Eufloria (You-floor-ee-uh)

by Jacopo da Empoli, public domain

  Eufloria is an apothecary located in the City of Wrath that makes itself available to adventurers for potions, salves, unctions, and well as the occasional shipment of different drugs, should the patron seem trustworthy to inform them of this. (Ostelliach does not necessarily ban drugs depending on the location, but the open sale of them is generally seen as tactless.)   Eufloria is owned and ran by Mor Stonesplitter, an Orc ranger with a hearty laugh and keen nose for bullshit. She is always happy to buy odd plants and herbs procured on adventures and is not shy about sampling stock to determine if something is poisonous, often touting her hearty constitution as the reason she is unbothered by most ill effects.  

by Alexandr Leskinen for WoTC, used under fan policy

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