Hestia - The Bringer of Light Character in Oros | World Anvil
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Hestia - The Bringer of Light

Goddess of the Sun

"The Sun has Risen Once Again!" -Amen-Ra, High Priest
Hestia, also known as the "Sovereign of Dawn," "Dawn Bringer." the "Mistress of Radiance, the "Great Sun," "Solaria," and as "Harath" and "Crith" in Dwarfish and Elven , is the Celestial God of sunlight, sun, heat, warmth, protection, day, burning, radiance, chivalry, honor, integrity, summer and rebirth.

Hestia is the most worshipped of the celestial gods, for she is the sun and the light that gives life to all of the world, without her there is no Oros, for all must accept her presence whether it be a worm or Grapha- God of Death & Darkness. Hestia is one of the most powerful gods even when compared to the Primordial Gods. Hestia's domain is various concepts but her most important is the sun, for those graced by the sun's rays are empowering not only Hestia but those afflicted by it as well, Hestia is known as a god that doesn't discriminate for beneath the sun all are equal and those willing to act beneath it's gaze are the most chivalrous and honorable, for evil lurks in the shadows and if you are not willing to act in the grace of the sun then whatever you are doing must be cowardly and evil. Those beneath the sun are protected against evil ploys, they are granted warmth and vision, and most of all they are blessed by it.

Hestia is the daughter of Holactie - The Creator of Light and the first Celestial God and the first god not of Nothing. Hestia is often seen as an extension of Holactie for they act similarly and are often hand in hand when dealing with matters. But the difference between the two is that Hestia takes far more action and concern, Holactie will often delegate a task to Hestia and she will fulfill it, but Hestia also pays far more attention to the world and thus bestows more blessings and gifts than her mother does. Holactie is single-minded in her hatred for darkness, whereas Hestia is not so aloof and takes an approach that wont only quell the darkness but also one that benefits the world as a whole and it is for this reason that Hestia is beloved and worshipped far greater than her mother.


During the creation of Oros, Solomon - God of Life had finished making many of his creations, however there was no light on Oros for it was within the realm of Grapha- God of Death & Darkness and Solomon knew that live needed and would thrive with light. And so Solomon pleaded with Holactie - The Creator of Light to bring light to Oros. After much time Holactie would finally bring light to Oros. The domain of Holactie was illuminated solely by herself and to expand her reach to such a small area just to be pushed back was folly. So instead of bringing her light there and being pushed back she would instead plant her light within his domain and make it so that it was of immense power and immovable thus dealing a mighty blow onto Grapha's dominion. Since Holactie can bend light however she pleases, no one, not even Hestia knows how Holactie made her or how long it took. Hestia would be birthed in the Domain of True Light. But she was not blinded by the mere vestige of Holactie like all others and she was able to look upon her creator and mother and see her true self, she would be the only being to ever look upon the true Holactie. Hestia began to absorb the divine light of Holactie in it's purest form and with her mission that her mother implanted onto her since her conception she was prepared to bring light to Oros. Suddenly there was a bright sphere of immense heat and energy near Oros, this would be the first arrival of light upon the young world. This would the birth of the sun.

  Some believe that Hestia is the sun itself and that is her true form, others say that she merely resides in the sun or that she is sitting beside Holactie in Celestia ruling. But what is true about all of these is that Hestia has been revealed herself several times. She is not blinding like her mother and is regarded as wearing some sort of crown with long flowing hair that has a warm feeling to them, she is seen as a humanoid that wears a dress which matches her remarkable eyes that show the flames of the sun within them.

Hestia jointly rules with Holactie in Celestia and other affairs, they are often considered the same being for their decisions never differ from each other. The words of Hestia are the words of Holactie. But she is a far more approachable ruler as she is more friendly towards others and takes measures to deal with trouble that arises unlike her more aloof mother.

Divine Domains

Hestia's divine domain is the light of the sun. Everything that basks in the glory of the sun empowers Hestia. Those that live their lives in the sun's gaze are those empowering Hestia and in turn blessed by her. The sun's reach is nigh-infinte and very few can escape from the sun's rays.

Hestia is worshipped all across the world and some that worship her see her differently as a goddess of protection or of honor and or summer. Those that are touched by the sun are protected against great evils, those willing to take action beneath the sun are those that are honorable. It is during summer that the height of Hestia's power is on full display for all to feel and witness.

In other places she is seen as a goddess of rebirth for the sun will always fall and rise again. Hestia is portrayed in varing ways, she is either beloved or hated, but no matter what, none can ignore the sun and the sun ignores no one.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol of Hestia is often some sort emblem of the sun with a variety of styles.

The animals often associated with Hestia are eagles, Phoenixes, and lions.

