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With the loss of Dragons, new powers arise.

In response to the dire situation faced by the light forces after the loss of their major fighting force and the split of the remaining dragons, Hestia and Holactie took decisive action. Holactie bestowed upon Hestia a portion of her power to remedy the situation and turn the tides of the war.   Using the granted power, Hestia embarked on the creation of a new race of dragons known as the Sun Dragon . These majestic creatures were infused with the radiant power of Hestia, embodying the essence of the sun itself. Among these Sun Dragons, a select few were bestowed with the power of Holactie, transforming them into Light Dragons capable of wielding the radiant powers of light.   Furthermore, Hestia also sought to bolster the forces of the Aasimar, the chosen warriors of the light. She created a new leader title for the Aasimar, known as the Sun-Touched Aasimar, and imbued them with her own divine power. These Sun-Touched Aasimar became the leaders of the Aasimar race, guiding their kind with the radiance and wisdom of Hestia.   As time passed, the Sun-Touched Aasimar evolved into a distinct race known as the Scourge Aasimar , embodying the power of the sun in their very being. They became a formidable force within the light forces, harnessing the radiant energy to combat the darkness that threatened their realms.   Additionally, Hestia also created a new race of Aasimar called the Kashtira . These unique and powerful female-only Aasimar possessed heightened abilities and stood as a testament to Hestia's divine influence. Their existence brought further strength and diversity to the forces of light, ensuring they were well-equipped to confront the challenges ahead.   Through Hestia's actions, the light forces gained new allies in the form of the Sun Dragons, Light Dragons, Scourge Aasimar, and Kashtira. These empowered beings added a renewed vitality to the fight against Bellerophon and the forces of darkness, offering a glimmer of hope for the eventual triumph of light.

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