppet emperor, Henry proved to be far more formidable than expected. In just three months, he uprooted corruption, restored order, and implemented sweeping reforms, cementing his power.

Three months into his reign, he received grave news—his father, Emperor Hugh III of Outremer, had been killed by a silver dragon, a creature long believed dormant, a sudden attack was unlike the dragon. His father was a powerful saint, he wouldn't be beaten so easily. Sensing foul play, Henry amassed Imperial Troops and returned to Outremer for his coronation and to investigate, eventually tracking down his father's murderers as well as the dragon. And slaying the dragon in a legendary battle. For this heroic feat, Henry was deemed worthy of sainthood and drank from the Sacred Pool, becoming one of the most revered figures in both empires.

Henry ruled over both Outremer and the Empire of Man, earning the title Emperor of the West and East. During this time, he married and had a daughter, but peace was fleeting. A rebellion arose, led by the son of one of the dissenting vassals Henry had crushed earlier. The mercenary army the son hired waged a fierce war, even managing to besiege the capital, Vermandois, Henry defending the city fiercely, then learned that a separate group of soldiers had snuck into the imperial palace. Henry rushed back to save his wife and daughter. Henry along with his young daughter would be captured, with his wife killed. His abductors would flee the battle with the two.

Despite efforts to negotiate Henry’s release, the mercenary leader refused all offers. After a year of fruitless negotiations, the Empire of Man elected a new emperor, following their tradition, while Outremer descended into chaos. With no direct heirs from House Normandie and Sir Francis of House Robertine renouncing his claim and his children's and grandchildren's in a show of loyalty to Henry years prior, the kingdom was left without a clear ruler. The resulting power vacuum ignited the War of Greed, a brutal civil conflict fueled by the ambitions of the Outremer nobles to become the next emperor. Starting in 11959AC a year after Henry's capture.

The Saints

  Three years before the War of Greed, a young knight named Charles and his best friend Norman embarked on a quest to find the Holy Grail. Their journey took them to the distant land of Paros, where they performed countless heroic deeds, including saving a prince of the Yang Empire. In gratitude, the Emperor offered one of his daughters that had taken a liking to Charles, Princess Yang Xinxiang, to Charles,The adventurous Princess was a welcomed addition to Charles's party as he still sought the Holy Grail. For several years, his party fought fearlessly and searched to no end for the Holy Grail. In the year 11974AC, both Norman's wife and Princess Xinxiang were pregnant, with them given birth to a daughter and son respectively. Charles named his son Louis and Norman named his daughter Elesis. With the Holy Grail still not found, they continued their search even with their children. As the children grew, they would adapt to the nomadic life of the party and when they were old enough to hold a blade, they too joined the battles with the party. By the age of eleven, Louis and Elesis had felled beasts, Goblins, Orcs, undead and Demons. It is also when they were eleven that the party would finally find the Holy Grail. After decades of searching Charles and Norman had found their one goal. But instead of drinking it for themselves they had Louis and Elesis drink it. They gave up Sainthood in favor of their children. The young children were only eleven when they became saints, this had never happened before, but the two had accomplished feats equal to any great lord, making them worthy of the Holy Grail at such a young age. After finding the Grail, the party would travel to Vlunia to have Louis and Elesis learn magic in the Magical Kingdom of Saphery. They would stay there for several years. Charles would die, Norman wishing to fulfil his and his best friend's desire, to bring the children to Outremer, their homeland.

  In 11990AC in the midst of the war of Greed, the party would arrive in Outremer. However they were not aware of the fragile state of Outremer and found themselves in a deadly battle. Caught by surprise, Norman, his wife and Princess Xinxiang would sacrifice themselves to save Louis and Elesis. The latter being only 16 years of age, losing their whole family. They grew hatred for Outremer, for taking their family, but they remembered the teachings of Charles, He taught the principles of Solomonid and engrained it into them. As the pair traveled the war-torn empire, they for the first time saw the faith of Solomonid, the holy sites, the faith and all that made it great. They finally understood Charles's teachings. Their hatred was soon an emotion of the past, they became devout followers of the faith.

    The war of Greed was a civil war that was the most brutal of all the Outremer civil wars. Known as the war of Greed because of the lust for the throne of Outremer. The virtues, principles and code of the faith and knights was discarded. It was now a nations of bastards, devoid of morals. Because of this, the sacred pool in Outremer dried up, leaving no more saints to be made. As the war waged, it took a heavy toll on Outremer and by the time Louis and Elesis arrived, all the Saints of Outremer had perished. This had never happened before, but with little room to care as all the powers of Outremer purely focused on the throne.

  But Outremer was not without saints any longer for two saints had arrived, Louis and Elesis were the only saints of Outremer left. Elesis received a vision of where a new sacred pool would be. She had received a prophecy to save Outremer. The two traveled around and saw the horrors of the greedy nobles. They aided and defended towns and villages from all threats. Extending their good will to all even their enemies. Outremer knights that they defeated in battles, even the most vile were spared by Louis and Elesis. The knights blinded by greed saw the two as the shiny beacons of the faith, the knights had been without saints for decades, they had forgotten the holiness and righteousness of one. The knights the pair spared were inspired by their unmatched piety, and swore loyalty to aid in the search of the Sacred Pool and saving Outremer. Louis and Elesis ventured all across Outremer winning over knights with their boundless virtue, winning battle after battle without spilling the blood of a single Outremer.

