Metallic Dragonborn

In contrast to their chromatic brethren, the Metallic Dragonborn of Ostrium are known for their noble and benevolent nature, embodying the virtues and values of their metallic dragon ancestors. With scales that gleam like precious metals in the sunlight, they radiate an aura of wisdom, honor, and compassion.   Each Metallic Dragonborn inherits the unique abilities of their metallic dragon forebears, including the power to breathe forth cones of fire, streams of acid, clouds of gas, or bolts of lightning with incredible precision and control. Their scales provide them with natural armor and protection against physical and elemental attacks, while their innate magical abilities allow them to heal wounds, cleanse toxins, and manipulate the elements to aid their allies.   In terms of temperament, Metallic Dragonborn are known for their wisdom, compassion, and sense of justice, often serving as protectors and champions of the weak and downtrodden. They are skilled diplomats and mediators, using their charisma and intelligence to resolve conflicts and foster harmony among disparate factions.   Despite their noble and benevolent nature, Metallic Dragonborn are not to be underestimated in battle, for they possess formidable martial prowess and arcane abilities that rival those of their chromatic brethren. They are fierce defenders of their lands and their people, willing to lay down their lives to protect the innocent and uphold the values of honor and righteousness.

Basic Information


The behavior and psychology of Metallic Dragonborn are deeply influenced by their unique relationship with their metallic dragon ancestors, marked by a sense of reverence, responsibility, and a strong commitment to upholding the virtues and values of dragonkind. From an early age, Metallic Dragonborn are instilled with a profound sense of pride in their mixed heritage, viewing themselves as heirs to a legacy of wisdom, nobility, and ancient magic.   One of the defining characteristics of Metallic Dragonborn is their unwavering sense of duty and responsibility towards both mortal beings and dragonkind. Raised in the shadow of their metallic dragon ancestors, they are taught from a young age to embody the virtues of honor, justice, and compassion in all aspects of their lives. They strive to uphold these values in their interactions with others, seeking to emulate the noble deeds and selfless acts of their draconic kin.   Furthermore, Metallic Dragonborn possess a deep-seated reverence and admiration for their metallic dragon ancestors, viewing them as paragons of wisdom, strength, and benevolence. They look to their draconic forebears for guidance and inspiration, drawing upon their ancient wisdom and insights to navigate the complexities of the world with grace and dignity. As such, Metallic Dragonborn often seek to honor their draconic heritage through acts of service, sacrifice, and devotion to the greater good.   In terms of temperament, Metallic Dragonborn are known for their calm demeanor, patience, and diplomacy, often serving as mediators and peacemakers in times of conflict. They possess a keen understanding of human nature and a natural talent for negotiation, able to defuse tense situations and resolve disputes with skill and tact. However, beneath this outward facade of serenity lies a fierce determination and resilience, as Metallic Dragonborn are willing to stand up for what they believe in and defend the values of honor and justice at all costs.   Despite their noble and benevolent nature, Metallic Dragonborn are not without their flaws and weaknesses. They may struggle with feelings of inadequacy or insecurity, constantly striving to live up to the lofty expectations placed upon them by their metallic dragon ancestors. They may also wrestle with their dual identity as both mortal beings and dragonkind, feeling torn between two worlds and unsure of where they truly belong.   In conclusion, the behavior and psychology of Metallic Dragonborn are shaped by their unique relationship with their metallic dragon ancestors, marked by a sense of reverence, responsibility, and a strong commitment to upholding the virtues and values of dragonkind. With their calm demeanor, diplomatic skills, and unwavering sense of duty, Metallic Dragonborn stand as proud and noble representatives of their mixed heritage, striving to embody the ideals of honor, justice, and compassion in all aspects of their lives.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Metallic Dragons

The relationship between Metallic Dragons and their Dragonborn offspring is one of profound significance and reverence, marked by a sense of awe, admiration, and a belief in the Dragonborn's potential as a bridge between mortal races and dragonkind. In the eyes of the Metallic Dragons, the Dragonborn are seen as a unique and precious link connecting two worlds, possessing the traits and attributes of both mortal beings and true dragons in equal measure.   Unlike their chromatic counterparts, Metallic Dragons view their Dragonborn offspring with a sense of pride and admiration, recognizing their mixed heritage as a source of strength and diversity. Born from the union of dragon and humanoid, the Dragonborn embody the virtues and values of both races, serving as living embodiments of the harmonious coexistence between mortal beings and dragonkind.   In the eyes of the Metallic Dragons, the Dragonborn are seen as intermediaries and emissaries, entrusted with the sacred task of fostering understanding and cooperation between mortals and dragons. They are valued for their unique perspective and insight, able to navigate the complexities of both worlds with grace and diplomacy. As such, Metallic Dragons often take an active interest in the upbringing and education of their Dragonborn offspring, guiding them on their journey to fulfill their potential as mediators and peacemakers.   Furthermore, the Metallic Dragons regard their Dragonborn offspring as heirs to a legacy of wisdom, knowledge, and ancient magic, passed down through generations of dragonkind. They believe that the Dragonborn possess the innate ability to tap into the primal energies of the world and channel them for the benefit of all beings, transcending the boundaries of race and species in their pursuit of harmony and enlightenment.   As a result of this belief, Metallic Dragons often treat their Dragonborn offspring with a sense of reverence and respect, viewing them as equals and partners in their quest for peace and understanding. They may entrust them with important tasks and responsibilities, such as serving as emissaries to mortal kingdoms or representing dragonkind in diplomatic negotiations. In return, the Dragonborn honor their draconic heritage and uphold the values of honor, justice, and compassion that define their metallic dragon ancestors.   In conclusion, the relationship between Metallic Dragons and their Dragonborn offspring is one of mutual respect, admiration, and trust, characterized by a shared commitment to fostering understanding and cooperation between mortal races and dragonkind. As the missing link between two worlds, the Dragonborn serve as ambassadors of peace and harmony, embodying the virtues and values of both mortal beings and true dragons in their quest to unite disparate factions and forge a brighter future for all.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Related Ethnicities


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