Tenets of Faith

There are a large amount of faiths that worship Hestia and each one interprets her tenets in different ways, where some might practice total equality for the sun's indiscriminate gaze, others will instead forgo that in favor of more emphasis on chivalry or rebirth. These are the tenets that are most commonly shared among all followers of Hestia.

  • Quell the evil in the world.
  • All beneath the sun are blessed, judged, protected, strong and or weak. Your lies and truths are always revealed before the presence of the sun
  • If you are to scheme, then do so before the sun for only cowards scheme behind the veil of darkness..
  • Do whatever possible to bring the sun's light to lands long untouched by it.
  • Whenever possible, fight before the sun, laugh before the sun, procreate before the sun, live before the sun, if you cannot, then seek them out and do so with utmost honor and the strongest of convictions.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Bathe all in the sun's radiant glory

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Before The Celestial War Hestia resided within Celestia and sometimes Elysium as it's ruler and managing them.

After the start of the Celestial War, Hestia would take on a more involved role as a advisor/ strategist for the forces of light. Since Holactie wouldn't give concrete orders or tactics other than just destroy the enemy. This is where Hestia would step in and provide support to the forces of light where Holactie did not. On top of that she managed Elysium and was often present on it during the long war. However Hestia was not able to stop the betrayal of Asophiel- Lord of Hell for she had only conversed with Archlord Kristya and he didn't relay the troubles of the other Archons or of the light forces until it was too late. If Hestia had been able to take action earlier enough and quell the frustrations of the archons, perhaps she could have stop their betrayal.

After the banishment of the Dragons, Hestia began to use her vast amount power to make up for the devastating loss to the light forces. Using the power of the sun, Hestia would bathe the eggs of the dragons to create the Sun Dragons. She would do this too with the Aasimar, creating the sun-touched Aasimar which would later evolve into Scourge Aasimar. And finally Hestia would create the powerful Kashtira. These new races would bring much needed aid to the demoralized and beaten light forces.

With the death of Solomon - God of Life, the world was engulfed in total darkness and the light from the sun for 1000 years never touched Oros. It was during this time that Hestia was at her weakest state. She had no attachment to Oros and had no way of being empowered by worship, and soon Hestia and the sunlight would become a myth, thus weaking her even greater. The Cataclysm was an event that not only brought the end of countless species but was a brutal blow to Hestia, Holactie as well was weakened by this and along with Hestia sought a way to end this dark era. At the helm of the cataclysm was Bellerophon who ruled and prospered in this dark world. In order to end the cataclysm and bring light back to the world he needed to die. Holactie and Hestia would use their combined weakened power to create three powerful entities known as The Three Goddesses. These goddesses were tasked with the formidable mission of defeating Bellerophon and restoring light to the world.

In the Mortal Era, Hestia has bestowed her gifts and blessings to many and is worshipped all across the world. She has healed and she has burned those in her light. It is unknown if Hestia will make any major movements during this era of mortals.

Personality Characteristics


Hestia has many motivations
  • Aid her mother in the battle to quell darkness
  • Ensure that the sun is forever bright
  • The prosperity of life on Oros is vital


Hestia - The Bringer of Light

Daughter (Vital)

Towards Holactie - The Creator of Light



Holactie - The Creator of Light

Mother (Vital)

Towards Hestia - The Bringer of Light



Hestia - The Bringer of Light

Niece (Trivial)

Towards Cálecelos - God of Change



Cálecelos - God of Change

Uncle (Trivial)

Towards Hestia - The Bringer of Light



Hestia - The Bringer of Light

Niece (Important)

Towards Grapha- God of Death & Darkness



Grapha- God of Death & Darkness

Uncle (Trivial)

Towards Hestia - The Bringer of Light




All creations of Holactie detest Grapha and Grapha detests them in turn

Solomon - God of Life


Towards Hestia - The Bringer of Light


Hestia - The Bringer of Light


Towards Solomon - God of Life


The Three Goddesses


Towards Hestia - The Bringer of Light


Hestia - The Bringer of Light


Towards The Three Goddesses


Symbol of Hestia
Divine Classification
Celestial God
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Goddess of the Sun
Sun Goddess
Bringer of Dawn
Soverign of Dawn
Mistress of Radiance
Fer(Giant Tongue)
Dawn Bringer
Great Sun
Radiant Protector
Mother Summer
Sun Monarch
Noble Lady
Lady of Warmth
Morning Lady
Lady of Rebirth
Currently Held Titles
Circumstances of Birth
Created by Holactie
Domain of True Light
The Three Goddesses (Daughters)
Yellow Orange
Long Flowing Radiant
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Ruled Locations

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