  It took eight years for them to end the war of Greed, and they did so without spilling a single Outremer's blood. After the war, Louis and Elesis were seen as the divine saviors of Outremer, with house Robertine still unable to become emperors for three generations and house Normandie still searching for a heir. A new house would have to become emperor and two possible choices were present before the nobles. Louis and Elesis were 24 and now married to each other. The nobles asked Louis if he would become emperor, he declined the offer, responding that "I am no man without my maiden let alone emperor", they then asked Elesis if she would become Empress and she said "I'm a woman that is nothing without by husband let alone empress". The nobles not willing to back down, asked if they would jointly rule, The nobles working around the two, they both were forced to accept the title of Saint Emperor and Saint Empress, the first and only time in Outremer's history of joint rulership. The two were hailed as Saint Louis the Pious and Elesis the Saint.

Sometime later Elesis would locate the Sacred Pool along with many eager knights. But as soon as she found it, she would destroy it right before all the knights. The knights enraged by her actions charged at her to try and cut her down. Strike after strike, the dozen of knights struck Elesis, but no wound or injury appeared, she stood as still as a statue as the knights tried to cut her down. After realizing they could not harm her, they fell to their knees weaping, realizing their greed and evil actions. She told them that they were blinded by greed for the throne and they had not forsaken their greed but merely shifted it towards the sacred pool. She then told them the rest of her prophecy. That all the Sacred pools in the world would dry up and no new ones would appeared. She explained that the world trees are bounded together and if one suffers, they all suffer. During Outremer's civil war, the Crusader States of Leviair had been destroyed and the world tree taken by the Orc Overlord Hoglik the Jaded. She told them that if they wished to repent then they must save the tree and in that moment, she would call for a crusade against the Broken Wills to save the world tree Leviair, the first and only time a crusade would be called by someone other than the Cardinal.

Sixth Crusade(12001-12008AC)

Following the ascension of Saint Emperor Saint Louis the Pious and Saint Empress Elesis the Saint in 11998AC after the war of greed. Elesis would call for a crusade to liberate the World Tree Leviair from the Broken Wills under the control of Orc Overlord Hoglik the Jaded. It was lost during the War of Greed.

With Louis and Elesis still as the only two saints. Outremer launched the crusade against the Orc Overlord. Along with various other powers in the region, they fought against the Orc warhost. Beginning in 12001AC the Sixth Crusade led by Louis and Elesis fought fiercely against the Broken Wills. In the year 12008AC, Louis and Elesis would defeat the Broken Wills by jointly slaying Hoglik the Jaded. The Crusader states of Leviair would be reestablished and the world tree would be saved. For the first time ever, all world trees would spawn a Sacred Pool, just as Elesis had prophesied. This divine manifestation marked a major turning point in the faith of Solomonid, as it gave birth to a widespread wave of sainthood across the world. What had once been a faith reduced to only two saints—Louis and Elesis—soon saw the emergence of hundreds of saints, all across the lands of Oros.

The faith of Solomon reached its zenith during the long prosperous reign of Louis and Elesis. Elesis, revered for her wisdom and piety, passed away in 12136 AC at the age of 162. Louis, deeply affected by her death, chose never to remarry and ruled Outremer until his own death in 12276 AC, at the remarkable age of 302, making him the longest reigning in Outremer's history. His extraordinarily long life was attributed by many to his piety and divine favor, though in truth, it was the result of his Yang heritage, a secret that remained largely unknown. Louis and Elesis would have many offspring and became the founders of the third and final great house of Outremer alongside House de Normandie and House Robertine. House Ginemiéres, the house of the Saint.

War of Twelve Decades(13134-13253AC)

The Karak-Outremer War of 13134–13253 AC was a defining conflict between the Dwarven Kingdom of Karak and the Empire of Outremer. It began when the dwarves of Karak, long isolated within their mountain strongholds since the devastating Great Waaagh! decided to emerge for the first time in over 8,000 years. The new Dwarven High King, Srigrothomm Griffindwarf, was an anomaly among his people, as he defied centuries of tradition and isolation. Seeing the dwarves struggling within their limited confines, Srigrothomm believed that venturing out of the mountains and settling in the nearby lands would bring renewal and prosperity to his kingdom.

In 13134 AC, thousands of dwarves began leaving the mountains of Karak, settling on the lands surrounding their kingdom. However, these lands had been under the control of Outremer for centuries, inhabited by peasant communities who had toiled to cultivate and defend the region. When the dwarves disregarded the presence of these Outremer peasants, the latter did not stand idly by. They saw the dwarves as invaders and began to resist, leading to a series of escalating clashes. What started as local skirmishes soon became a larger conflict as more dwarves arrived, and the situation spiraled out of control.

