

Elves have been around for as long as even the longest lived dwarves can remember (much to their displeasure). Their lithe beauty and keen minds are rivaled only by their unusual charisma and uncanny stillness. Some avoid elves just on the premise of being 'weirded out', the tall creatures long limbs and wide eyes getting under humanities skin.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Elves reproduce very slowly, over a period of years. Those with uteruses are fertile only once a year, and if they do manage to conceive a child, carry it for up to a year before giving birth.

Growth Rate & Stages

Elves are not children for long, but linger in the adolescence stage for many years. They absorb most of their learning during this time, picking up any magic or martial prowess, as well as many other skills. They continue to learn into adulthood and beyond, though never as adeptly.
Elves do not look old when they reach that stage in their lives - their hair grows starlit silver, and they often grow more detached from the world around them, withdrawing into their own studies. But they forever appear to be young and vibrant.

Ecology and Habitats

They function best when left to nature, before the war living in sprawling cities with dense trees and fruitful gardens. They could sing to the plants and animals, and sculpted the world to their needs, rather than destroying it.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Many elves tend to be vegetarian, though half-elves tend more toward whichever species of parent they were raised with. It is less of a need and more something that the elves do traditionally, to honor the creatures around them. What meat and animal products they do consume are obtained as humanely as possible.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The elves have largely gone 'underground' in the aftermath of the war. Some of them decided to live in the human settlements, though many of them retreated into their citadels of crystal and wood deep in the forests, never to be seen.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Elves are known for their ability to see great distances in less than satisfactory conditions. Their wide eyes are able to take in more light than the average person, and allow them to see in more minute detail. It is also theorized that elves with odd colored sclera (the color in the eye) may be able to further this ability, but it remains unproven.
Genetic Descendants
Minimum 175 years, maximum 750 years.
Average Height
Minimum 5 ft. 6 in., maximum 6 ft. 8 in.
Average Weight
Minimum 96 lbs, maximum 158 lbs.
Average Physique
Elves tend toward frail looking, though they are sturdier than they appear. Thin and lithe, it is hard for an elf to put on very much weight in either muscle or fat.


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