Minerva- Virgin Goddess Character in Oros | World Anvil
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Minerva- Virgin Goddess

Beacon of Purity

Minerva, also known as the "Radiant Muse", is a New God of purity, light, virtue, life, healing, and inspiration.

Minerva, the Virgin Goddess, epitomizes purity in its most ethereal form. Her divine essence, untouched by the stain of corruption or the shadows of darkness, illuminates the realms with a radiant clarity. In her presence, the air seems to shimmer with untainted qualities, inspiring all who encounter her to aspire to goodness and virtue. Her divine powers, veiled in mystique, transcend mortal comprehension. The influence she exerts upon the world is profound, an extraordinary force that beckons the hearts of mortals towards the path of righteousness. Minerva's essence, like a beacon of unblemished light, encourages the pursuit of noble deeds and the embrace of virtuous actions.

  Yet, amidst the unmatched purity of hers, tragedy struck. Captured by the malevolent Hecate- Goddess of Atrocities, Minerva became an unwitting pawn in her dark scheme. Exploiting her divine essence, Hecate harnessed Minerva's powers to resurrect the ancient Dark Elf king, Khaine- God of Murder. Minerva's divine light would extinguish to fulfill this nefarious purpose.

Divine Domains

Minerva's divine domain is purity, light, virtue, life, healing, and inspiration.
Divine Classification
New God
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Beacon of Purity
Radiant Muse
Unsullied Grace
Pure Goddess
Currently Held Titles
1000 AC 7700 AC 6700 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Hecate
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White

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