  Upon hearing of the growing tension, Saint Emperor Maurice of Outremer, who sought to prevent unnecessary bloodshed and establish peaceful relations with the dwarves, personally led a diplomatic envoy to Karak. His intent was to negotiate a peaceful resolution, but tragedy struck when the dwarves, mistaking the envoy for a military force, slaughtered Maurice and his entire party. The death of the emperor at the hands of the dwarves ignited a war that would last for twelve brutal decades.

  The War of 12 Decades also known as the Karak-Outremer War, was a relentless and grueling conflict, its sheer brutality and lack of decisive victories. Both sides suffered tremendous losses, and despite numerous attempts to break the stalemate, neither the dwarves nor the forces of Outremer were able to land a significant blow that would turn the tide of the war. The dwarves, known for their mastery of fortifications and defensive warfare, retreated into their mountain holds whenever they were pressed, making it nearly impossible for Outremer's armies to breach their defenses. Meanwhile, Outremer's forces were vast and resilient, with superior numbers and control of the surrounding lands. Yet, even with these advantages, they found themselves unable to dislodge the stubborn dwarves from their mountain homes.

  In 13253 AC, after nearly 120 years of bloodshed and destruction, the war ended in a stalemate, with both sides too exhausted to continue fighting. The dwarves retreated once more into the mountains of Karak, sealing themselves off from the outside world once again. Since the conclusion of the war, the dwarves have remained in their isolated strongholds, never venturing out. Outremer, recognizing the futility of further conflict, adopted a policy of non-interference with the dwarves, ensuring that future generations would avoid provoking the reclusive kingdom.

Spaniard Rebellion(14253-14263AC)

Heathen Rebellion(14224-14238AC)

Dozens of different peoples live in Rodinia, with each nation encompassing dozens of different groups and Outremer being no different. Since the time of Norman "The Lionheart" de Normandie, dozens of peoples lived within the empire of Outremer. Among these people were the Spaniards. The Spaniards, a proud and fiery people, had lived within the empire for thousands of years, and their rebellious spirit was infamous. Known for their camaraderie, kinship, and defiant nature in the face of oppression, they frequently resisted the aristocratic hierarchy that dominated Outremer, leading to numerous uprisings over the years.

Outremer’s nobility often viewed the Spaniards as an unruly and troublesome group. The position of Lord of the Spains, a noble tasked with overseeing the Spaniard region, was one of the least prestigious titles in the empire. Unlike the frontier nobles, who gained glory by defending the empire against external threats like Orc raids or foreign invaders, the Lord of the Spains was relegated to quelling constant internal unrest. Because of this, the lord was often looked down upon by other nobles, who preferred to focus on displaying wealth and status rather than managing rebellion-prone regions.

In the year 14224 AC, the most significant of these revolts, the Heathen Rebellion, erupted. Led by Martin the Heathen, the then-Lord of the Spains, it was a full-scale rebellion against Outremer. Martin, frustrated by the constant disdain of the nobility, rallied the Spaniards to his cause. For 14 long years, the Spaniards waged a bitter war against the empire. Despite their defiance, Martin's rebellion was eventually crushed by Pierre Francis, a noble from Outremer who was appointed as the new Lord of the Spains after the rebellion's end. Pierre, seeking to solidify his control and gain favor with the other nobles, enacted brutal laws against the Spaniards, punishing them severely for their rebellion. His harsh measures and suppression of any further dissent earned him praise among the nobility, as he was seen as the first lord in centuries to successfully suppress the Spaniards.

However, the peace was short-lived. Just a year after the Heathen Rebellion, a seemingly small incident sparked another revolt, known as the Elopement Revolt. In the city of Toledo, a Spaniard named Garcia fell in love with an Outremer noblewoman, and the two attempted to elope. Their plans to flee the empire were thwarted when they were captured by Raymond Savéss Chevéa, the brother-in-law of Pierre Francis and his Maréchal. The noblewoman was returned to her family and placed under house arrest, but Garcia, as both a commoner and a Spaniard, was summarily executed without a trial.

The execution of Garcia, a man loved by his fellow Spaniards, was a tipping point. Raymond, determined to send a harsh message, turned his wrath on Garcia’s hometown of Portucale, one of the wealthiest cities in the region. He laid siege to the city for 18 months, starving out its inhabitants before finally breaching its walls. Once inside, Raymond's forces butchered the city's entire population in a brutal act of revenge. The massacre of Portucale sent shockwaves throughout the Spanish lands, and soon, the Spaniards rose up once again.

The Elopement Revolt, although fueled by deep-seated grievances and anger over the massacre of Portucale, was not as large as the Heathen Rebellion. It spread across the region quickly but was short-lived, lasting only six months before being violently quashed by Raymond and his forces. The brutal suppression of the revolt only further deepened the animosity between the Spaniards and their Outremer overlords. For years to come, smaller-scale uprisings and revolts would continue to break out, as the Spaniards refused to be cowed by their oppressors. The cycle of rebellion and suppression defined the relationship between the Spaniards and the empire, ensuring that the region remained one of the most volatile and rebellious in all of Outremer.

