
A Knight-World of the Eastern Fringe near (in galactic terms) Brimlock and closely allied with it. When the Damocles Gulf Crusade was called by Cardinal Gurney, Normandy sent a number of Knights and allied forces to take up the Aquila. Formally, the household of Gui de Lusignan was sent as the Norman contribution, but Renaud d'Châtillon foreswore his oaths, declared himself Freeblade, and led his family on crusade.   The language of Normandy is Gothique, a variant of Imperial Gothic. Norman forges are famed for their plasma technology, and their Knights have highly efficient reactors and are armed with more plasma weapons than is usual. Thanks to the presence of Norman Sacristans in the realm of Outremer, Les Chevaliers d'Outremer field more plasma weapons than the average Astartes force.


  As an Imperial world Normandy makes extensive use of the Aquila as an icon representing the Imperium and its government (the origin of the two heads symbolizing the union of Terra and Mars is frequently forgotten in these latter millennia). In addition Normans make more-frequent use of the single-headed eagle than is common in the wider Imperium, symbolizing the Emperor Himself. Standards of gilded eagles (known as aigle de drapeau (Gothique: "flag eagle")) are carried by Norman military units in addition to regimental colors, symbolizing the leadership of the Emperor.   The symbol of the ruling Knightly Houses on Normady has always been the lion (as seen in the heraldry of Gui de Lusignan. Other houses such as that d'Châtillon were denied the use of the lion as a charger (something that may have been a factor in their lord's discontent and rebellion). Nevertheless the imagery of the lion as signifying royalty in the minds Normans was so strongly embedded that even after the Damocles Crusade and the establishment of Outremer, the lion has been used several of Baudouin d'Châtillon's descendants as a symbol of their royal authority (particularly Hodierna La Lionne Rouge and her federal county of The Three Cities. The Royal Guard of Montréal in service to La Reine Melisende of Outremer also make use of lion imagery in their armor.