Piras (Peer-as)

  Piras is a nonbinary satyr, the owner of Third Place bookstore.

Physical Description

Body Features

Their fur on their lower half is nearly black, with iridiescent obsidian hooves. They have a generally muscular body, albeit with a little wobble now and then.

Facial Features

Piras is clearly someone who has known deep sadness in their life, as evidenced by the nasty scar of a slave brand on their neck and the nervous twitch in their lip sometimes when listening or deep in thought. However, they have an incredibly endearing crooked smile, eyes that sparkle with an untold joke, and a friendly oval face.

Physical quirks

They have a slight limp and often use arm crutches when standing for long periods of time or if going for walks.

Apparel & Accessories

They wear jewel-toned flowy metallic chiffons and silks draped over their body to obscure their chest and flow effortlessly down to a flirty short length above their knees. They are usually seen with their gnarled teak wood staff, their druidic focus. They wear gold "snake bite" dual golden lip rings and several gold ear piercings to match.

Personality Characteristics


Creating a safe, comfortable space like they always wanted to see.

Representation & Legacy

Although sensitivity was applied to keep the identities generally hidden, some people are aware of Piras's legacy: they are one of a small band of people that were secretly kept as slaves but escaped, subdued their captors, and brought the justice of law upon them. Each of the escapees were able to sue their captors in court for an undisclosed but large sum of money. Presumably, Piras used their share to purchase Third Place, as it's a very large property and bookstores aren't especially profitable in a land with a very accessible library. Piras has made a legacy for themself as a safe space curator, but also whether through name or legend alone is tied to a very badass tale of freedom and justice.   (The slavers were, as far as anyone knows, relegated to the Forgotten Gaol. There is no rehabilitating slavers, The Tryst was too kind for them.)
Current Location
Warm emerald green eyes to match their hair
Curled dark green long-on-top "mohawk" and green stubble shaved sides, trinkets twisted into curls
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deep brown skin with nearly black fur on legs, green facial stubble to match head
Muscular build, particularly in upper body/arms
Quotes & Catchphrases
"It's no good being rude about it, that won't make it better."
Ruled Locations
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