The Birth of Vengeance

The Elopement Revolt, though insignificant in the grand scheme of Outremer’s history, inadvertently gave rise to one of its most legendary figures: Fernando of Portucale. The only surviving sibling of Garcia, as a boy of 13 years of age, Fernando's survival was a matter of chance. The day before the siege of his hometown, Portucale, he snuck into a carriage to steal food, an act that would ultimately save his life. While he was away, Raymond Savéss Chevéa’s forces besieged and butchered the entire population, including Fernando's family. Left with nothing but grief and burning hatred, Fernando swore vengeance against the Outremer nobility responsible for his hometown’s massacre.

The years following Portucale's fall are largely a mystery. What is known is that at some point, Fernando joined a mercenary band, where he honed his skills as a warrior and leader. Over time, he rose to prominence, eventually becoming the leader of his own mercenary force. He would take on any and all jobs he could, always fulfiling any of his mission, no matter how moral they were. It was during this period that Fernando came into possession of a cache of famed Spaniard Gold, a unique and extremely durable metal found only in the Spanish territories. Forging this precious material into armor for himself and his men, Fernando’s mercenaries became a striking force on the battlefield, known for their golden radiance and unmatched combat prowess.

Fernando's reputation reached its zenith during the War of the Three Kingdoms (between the Kingdom of Gaelem, the Kingdom of Astaroth, and the Empire of Outremer). Outremer, seeking to expand its influence and defend its borders, employed Fernando’s mercenary band. Their contributions were decisive, but none more so than their role in the Battle of Pereyaslavl.

The battle, fought against overwhelming odds, would go down in history as the Slaughter of Pereyaslavl. Fernando, leading just 320 of his men, faced off against an army of 12,989 men from the Kingdom of Gaelem. In what seemed like an impossible battle, Fernando’s tactical brilliance and the unparalleled discipline of his mercenaries led to one of the most lopsided victories in military history. By the end of the battle, only 10 Gaelic soldiers survived to tell the tale, while Fernando's side suffered just two losses. This crushing victory not only sealed Fernando’s legacy as one of the greatest commanders of his time, but it also shifted the balance of the war in Outremer’s favor.

With Fernando's legendary victory, Outremer emerged victorious in the War of the Three Kingdoms, annexing contested territories and expanding its influence. Fernando's band would be famed as the "Golden Conquistors", their golden armor and battlefield prowess cementing their place in the annals of history.


The Rebellion of the Spaniards

  Pierre Francis, the Lord of the Spains, had long been plagued by constant rebellions among the Spaniards under his rule, leaving him little time to participate in the lavish lifestyle expected of Outremer’s aristocracy. As the coming-of-age ceremony for his daughter approached, Pierre, eager to prove himself to his noble peers, was determined to host a grand celebration, the likes of which he had never had the chance to enjoy.

Despite the seeming quiet among the Spaniards in the months leading up to the event, another revolt broke out just weeks before the ceremony. Furious, Pierre delegated the responsibility of quelling the revolt to his brother-in-law, Raymond Savéss Chevéa, who served as his Maréchal. However, Raymond, who had also been deprived of noble gatherings due to his military duties, pleaded to attend the ball as well. Sympathizing with Raymond’s plight, Pierre allowed him to attend, but the Spaniards still had to be dealt with. Raymond made the decision to hire the most prominent and renowned of them all. The Golden Conquistors to suppress the rebellion on his behalf.

Fernando accepted the task, but with a hidden agenda. Having long harbored a personal vendetta against the Outremer nobility, especially against Pierre Francis and Raymond for the massacre of his hometown of Portucale, Fernando saw this as his opportunity for revenge. Rather than crushing the rebels as ordered, Fernando instead rallied the Spaniards to his cause, promising them freedom from Outremer's oppression. Over the next several months, he secretly gathered support among the Spaniards, consolidating a force powerful enough to challenge Outremer itself.

On the very day of Pierre Francis’s daughter’s ceremony in 14253AC, Fernando launched his rebellion. Over 100,000 Spaniards marched on the fortress city of Ferrara, Pierre Francis’s stronghold. Inside the city, Spaniard sympathizers incited a riot, storming the gates and opening them to Fernando's forces. The city fell within hours, and Fernando’s army made its way to the estate where Pierre Francis, Raymond, and numerous Outremer nobles were gathered for the grand ceremony. The estate was set ablaze, with all inside perishing in the flames, including Pierre, Raymond, and many of the most prominent members of Outremer's aristocracy.

With the fall of Ferrara, the Spaniard Rebellion had officially begun. Fernando, now seen as the champion of the Spaniards, declared the formation of the Empire of Hispania, using Ferrara as his base of operations. His rebellion triggered a cascade of revolts across Outremer’s territories, with the western republics also rising against Outremer’s rule. To make matters worse, the Kingdom of Breton seized the opportunity to invade, further weakening Outremer’s hold on its lands.

The rebellion lasted 10 years, during which Outremer lost vast swaths of territory and saw its political structure crumble. The decisive moment came at the Battle of Almarvara, where Fernando’s forces defeated the Outremer army and captured the Saint Emperor himself. This victory forced Outremer to the negotiating table, leading to the Treaty of Almarvara, which effectively dismantled the empire.

