Mayor Casran Fiddlesmith Character in Our "D'Town D&D" Game | World Anvil
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Mayor Casran Fiddlesmith

A no-nonsense and diplomatically saavy woman, Casran has mastered the art of the balance between her usual two counterparts in government function, Lt. Commander Sanders Cobcastle and Priest at Arms Keph. Reliant on protocol and procedure, she's an even, although sometimes slow, hand that shapes the future of her town of Mudwater.   In her meeting with Duke Orion Latchfoot, she offered the purported diplomat passage to the capital, Riverbell, whereupon his diplomatic duties could be pursued properly.   It was noted in the meeting that she has a husband and children, although their details are unknown to Bulgey.
Sharp, black.
Shoulder length brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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