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It has been over six thousand years since the end of the Great God War. Hecate- Goddess of Atrocities was one of the leading allies on Babel's side. She relished destruction and desired a return to those once great days of constant mayhem. She began to find a way to do that. The Dark Elves were a relic of their former selves. Without their king they simply fought each other for power. The Dark Elves were the race that worshipped Hecate the most, but even more than that was their first and only king Khaine. They revered him as the god of murder. So Hecate made a plan to revive Khaine the master of murder and mayhem. Hecate would trap Minerva the Virgin Goddess and use her power to revive Khaine. In a gruesome blood ritual Hecate succeeded in reviving Khaine.

Khaine had been dead for over 16 thousand years. He was quite confused but after Hecate informed him. He was prepared to murder and unite his disillusioned kin once more. He found himself with new found powers, powers of a god, a god that was greatly worshipped. All dark elves worshipped him as a god of murder. And just through their devotion alone he truly became a god. Khaine along with Hecate at his side would embark on a journey to reclaim his legendary sword which had been lost to the ages. The Mighty sword after much searching would return to the hands of Khaine who would quickly start feeding the sword with blood, fueling it's power. Khaine would then untie his kin with fear, torture, malice and sheer strength. He would instill the old ways into the dark elves. He would revive the old dark elf ways making them more vicious, deadly and ruthless. True killing machines.

Khaine would then embark on his 300 year long Great Slaughter. He would roam around the world murdering everything that came across him. Whether it be cattle, mortal or god. He spared no one in his sights from quenching his sword's thirst for blood. Khaine would kill millions and with his sheer power would destroy much of the Vlunia continent and splitting it in two. A new continent would form and this would be Rodinia. The Three Goddesses had to defeat Khaine for he was a grave threat to the world. They fought him personally and for many moons. But he had consumed so much power that he was unstoppable. The Three Goddess instead would seal Khaine within his sword and hide the sword away. They would also seal Hecate of her power.

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