Under the terms of the treaty:
  • Outremer ceded lands to the Kingdom of Breton, the rebellious western republics, and the newly-formed Empire of Hispania.
  • Fernando was officially recognized as the first Emperor of Hispania.
  • The title of Saint Emperor was abolished, and the once-mighty Empire of Outremer was reduced to a mere Kingdom.
The treaty imposed harsh penalties on Outremer, including reparations, bans on military expansion, and severe restrictions on its political and economic power. The Spaniard Rebellion shattered the once-formidable empire, leaving it crippled and diminished for generations. Meanwhile, the Empire of Hispania rose from the ashes of Outremer’s defeat, ushering in a new era in the region’s history.

Hispanian-Outremer War(14940-14946AC)

  Led by the legendary King Nuñe "Warrior King" of Hispania, who had gained global recognition for his unmatched prowess and victory during the Celestial Convergence in 14927 AC, this invasion would spell the end of Outremer’s relevance as a regional power. Nuñe, both a brilliant general and an indomitable warrior, sought to solidify Hispania's dominance and further weaken Outremer, which had already been greatly diminished by the Spaniard Rebellion and subsequent wars.

The war lasted six brutal years, from 14940AC to 14946AC, during which Nuñe’s strategic brilliance and relentless military campaigns steadily crushed Outremer’s defenses. Outremer, still reeling from decades of political and military decline, struggled to mount an effective defense against Nuñe’s formidable armies. Despite a few notable victories early in the war, Outremer was eventually overwhelmed by the superior tactics, discipline, and resources of Hispania.

The final blow came with the fall of Vermandois, Outremer’s last stronghold and capital. While Vermandois itself did not fall in battle, it was surrounded and besieged by Nuñe's forces, leaving Outremer with no option but to capitulate. The resulting Treaty of St. Louen in 14946AC was devastating for Outremer:
All remaining Outremer lands, except for the capital city of Vermandois, were ceded to Hispania.
Outremer was reduced to a mere holy order, effectively ending its ability to act as an independent political or military power.
By becoming a holy order, Outremer was forced to renounce any future ambitions of expansion or sovereignty. This prevented them from competing not only with Hispania but with any of their neighboring nations.
The Hispanian-Outremer War would be remembered as the ultimate humiliation for Outremer, whose power had been progressively eroded over the last centuries.

Outremer Reconquest(14969-14972AC)

  Following the collapse of Hispania into a bloody succession crisis after the death of King Nuñe "Warrior King", the kingdom was thrown into chaos. The root of this civil war lay in the succession dispute after Nuñe’s only son and heir had perished in battle, leaving behind only his granddaughter and daughters. Hispania, which had never had a queen, found itself divided between those loyal to the royal bloodline and ambitious nobles seeking to claim the throne for themselves.

Amidst this internal strife, Grandmaster Eudes Robertine of Outremer saw an opportunity to reclaim the lands lost to Hispania after the humiliating defeat during the Hispanian-Outremer War. Eudes, the leader of what remained of Outremer as a holy order, had been waiting for the right moment to strike. That moment came when one of the warring Hispanian nobles, in his quest for power, resorted to demonic rituals. This was the pretext Eudes needed to launch an invasion, framing it as a holy war against the forces of darkness and a righteous mission to cleanse the land.

  The campaign, known as the Outremer Reconquest, began in 14969AC. With Hispania torn apart by civil war and unable to effectively defend its borders, Eudes' armies quickly swept through the region, recapturing city after city. The people of the former Outremer territories, who had long suffered under Hispanic rule, welcomed Eudes as a liberator. By 14972AC, Eudes had successfully reclaimed all of the lands that had been lost during the Hispanian-Outremer War, restoring much of Outremer's former glory.

  Hispania, crippled by its internal conflict, was in no position to launch a counteroffensive, and the war-weary nobles eventually agreed to a peace treaty. The treaty recognized Outremer's sovereignty over the reconquered lands, effectively restoring the kingdom to its pre-war territorial boundaries. Though Outremer remained a holy order in structure, its renewed control over these lands signified a major return to the regional stage as a political and military power.

  The Reconquest solidified Grandmaster Eudes’ legacy as a brilliant and cunning leader, beloved by his people and feared by his enemies. It marked the beginning of a new chapter for Outremer, now strengthened by its reclaimed lands and emboldened to play a larger role in the politics of the region once more.

Crusade for Narnen(15001AC-Present)

  For years, the once-mighty nation had seen its influence and power decline as the faith of Solomonid waned. Faced with this spiritual and political crisis, Grandmaster Langris de Normandie sought a solution that would not only renew the faith of his people but also reinvigorate the power and purpose of Outremer. Langris found his answer in the desolate lands of the Great Narnen Plains, which were overrun by countless orcish tribes and other violent factions. These lands, once a core part of the Empire of Outremer, were seen as both a spiritual and territorial loss that needed to be reclaimed.

Langris, knowing that the orcish raids on neighboring regions had caused devastation and unrest, convinced Cardinal Gaucelin Ginemiéres to issue a call for a crusade—the first in over 600 years. The goal was clear: reclaim the plains of Narnen, purge the orcish tribes, and restore Outremer's rightful dominion over the lands. The mission, wrapped in both religious zeal and patriotic fervor, was designed to rally the Solomites to the cause and breathe life back into the faith.

