Oros The Battle of Dragon Los
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The Battle of Dragon Los

Military: Battle


The Dragons are Banished to the Shadow Realm

In a desperate bid to eliminate the threat posed by the Celestial Dragons and their counterparts, Bellerophon harnessed the power of the shadow realm. Understanding that these powerful dragons were a constant problem for him and his forces, Bellerophon devised a plan to remove them from the playing field once and for all.   Engaging in the epic Battle of the Dragon Los, Bellerophon faced off against the Celestial Dragon, Azure Dragon, Star Dragon and Gold Dragon Utilizing the dark energies he had conjured, Bellerophon created a colossal portal, a gateway to the shadow realm. With its immense force, the portal drew in the mighty dragons, one by one, banishing them to the depths of darkness.   This act served as a strategic move by Bellerophon to clear a significant obstacle from his path. By banishing the dragons to the shadow realm, he aimed to neutralize their influence and power, thereby gaining an advantage in the ongoing war. With the celestial dragons and some gold dragons removed from the battlefield, Bellerophon hoped to diminish the forces capable of challenging his dominion over the realms of darkness.

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