
Gothique is the language spoken by the ruling classes of Normandy, the planet where Renaud and Baudouin d'Châtillon hailed from. Widely considered to be a variant of Low Gothic enriched with loan words and syntax from High Gothic, analysis by Magi Archaeolinguistae suggests it is a actually a partial debasement of High Gothic. It has been preserved by the ruling classes of Normandy as a status symbol and has been adopted by Outremer as the official language.  


  The word "Outremer" means "Beyond the Gulf" in Gothique, and appears as a proper noun in many names, titles and phrases. When these are translated to Low Gothic Outremer is rarely translated, instead remaining as a proper noun (e.g. Les Chevaliers d'Outremer are known as "The Knights of Outremer"). Where it is translated, the word "of" is dropped from the construction of "d'Outremer" (of Outremer) (e.g. The Knights Beyond the Gulf).
Root Languages

Author's Notes

  Gothique is represented by pseudo-French (in the same way High Gothic is represented by pseudo-Latin), although the language would be unintelligible to modern speakers. The name of the language itself is the French word for "Gothic"