  To lead the campaign, Langris placed his brother and second-in-command, Robert de Normandie, at the head of the crusading armies. Robert, known as the Sword of Solomon, was one of the most revered and feared warriors of his time. His reputation as an invincible champion of the faith ensured that the crusade would attract not just soldiers but devoted followers who saw the mission as divinely ordained.

  The tribes of Narnen posed a significant threat not only to Outremer but to neighboring powers such as Hispania and the Republic of Rivia, who had long suffered from the orcish raids. Recognizing the mutual benefit of addressing this threat, Langris formed the Holy Coalition, an alliance between Outremer, Hispania, and Rivia, setting aside their historical rivalries in the interest of defeating a common enemy. Despite the deep animosity between Outremer and Hispania, especially in the wake of past wars and territorial disputes, both sides recognized the importance of uniting against the orcs.

  The Holy Coalition opened the crusade to all who wished to fight for the cause, so long as they were not of evil alignment. Hispania, eager to participate and secure its own claims in Narnen, pledged a significant force to the effort. The coalition established a shared understanding: those who contributed most to the war effort would receive a greater share of the land once the orcs were defeated.

  The Crusade for Narnen was not just a military endeavor; it was also a test of faith, unity, and power for Outremer and its allies. As thousands of crusaders marched into Narnen under Robert de Normandie’s command, the stage was set for a brutal and long campaign. The plains of Narnen, soaked in centuries of conflict, would once again become a battlefield for the future of the region. For Outremer, the crusade offered the possibility of rebirth. For Hispania and Rivia, it was a chance to expand their influence and end the menace of orcish raids. For all involved, it was a moment to prove their faith, strength, and right to rule.

Demography and Population

Outremer's population is diverse and primarily composed of devout Solomonites, concentrated in the heavily fortified cities like Vermandois and the surrounding fertile plains. The population is predominantly human, with smaller minorities of elves, dwarves, and halflings living within its borders. The region is divided into several classes, with the nobility and Holy Knights at the top, followed by merchants, artisans, and peasants. Outremer also has a significant number of religious clergy and monastic orders due to its status as a holy order. Many veteran soldiers and mercenaries have settled in the region, adding to its militaristic culture. The total population is estimated to be several million, with a strong rural base supporting the urban centers.


Outremer controls the fertile plains of Eustria, bordered by the Karak Mountains to the north, where the dwarves reside, Hispania to the east, and The Kingdom of Vermilla to the west and south. Its lands are divided among the three Great Houses: House de Normandie, House Ginemiéres, and House Robertine, with their respective capitals in Vermandois (the nation's overall capital), St. Louen, and Gabuck. Whichever house rules the nation takes control of Vermandois, with House de Normandie currently in power.


The military of Outremer is vast and diverse, structured as follows:  

Leadership and Command

Saint Lords lead the armies, with rare involvement from the Grandmaster, Maréchal, Grand Inquisitor, or Cardinal. Support comes from Sergeants, Grand Bishops (for spiritual aid), and elite Saint Paladins as sub-commanders.


Peasants form the bulk, ranging from untrained "mob" forces to Battle Pilgrims (religious fanatics) and Foot Squires seeking noble patrons. Foreign/Enslaved men, such as purchased soldiers during crusades, bolster ranks.
Knights represent the elite, including Paladins, Saint Paladins, and Hermit Knights, capable of defeating demonic hordes.

Missile Infantry

Comprises Peasant Bowmen, Men-at-Arms, and elite foreign archers such as Sodeer Archers and Yeomen—the most skilled archers in Outremer society, often trained in mounted archery.


Cavalry is the pride of Outremer, with famed units like Norman Knights, Gendarmes, and Sacred Knights forming the heavy cavalry.
Light Cavalry includes Subypoles and Chasseurs, while Mamluks and elite Hasham represent skilled foreign units.
Missile Cavalry is mostly foreign, such as Subypole archers and Sibyan Al-Khass.


Uses Mangonels, Trebuchets, and Blessed Trebuchets (divinely enchanted to avoid harming Solomites).

Special Units

Inquisitors and High Bishops occasionally join for special tasks or experience, adding spiritual and religious fervor to the campaigns.

Air Units

Pegasus Knights, Royal Pegasus Knights, and Royal Hippogryph Knights dominate the skies, used only by the most prestigious commanders.


Once large, Outremer's navy is now downsized, confined to river access via the Ashina River due to their landlocked position, with minimal funding due to its limited utility. Outremer's military is renowned for its cavalry, faith-driven zeal, and aerial capabilities, though it suffers from a weakened naval presence due to its geographic limitations.

Technological Level

The technological and scientific level of Outremer is relatively low compared to other regions, primarily due to its focus on religious education and traditional practices over innovation. While skilled artisans excel in craftsmanship, particularly in metalwork, textiles, and agriculture, advancements in technology are slow, and scientific inquiry is limited to religious contexts and practical applications rather than systematic exploration.

