Hecate- Goddess of Atrocities Character in Oros | World Anvil
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Hecate- Goddess of Atrocities

Dark Matron of Chaos

Hecate, also known as the "Mistress of Malevolence", the "Temptress of Doom" and the "Whisperer in the Void" is a New God of atrocities, chaos, manipulation, darkness, destruction, mayhem, malevolence, discord and despair.

Hecate, the elusive Goddess of Atrocities, embodies a complexity that weaves dread and fascination into the very fabric of her being. Her origins remain obscured, a mystery whispered in the shadows. Some tales paint her as a creation of chaos itself, while others depict her as a fallen Celestial, craving dominion over the realms of mortals. What sets Hecate apart is her insatiable appetite for chaos and destruction. She thrives on the discord and violence born from conflict, drawing strength from the suffering of the world. Throughout history, she has gravitated towards those who seek power through malevolent means, skillfully manipulating their ambitions to serve her dark agenda. A master of manipulation, Hecate employs cunning and wiles to shape events and individuals according to her whims. Her influence extends beyond mortal comprehension, twisting the minds of gods and men alike, leading them down paths of darkness and despair. Her role in the revival of Khaine- God of Murder, stands as a testament to her manipulative prowess.

  During the Great God War, Hecate aligned herself with Babel- God of War, finding harmony in their shared desire for widespread destruction. She played a pivotal role in amplifying the conflicts that engulfed the world, sowing discord and chaos wherever she tread. Whereas Babel would start wars through armed conflict, Hecate would start wars by sowing dissent and insighting conflict in the shadows.   One of Hecate's most notorious accomplishments was the revival of Khaine. In a dark ritual, she captured Minerva- Virgin Goddess, and harnessed her divine essence to breathe life back into Khaine. This unholy act unleashed an era of bloodshed and terror upon the world, marking the beginning of the infamous Great Slaughter. Hecate often forges alliances with those who share her penchant for chaos. Her association with Khaine, the God of Murder, epitomizes a sinister partnership that sought to spread fear and destruction far and wide. Their actions during the Great Slaughter left an indelible mark on the annals of history.

  Recognizing the grave threat posed by Hecate and Khaine, The Three Goddesses, champions of light and justice, engaged in a climactic battle against them. The forces of good and order clashed against the rising tide of darkness. In the end, Hecate's power was sealed, curtailing her ability to manipulate and wreak havoc upon the world. The aftermath of this sealing marked a turning point, ushering in an era of restoration and healing for a world scarred by their malevolence.

The whereabouts or condition of Hecate are unknown and it is believed she travels the world and it is hoped that she has perished already.

Divine Domains

Hecate's divine domain is atrocities, chaos, manipulation, darkness, destruction, mayhem, malevolence, discord and despair.

Tenets of Faith

Among those that follow Hecate, her most loyal and numerous of the races are the Dark Elf race, her evil nature fits right in with the dark elf nature.
Divine Classification
New God
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Dark Matron of Chaos
Mistress of Malevolence
Temptress of Doom
Whisperer in the Void
Weaver of Nightmares
Goddess of Unbridled Malevolence
The Veiled Temptress
Queen of Atrocities
Currently Held Titles

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