  The influence of the church heavily restricts research in fields such as medicine, engineering, and natural sciences, with most scholarly pursuits revolving around theology, philosophy, and morality. The presence of the University of Vermandois provides some opportunities for advanced study, but access is confined to the elite, further stifling widespread intellectual growth.

  Consequently, the infrastructure, agricultural methods, and military technologies in Outremer remain traditional and largely reliant on established practices rather than modern advancements, with only minor innovations, such as the use of blessed weaponry and specific agricultural tools, being integrated into their systems.


Outremer is a deeply religious society, with nearly every village, town, and city dedicating resources to temples for worship and seeking divine favor, making faith a central part of life and governance.

The Patron God

Solomon - God of Life, is the patron deity of Outremer. As one of the four Primordial Gods, Solomon holds the highest honor in the nation, serving as the guiding force behind its founding and cultural identity. Worship of Solomon is near-universal, and his influence is central to both spiritual and political affairs in Outremer.

Tolerated Gods

While Solomon is the primary god, Outremer tolerates and respects several other good-aligned deities. These gods, though not worshipped as fervently as Solomon, are acknowledged as moral and never viewed as adversaries. Outremer extends its devotion to these gods and accepts their followers, even from rival nations like Hispania.   Tolerated Gods include:   These deities are seen as good-natured, morally aligned with Solomon, and their worshippers are left in peace.  

Evil Gods

Outremer views Evil Gods and their followers as enemies of Solomon and all that is righteous. These gods and any associated objects, relics, or servants are subject to purging. Crusades and divine missions are often launched against the forces of these malevolent deities.   Evil Gods include:   These deities are the targets of Outremer's holy crusades, seen as a threat to the purity and sanctity of the Solomite faith.

Foreign Relations

Despite being barred from invading nearby nations, Outremer has a long bitter history with them, considering most of them as long time rivals.


Hispania is a new nation of Rodinia but since their birth, they have been the number one rival of Outremer for the past 800 years. The lands of Hispania were once apart of the Empire of Outremer and had been since it's founding. In 14253AC the Spainards living within Outremer rebelled in the Spainard Rebellion. Outremer was defeated, losing half of the empire and being reduced to a mere kingdom. On top of that, Hispania proclaimed itself an empire as another spit on Outremer, and from that point Outremer and Hispania have been mortal enemies almost as much as the Outremer knights and evil. The people have a long standing dislike for each other.

  In recent years Outremer has been forced to become a holy order by Hispania during the Hispanian-Outremer War(14940-14946AC), effectively stopping Outremer from competing with Hispania or her other neighbors. Under Grandmaster Langris de Normandie, in 15001AC the first crusade in 600 years was called for the Great Narnen Plains, Outremer invited Hispania to partake if they wish to obtain lands and help with the crusade. At present Hispania and Outremer work together for some things like when Hispania needs help against undead or demons, they will ask for Outremer knights to be sent, and in the case of Outremer when they want help with the Crusade or some conflict on the border. Langris and Queen Penelope of Hispania are both cunning rulers that understand working together is better then outright hostility, but they are wary of each other because of their nature and their nations long bitter history.


The Kingdom of Vermilla is a young new kingdom compared to Outremer, coming to be only 600 years ago. But they inherited their predecessor's rivalry with Outremer. Before Vermilla was the Kingdom of Breton which had a history as long as Outremer, although they were allies during the Great War of Undeath, over the centuries, wars between the two became a constant affair. In the year 14420AC, Breton was conquered by a overseas warlord, forming the Kingdom of Vermilla and just like Breton, Outremer and Vermilla have fought.

At present Outremer shares a similar relationship with Vermilla as they do with Hispania, however they dislike that Vermilla is holding core lands of Outremer. Hispania also holds core lands, but they were the lands of their people and they simply gained independence. Vermilla seized their core lands unjustly during the Spanish-Outremer War(14940-14946AC). Outremer partakes in the pare minimum of diplomacy with Vermilla, as they are not affected by most of each others affairs.


The Republic of Rivia, out of all of the neighboring nations has the most positive relations with Outremer. They like Hispania were once apart of the empire, but rebelled. However Hispania posed a greater threat then Rivia and it was often ignored. With only a handful of wars fought between the two, Rivia and Outremer often don't oppose each other.

In recent years Outremer and Rivia no longer border each other because of Vermilla, but because of the recent Crusade for Narnen, Rivia has entered into the Crusade as they border the plains. Outremer and Rivia have agreed to fight together in the crusade, however Rivia has currently participated the least out of the involved nations.


One of the few nations to ever have relations with the Dwarven Kingdom of Karak, they have a poor relationship. Since it's founding, Karak has been a nation of isolation, with it's dwarves never leaving the mountains, isolating themselves from the world. However in the 12-Decade War(13134-13253AC), the dwarves of Karak tried to leave the mountains and expand their lands, however they didn't know that they were in Outremer lands and due to a misunderstanding, the two nations were engaged in war lasting over a hundred years. This war ended in a stalemate, with the dwarves returning to isolation and Outremer abstaining from interacting with them. And this has remained the case to this day.



The Kingdom of Mordred and Outremer have never bordered each other. Mordred is a nation less then two decades old, but if they are like their predecessor kingdom, the Kingdom of Astaroth, then they will surely hate each other. Astaroth was a kingdom that fought with Outremer many times, with wars as numerous as their main rival. But since the Spainard Rebellion, Outremer hasn't bordered Astaroth, but they still remember the grudges. At present Mordred and Outremer have had no contact with each other.



Outremer's longest rival, the Kingdom of Gaelem. Since Outremer's founding by Norman "The Lionheart" de Normandie, it was destined for his once friend, now rival Gaelem the Great to fight. Although they never fought with their nations at their back, their descendants did. With several dozens of wars fought between the two, Outremer and Gaelem are sworn enemies. Since the Spainard Rebellion, Outremer hasn't bordered Gaelem, ceasing their wars against each other. At present Gaelem and Outremer have no contact with each other.

Agriculture & Industry

The agriculture and industry of Outremer are fundamental to its economy and societal structure, sustaining both the population and its military might.  


Outremer's fertile lands, particularly in the Eustrian plains, make agriculture one of the kingdom's primary sectors. The region benefits from abundant rivers and fertile soil, making it a hub for grain, vegetables, and fruit production.

  • Staple Crops: Wheat, barley, oats, and rye form the backbone of agricultural production, ensuring food security for the population and military.
  • Cash Crops: Vineyards and olive groves are widespread, producing wine and olive oil, which are not only local staples but also valuable export commodities.
  • Livestock: Sheep, cattle, and horses are raised extensively, providing meat, wool, milk, and leather. The horses, particularly, are prized for Outremer’s renowned cavalry, and breeding warhorses is a prestigious industry.
  • Farms and Estates: Small family farms dot the countryside, while large estates are controlled by noble families and religious orders, often worked by peasants or sharecroppers.
  • Irrigation: An intricate system of canals and irrigation channels in certain regions ensures crop yields, even in drier periods.


While agriculture dominates the rural economy, industry in Outremer has developed around key resources and crafts, supporting both the domestic economy and military expansion.

  • Metalworking: Outremer is known for its iron and steel production, which is crucial for forging weapons, armor, and tools. Skilled blacksmiths produce high-quality arms for knights, particularly for the prestigious cavalry forces. The Karak Mountains to the north provide a steady supply of raw ores, including iron, copper, and silver.
  • Textiles: Wool, linen, and leather industries thrive, fueled by local livestock production. Textiles are used for clothing, tapestries, and sails, while leather is crafted into armor, saddles, and harnesses.
  • Wine and Olive Oil Production: The vast vineyards and olive groves support a significant wine and oil industry. These products are important not just for local consumption but are also traded with neighboring regions, providing a source of revenue.
  • Craftsmanship: Artisans in Outremer are skilled in various crafts such as stone masonry, carpentry, and pottery. Religious artifacts, statuary, and fine church adornments are highly valued, with churches often commissioning the best artisans for work on temples and altars.
  • Trade and Commerce: Outremer maintains trade routes with neighboring regions, including the Kingdoms of Hispania and Vermilla. They trade grain, wine, textiles, and metal goods in exchange for exotic spices, luxury items, and mercenaries.
  • Armaments: The production of weapons and siege equipment such as blessed trebuchets and warhorses is a crucial industry, supporting Outremer’s military dominance. Special forges produce divine weaponry for knights and paladins, combining craftsmanship with religious significance.

Trade & Transport

Outremer's trade and transport system is deeply intertwined with its agricultural, industrial, and religious sectors. The fertile plains of Eustria produce grain, vegetables, wine, and olive oil, which are traded between its major cities—Vermandois, St. Louen, and Gabuck—supplying the local population, military, and religious establishments. Wool, linen, and leather are also key trade commodities, crafted into garments, armor, and saddles by skilled artisans for knights and nobility. Metal goods, particularly weapons and armor, are highly valued, with blacksmiths producing for both local markets and military contracts. The Ashina River serves as a vital trade artery, connecting Outremer to southern regions and enabling the efficient movement of goods like grain and olive oil. Additionally, the kingdom's pilgrim routes to its holy sites support both religious tourism and commerce, driving economic growth through the influx of pilgrims and the trade that follows their journeys.


Education in Outremer is dominated by religious institutions, where young boys, primarily from noble or wealthy families, are taught literacy, scripture, and basic mathematics, with the study of Solomon - God of Life, the patron god, forming the core of their curriculum. Nobility also receive training in leadership, warfare, and chivalric values through private tutors or knightly orders, while higher education in philosophy, rhetoric, and law is largely reserved for the elite at the University of Vermandois (Fleur University), the kingdom's only notable secular institution. Commoners, who rarely access formal education, may learn practical skills through apprenticeships or by joining the clergy. Despite these educational structures, literacy rates in Outremer are extremely low, with less than 4% of the population being literate, including many nobles. The university remains inaccessible to most due to high costs, leaving home tutors or apprenticeships as the more common alternative for learning.

By the Will of the Lord

Founding Date
Religious, Holy Order
Alternative Names
Land of Saints, Land of Heroes, Land of Chivalry, Solomon Country
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

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